A Wandering Elf in need *recruiting open*
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › A Wandering Elf in need *recruiting open*
- This topic has 20 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 10 months ago by Gildor.
February 15, 2008 at 10:10 am #215
*Nob begins to fix a large pannel at the entrance of the inn with his little hammer and some used nails*
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Gildor Inglorion, rightly named “the Wandering Elf”, is recruiting active volunteers to help him in his hard task of referencing all existing figurines from Mithril. Each volunteer will be assigned one task. (If he volunteers for more, it is up to him or her) There are three main needs of help, these are :-getting copyright/release date info for each figurine (it counts as one task)
-checking the redundant occurences of some particulary known characters appearing several times in all Mithril range (the current redundancy list will be posted as Annex to this announce) (it counts as one task)
-Getting a description for each figurine. Description may include : technical information related to the “history” of the figurine making/rarity/release issues AND/OR character background (absolutly required for all MERP characters) AND/OR a quote from the books related to this figurine in particular (quote in italic, source in bold) (this counts as five tasks, as follows : One first “batch” is to check and correct/complete all the existing reference in the database from M1 to M124, then groups of 125 figurines MAXIMUM : M125-M250, M251-M375, M376-M500, and also MC-MCD, LR-LT-LO-Christmas. that makes 5 lots and thus 5 tasks, if we have more volunteers, we can make smaller batches)All these info are to be sent directly to his mailbox (not in private message this time) using the special writing technique used as “.DOC” . For examples regarding the description requirements, you can check the existing ones in the database and use the same model. the pre-formated sentences in bold/italic/red mentionning figurines are from MERP are to be kept in the same form for all MERP figurines not yet filled.
So, who will help the gentle Elf? Submit your candidature at the bottom of this pannel :
Volunteer for Dates?
Volunteer for Redundancy?
Volunteer for description Batch 1 (M1-124)?
Volunteer for description Batch 1 (M125-250)?
Volunteer for description Batch 1 (M251-375)?
Volunteer for description Batch 1 (M376-500)?
Volunteer for description Batch 1 (MC/MCD,LO,LR,LT,Christmas)?You are free to choose several tasks depending on your availability, but once a person is affected to one task, no other will choose the same task (it is in order to avoid parallel working and wasting time and effort for all of you)
*Nob finishes hammering the little nails, then leaves back for inside the inn, carrying his little stool with him*
Coming master Butterbur!! Don’t hit me on the head!
February 15, 2008 at 10:10 am #1342*Nob begins to fix a large pannel at the entrance of the inn with his little hammer and some used nails*
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Gildor Inglorion, rightly named “the Wandering Elf”, is recruiting active volunteers to help him in his hard task of referencing all existing figurines from Mithril. Each volunteer will be assigned one task. (If he volunteers for more, it is up to him or her) There are three main needs of help, these are :-getting copyright/release date info for each figurine (it counts as one task)
-checking the redundant occurences of some particulary known characters appearing several times in all Mithril range (the current redundancy list will be posted as Annex to this announce) (it counts as one task)
-Getting a description for each figurine. Description may include : technical information related to the “history” of the figurine making/rarity/release issues AND/OR character background (absolutly required for all MERP characters) AND/OR a quote from the books related to this figurine in particular (quote in italic, source in bold) (this counts as five tasks, as follows : One first “batch” is to check and correct/complete all the existing reference in the database from M1 to M124, then groups of 125 figurines MAXIMUM : M125-M250, M251-M375, M376-M500, and also MC-MCD, LR-LT-LO-Christmas. that makes 5 lots and thus 5 tasks, if we have more volunteers, we can make smaller batches)All these info are to be sent directly to his mailbox (not in private message this time) using the special writing technique used as “.DOC” . For examples regarding the description requirements, you can check the existing ones in the database and use the same model. the pre-formated sentences in bold/italic/red mentionning figurines are from MERP are to be kept in the same form for all MERP figurines not yet filled.
So, who will help the gentle Elf? Submit your candidature at the bottom of this pannel :
Volunteer for Dates?
Volunteer for Redundancy?
Volunteer for description Batch 1 (M1-124)?
Volunteer for description Batch 1 (M125-250)?
