Reply To: The Taproom

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony The Taproom Reply To: The Taproom


    RRRhuuuoooommmm … is it a habit of yours, Master Caster, to call in here walking through the back door checking Master Barliman’s supply of liquids by tasting it once you’re sure that no one’s watching you ? …. huoommm …
    hom …. so I might help myself with a bowl of that clear clean water … rhuoommm … well, Master hsf62, we recently talked about those tiny metal-things ….. huoomm … not the coiny ones our barkeep prefers … huoommmm … as for the birds …. huoommm … three there are showing poses of a starting falcon …. methinks … rhuoommm … first step is with the M84-Radagast (telling the bird where to fly to) …. huoommm …. the LR3-Radagast reassures if the bird got it right where to fly to lifting his left arm to let the creature know that it should start moving…huoommm … with the Sagath animist, some people call M18, the bird starts flapping away …. rhuoommm … that’s all about birds I know made by The Man … rhuoommm … except those eagles, of course …. hom