Reply To: The Ghost Warriors module

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Court of Ardor The Ghost Warriors module Reply To: The Ghost Warriors module

MMP Elder

    Menoïb   M170 : MENOÏB™, DUNLENDING™ Chieftain

    Menoib was the chieftain of the Mhaigren clan in the 1700s of the Third Age.
    A brave and accomplished man, he had the dark fortune to rule in the time when the dark priestess Tughaib raised her army of Ghost Warriors. His warband fought long against the wights of the mountains, but their weapons were no use agains the undead. Worse, his fallen warrior companions would then return as walking dead, gliding out of the dark, hungering for the living.
    Menoib protected the aged priest, Solophen, from the taunts of the clan warriors, and gladly paid outside adventurers to help him save his people from the dead.