Volunteer for description Batch 1 (M251-375)?
Volunteer for description Batch 1 (M376-500)?
Volunteer for description Batch 1 (MC/MCD,LO,LR,LT,Christmas)?You are free to choose several tasks depending on your availability, but once a person is affected to one task, no other will choose the same task (it is in order to avoid parallel working and wasting time and effort for all of you)
*Nob finishes hammering the little nails, then leaves back for inside the inn, carrying his little stool with him*
Coming master Butterbur!! Don’t hit me on the head!
February 15, 2008 at 11:15 am #1343Appendice 1 : Current Redundancy List :
Unless some major characters are to be released by Mithril, who have not yet been released at all so far, the list of names is not to be updated, only the occurences of these names. In case You notice some major character missing from this list, please add it at the very bottom of the list in bold. This list is not very up to date, so it will require modifications (I overlooked the MC-MCD references but could you please add them?) All modifications must be done in red..but as you can see it is quite well filled already.Frodo&Sam : M113,M123,MB237,M287,M327,M332,MV373,MV374,MV375,MV376,M393,MB396,LR23,LO2,LO3,LO30
Galadriel : M1,M136,M205,M400,M423b,LR9,LO10,MA1,Chr1992
Elrond : M2,M143,M230,MB236,M270,M338,LR6,LR37,LO16,Chr1998
The Witch King : M3,MB279,MS299,MS458,MS495,LR11,LO29,MSA1
Barrow Wight King (or lord) : M24,M255,M256,M257,MV376,LR30
Theoden : M27,M260,MB279,MV361,MV419,LT6,LO22,Chr1997
Gandalf : M52,M125,M176,M228,MB236,MB237,M289,MS299,M350,MV360,MV361,MV362,LT1,LR1,LO1,LO20,Chr1994
Tom Bombadil : M53,MS297,MV375,LR29,LO13
Goldberry : M54,M321,MV375,LR28,LO14
Barliman Butterbur (Innkeeper of Bree) : M55,M387,LR31,Chr1999
Marcho & Blanco : M58,M353
Smaug : M62,MB346,MB422
Thranduil : M63,M234,MB236,MS462
Legolas : M64,M126,MB237,M282,LT3,LO4
Radagast : M84,LR3,Chr2003
Beorn : M85,M86,M233,MB236,MS455
Bilbo : M104,M140,M144,M227,MB236,M341,MV362,MS441,MS453,LR22,LO17
Aragorn (Strider) : M113,M124,M139,MB237,M281,MS298,M343,MS423,MS434,MS459,MS470,LT2,LR32,LO4,ME2,Chr1988
Bill Ferny : M118,LR33
Gimli : M127,MB237,M282,LT4,LO5
Boromir : M128,MB237,M283,MS434,LO9
Merry&Pippin : M129,M183,M184,M185,M196,MB237,MB279,M290,MV419,LR24,LO7,LO8
Master of Esgaroth : M131
Bard Bowman : M132,M235,MB236,Chr1996
Celeborn : M137,M211,M399,LO28
Saruman : M138,M175,MV360,LR2,LO11,LO20
Arwen : M139,MS298,M343,LR40,Chr1991
The Great Gobelin : M141,M231,MB236
Glorfindel : M142,MS495,LR36
Gollum : M144;M232,MB236,M383,MB396,LO17
Nazgul (undefined ones) : M146,M147,M329,M349,MV374,LR20,LR35,LO12
Thorin : M155,M229,MB236,M363,MS453
Thrain : M156
Dain&Azog : M164,M366
Grima Wormtongue : M181,MV331,LO23
Denethor : M195
Bergil : M196
Faramir : M200,M377,MS454,LO26,Chr2004
Ioreth : M202
Amroth : M208
Nimrodel : M209
Turin : M215,M220,M238,M244
Niennor/Niniel : M216,M245
Gwindor : M224,M240
Isildur :MS226,M272,MV359,LR7,LO18,Chr1989,Chr1993
Ghan-Buri-Ghan : M248
Eorl : MS258,MS460
Fram : MX421
Frumgar : MX456
Eomer : M262,MV419,MS470,LO21
Hama : M266, LT11
Gil-Galad : M269,MS435,LR10
Elendil : M271,MS435
Cirdan : M273,MS440,LR8
Eowyn : MB279,M316,MV420,MS454,LO19,Chr2000
Gwaihir : M301
Elrohir : M339,LR39
Farmer Maggot : M348,LR26
Fatty Bolger : M351,LR27
Lobelia&Lotho : M352
Balin : M364,MS453
Gloïn : M365,MS453
Gildor Inglorion : MV373,LR25,LO25
Imrahil : MV420,Chr2002
Bill the Poney : M393,LR34
Elladan : LR38February 15, 2008 at 3:16 pm #1347I’ll head the Department of Redundant Occurences Department. 😆 (Yeah, bad joke…)
I’ll volunteer for description Batch 1 (MC/MCD,LO,LR,LT,Christmas), but I have to make sure I can save files as .docs. I might need a little help if there are any MERP figs.
