Reply To: Beregond, Bergil and Pippin, Maybe?

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Art Gallery of Mayor Samwise Beregond, Bergil and Pippin, Maybe? Reply To: Beregond, Bergil and Pippin, Maybe?

Participant wrote:
    I agree with that. Absolute fantastic. Especially the ships: Wow! I am planning to create something concerning the grey havens for a decade or so, but I fail on the point with the ship ! This crusade Kogge from ZVESDA- a russian model shop !-is the best. It´s worth looking at the other stuff from them: ( somebody out there who is understanding that curyllic . . . ) It is better to google with the words zvesda and ships !
    the grey havens: Puuhhh- I think I should think about it . . .

    I have a Santa Maria by Revell/Heller? which is in the process of becoming ‘The Last Elven-ship’, or at least the passing of Frodo, Gandalf etc. at the end of the story. With a bit of converting it will hopefully turn into a nice Elven ship (but don’t hold your breath for a finished result though ;) ), I’m sort of holding back a bit partly because this scene to me is closure on The Lord of the Rings, and it would be kind of sad to see the characters sailing off, but sentiments aside I will try and get it finished one day, lol.

    If Zvesda do the Santa Maria as well then that would probably be a nicer model going by the quality of the Kog which exceeded my expectations.