A mithril bucket

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  • #686

      I found out a Mithril Bucket (in fact a plastic bucket full of mithrils :D) on a market in a small village next to mine. It come from a former RPG club.

      It will take some time to classify the figures and join all the parts (you can see on the picture) as my job and my girls fill in already my days (and nights). I will share the list and let them go with priority for incomplete collection (and I just keep some of them).

      I always enjoy Strolling “brocantes” and village market …

      [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/485_img_1059.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/485_img_1059.jpg[/imgz]
      [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/485_img_1060.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/485_img_1060.jpg[/imgz]
      [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/485_img_1058.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/485_img_1058.jpg[/imgz]


        I found out a Mithril Bucket (in fact a plastic bucket full of mithrils :D) on a market in a small village next to mine. It come from a former RPG club.

        It will take some time to classify the figures and join all the parts (you can see on the picture) as my job and my girls fill in already my days (and nights). I will share the list and let them go with priority for incomplete collection (and I just keep some of them).

        I always enjoy Strolling “brocantes” and village market …

        [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/485_img_1059.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/485_img_1059.jpg[/imgz]
        [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/485_img_1060.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/485_img_1060.jpg[/imgz]
        [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/485_img_1058.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/485_img_1058.jpg[/imgz]

        MMP Elder

          I see many rares in this lot but what surprises me most is that I think I recognize some recent releases as well! Such as Cirdan.

          quite a find indeed!


            I didn’t ask a lot of questions as the seller was not a collector at all, even doesn’t know about Middle-earth.
            A lot of figures are not complete or are a bit damaged as scrap in the visage while others are still with item linked with original lead as M14.
            I count also up to 10 times the same figure.


              wow, this is almost better than christmas, congratulations! here’s looking forward to the list!


                There are many villages around me where is often organized village fairs, but on non of them I can not find bucket full of mithril figures…. :( If you decide to sell some of them – INCOMPLETE ( without arm…etc…. ) for a cheep prices I will be interested… send us a list once when you find few minutes…. thanks…. :)


                  Well I think I can see an M210 :)!!!

                    Thingol wrote:
                    There are many villages around me where is often organized village fairs, but on non of them I can not find bucket full of mithril figures…. :

                    In the 90′, we may find a lot of RPG clubs even in small village. Each village host a youth house “maison des jeunes”, freely provided by the local authorities. happy time :rolleyes:


                      That is a great find and it’s also great you propose to share this with us. Merci !
                      On my side, if any, I would be interrested in non broken [mith]M24[/mith], [mith]M26[/mith] (horse or complete), [mith]M30[/mith] (horse, banner, sword or complete)

                      MMP Elder

                        as for myself, I’m interested in a M31 even if broken or missing the horse, I miss the genuine M31 sword (and also M16 but well.. hehe

                          Milo wrote:
                          That is a great find and it’s also great you propose to share this with us. Merci !
                          On my side, if any, I would be interrested in non broken [mith]M30[/mith] (horse, banner, sword or complete)

                          same here—looking for an [mith]m30[/mith] with intact sword and banner/standard.

                          apart from that, [mith]m6[/mith], [mith]m9[/mith], [mith]m14,[/mith] [mith]m16[/mith], [mith]m17[/mith], [mith]m18[/mith], [mith]m78[/mith], and [mith]m239[/mith] are the ones that interest me the most at the moment, if intact and complete.


                            Too bad, I sold [mith]M6[/mith] last week. You should have told me. :/
                            I still have MIB [mith]M17[/mith], unprimed [mith]M239[/mith] and also don’t forget I still keep [mith]MW336[/mith] for you Tomislav ;).

                              Milo wrote:
                              don’t forget I still keep [mith]MW336[/mith] for you Tomislav ;).

                              i know! i’ll list a lot of my dupes this weekend to gather the money for the warband and the or16. can’t let this linger on forever … :rolleyes:


                                W H A T A T R E A S U R E !

                                  Mornedhel wrote:
                                  Thingol wrote:
                                  There are many villages around me where is often organized village fairs, but on non of them I can not find bucket full of mithril figures…. :

                                  In the 90′, we may find a lot of RPG clubs even in small village. Each village host a youth house “maison des jeunes”, freely provided by the local authorities. happy time :rolleyes:

                                  …. Well, these are the achievements of western civilization. :) :) :)


                                    In our former country, in every village we had a “fire-halls” with a dance floor…. ;)

                                    Even today in the 21st century. Without the internet it would be been impossible to collect any mithril collection here…. no buckets, no shops, no collectors…. :( I know it is not Kazakhstan but any way…. :)


                                      Awesome find, every village should have one!

                                      I would be interested in a complete M247 Noldor Elf Warrior and M221 Beleg Strongbow if you come across them.


                                        Beleg I recently found one in Blister if not in the bucket.;)


                                          Milo, I’ve sent you a PM.


                                            Master Gondolin, you have another chance to bid on [mith]M247[/mith] here:

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