February 19, 2008 at 8:34 pm #1436Well, Nob, it will need some time to check your list … I’ll have a closer look (as I remember there’s someone keeping up such a list – but it’s not me, I just save some of those things) .. here it is…. I found it …
I think first of all there could be an alphabetical order in it … don’t you think so?
So starting with:Adunaphel LR13
Akhorahil LR14
Aragorn 113,124,139,281,343,423,434,LR32,LT2,ME2,LO4
….Is it that you asked for?
Your above list is absolutely incomplete. Sorry to say that.
So I could provide a more complete list in alphabetical order (which makes it easier for people looking for certain releases … so to say) though it has not been revised for about a year or so … I might ask good old Axel to update that. Otherwise I would have to type that myself as there’s only a hardcopy at my desk … anyway … I could provide that, of course.
Let me know.February 19, 2008 at 9:38 pm #1437well if it is incomplete please feel free to do so
but I only put in this list : personnalities, and those who have more than one occurence (exception for some ones which I forgot to remove from the list)
a character appears in this list only if there is at least two figurines for this character in the whole ranges.
Puting it in alphabetical order yes that’s my plan too…
It is a workign document only. it will be used to fill the “others” field in the reference sheets of the database, to switch from one occurence of a character to another in a simple click.
March 3, 2008 at 3:27 pm #1574well it seems not a lot of people are volunteering
Still I can’t do all the job alone I feel frankly overwhelmed… I need help…
At the moment, I desperatly need help for description for backgrounds of all non-canon mithril personnalities , that were created in the MERP universe. I need background info on Tolwen the healer, and others… I have the info for all the nazgul, and the orcs of mount gundabad (as I managed to get hold on this info before MMP disappears) but I still need help for Fangorn forest MERP characters and others ….
anyway thanks for your time if you can lend me any of it…
March 4, 2008 at 7:26 pm #1593I hope you know I try to help, Gildor. At the moment my desk is piled up with that much work I have to do because of my job … alas.
I didn’t even find the time last week to take the pics of the MwSaruman’s Army.
I cannot help you with those descriptions of the old MERP figures at all.
I can feel how much you’re overwhelmed with work to do for this site … but let me know you that I’ll try to do what I can, whenever there’s some time I can spend … so next will be the list we last talked about (I still have to print with two fingers) …. let’s see if that’s ok for a “working document” as you called it …March 4, 2008 at 8:15 pm #1595The list is from Nov 2005 by Axel Schudak … I just saved the hard-copy, so I’m reprinting:
Adunaphel LR13
Akhorahil LR14
Allater LR4
Amroth 208
Anarion 274
Anborn 383
Aragorn 113,124,139,281,343,423,434,LR32,LT2,ME2,LO4
Argeleb 354
Arhendrhiril 64
Arwen 139,343,LR40,CH1
Artus CH 95
Azog 164
Balin 343,MS453
Balrog 300
Bard 132,235,CH96
Barliman 387,LR31,CH99
Beleg 221
Beorn 85,86,233
Beregond CH02
Bergil 196
Beruthiel MS438
Bilbo 62,104,140,144,227,341,362,MS441,MS453,LR22,LO17
Bill Ferny 118, LR33
Bill the Pony 393,LR34
Blancho 58b,353
Boromir 128,283,434,LO9
Brandir 243
Brodda 241
Burzash MX436
Celeborn 137,211,399,LO28
Celebrimbor 225
Cirdan 273,MS440,LR8
Cirion 258
Dain 164,366
Damrod 380
Deagol 83
Denethor 195
Dernhelm -> Eowyn
Dori 140
Dwalin MS453
Dwaw LR15
Elendil 271,435
Elladan LR38
Elrohir 339,LR39
Elrond 1,143,226,230,270,338,LR6,LR37,CH98,LO16
Eomer 262,419,LO21
Eorl 258
Eowyn 279,316,LO19 (+CH)
Erkenbrand LT7
(?) Fangorn 185
Faramir 200,377,LO26,CH04
Fatty Bolger LR27
Fatty Lumpkin LR29
Fimbrethil 188
Findulas 240
Forlong the old 424
Fram MX421
Freddy Bolgar 351
Frodo 113,123,287,327,332,373,374,375,376,LR23,LO2,LO30
Gaffer LR27
Galadriel 2,136,205,400,LR9,MA1,LO10
Gallion 66
Gamling LT5
Gandalf 52,125,176,228,289,299,350,360,361,362,LR1,LT1,CH94,LO1,LO20
* not complete: MS 290 not considered
Ghan-Buri-Ghan 248
Gil-Galad 269,435,LR10
Gildor Inglorion 373,LR25,LO25hmmm … this is where I want to stop for today. Of course I can type the rest of the list … but Gildor, is it of any use for you? … you mind that it has not been updated since Nov. 05.
I just want to let me know … of course I’m aware that this simply is a working sheet … somehow I don’t know how to help you withyour brilliant work for the new MMP … so tell me please, if I should type the rest of the alphabetical order from 05 … I’d like to help wherever I can …March 4, 2008 at 11:52 pm #1599you will notice my dear master ent, that if you remove all the “single appearence” references from your list , my own list was quite complete
As I said, I only need “cross references”, not all personnalities, but only those with at least two occurences
Indeed… any figurine that could be released in the future could generate a new “entry” in this list for characters who were only casted once before…. For example, what if Palando or Alatar were to be released in the M series….they would have double entry with the LR seriestoo bad we don’t have more Palando and Alatar… but doing that NOW could generate a big issue and problem with TE… At the time of LR releases , istari names and nazgul ICE names were not a problem… It may be, now
(NB : Alatar and Palando are not inventions from ICE but true names of the blue wizards, as mentionned in Unfinished Tales Appendices, and UT is not covered by Tolkien Enterprise…)
March 5, 2008 at 2:56 pm #1616sorry for taking your time reading my list … I really should have noticed … just wanted to help …
March 28, 2008 at 12:07 am #1809Appendice 1 : Current Redundancy List :
Unless some major characters are to be released by Mithril, who have not yet been released at all so far, the list of names is not to be updated, only the occurences of these names. In case You notice some major character missing from this list, please add it at the very bottom of the list in bold. This list is not very up to date, so it will require modifications (I overlooked the MC-MCD references but could you please add them?) All modifications must be done in red..but as you can see it is quite well filled already.Frodo&Sam : M113,M123,MB237,M287,M327,M332,MV373,MV374,MV375,MV376,M393,MB396,LR23,LO2,LO3,LO30, MC10, MC35, MCD2
Galadriel : M1,M136,M205,M400,M423b,LR9,LO10,MA1,Chr1992, MC10, MC16, MCD8
Elrond : M2,M143,M230,MB236,M270,M338,LR6,LR37,LO16,Chr1998, MC4, MCD1
The Witch King : M3,MB279,MS299,MS458,MS495,LR11,LO29,MSA1
Barrow Wight King (or lord) : M24,M255,M256,M257,MV376,LR30, MC28, MCD10
Theoden : M27,M260,MB279,MV361,MV419,LT6,LO22,Chr1997, MC22
Gandalf : M52,M125,M176,M228,MB236,MB237,M289,MS299,M350,MV360,MV361,MV362,LT1,LR1,LO1,LO20,Chr1994,MC2 , MC11, MCD1, MCD6
Tom Bombadil : M53,MS297,MV375,LR29,LO13
Goldberry : M54,M321,MV375,LR28,LO14, MC34
Barliman Butterbur (Innkeeper of Bree) : M55,M387,LR31,Chr1999
Marcho & Blanco : M58,M353
Smaug : M62,MB346,MB422
Thranduil : M63,M234,MB236,MS462, MC8, MCD5
Legolas : M64,M126,MB237,M282,LT3,LO4, MC14
Radagast : M84,LR3,Chr2003
Beorn : M85,M86,M233,MB236,MS455, MC7
Bilbo : M104,M140,M144,M227,MB236,M341,MV362,MS441,MS453,LR22,LO17, MC1, MC37, MCD3, MCD4
Aragorn (Strider) : M113,M124,M139,MB237,M281,MS298,M343,MS423,MS434,MS459,MS470,LT2,LR32,LO4,ME2,Chr1988, MC12, MCD7
Bill Ferny : M118,LR33
Gimli : M127,MB237,M282,LT4,LO5, MC14
Boromir : M128,MB237,M283,MS434,LO9, MC13, MCD7
Merry&Pippin : M129,M183,M184,M185,M196,MB237,MB279,M290,MV419,LR24,LO7,LO8, MC15, MC1, MCD2
Master of Esgaroth : M131
Bard Bowman : M132,M235,MB236,Chr1996, MC9, MCD5
Celeborn : M137,M211,M399,LO28
Saruman : M138,M175,MV360,LR2,LO11,LO20, MC17, MCD6, MCD9
Arwen : M139,MS298,M343,LR40,Chr1991
The Great Goblin : M141,M231,MB236, MC5, MCD11
Glorfindel : M142,MS495,LR36, MC6
Gollum : M144;M232,MB236,M383,MB396,LO17, MC1, MC40, MCD3
Nazgul (undefined ones) : M146,M147,M329,M349,MV374,LR20,LR35,LO12, MC25, MC26, MCD10
Thorin : M155,M229,MB236,M363,MS453, MC3, MC36, MCD3
Thrain : M156
Dain&Azog : M164,M366
Grima Wormtongue : M181,MV331,LO23, MC18, MCD9
Denethor : M195, MC20
Bergil : M196
Faramir : M200,M377,MS454,LO26,Chr2004, MC39
Ioreth : M202
Amroth : M208
Nimrodel : M209
Turin : M215,M220,M238,M244
Niennor/Niniel : M216,M245
Gwindor : M224,M240
Isildur :MS226,M272,MV359,LR7,LO18,Chr1989,Chr1993
Ghan-Buri-Ghan : M248
Eorl : MS258,MS460
Fram : MX421
Frumgar : MX456
Eomer : M262,MV419,MS470,LO21, MC23
Hama : M266, LT11
Gil-Galad : M269,MS435,LR10
Elendil : M271,MS435
Cirdan : M273,MS440,LR8
Eowyn : MB279,M316,MV420,MS454,LO19,Chr2000
Gwaihir : M301
Elrohir : M339,LR39
Farmer Maggot : M348,LR26
Fatty Bolger : M351,LR27
Lobelia&Lotho : M352
Balin : M364,MS453, MC38
Gloïn : M365,MS453
Gildor Inglorion : MV373,LR25,LO25
Imrahil : MV420,Chr2002
Bill the Poney : M393,LR34
Elladan : LR38
Treebeard: M185, MC19
Mouth of Sauron: M145, MC24I think I’m done. Let me know if there are any errors.
March 29, 2009 at 12:53 pm #4703As for the Blue Wizards (LR4,LR5):
Can we tell who is who?March 29, 2009 at 3:58 pm #4704Since the books say they both went to the east… it is difficult to know who’s the one who went “south”… Alatar is supposed to be a hunter, and Palando some kind of a seer.
From the pictures I got from MERP and Angus McBride I’d say that Palando is [mith]LR4[/mith] and Alatar is [mith]LR5[/mith] as said in my database.March 29, 2009 at 5:06 pm #4705Thank you, I think this can be right. As for the LR figures by Chris it makes sense. Palando (LR4) has more of a preacher’s pose than Alatar, whose pose is more similar to the LR3 (Radagast).
As you seem to be around filing the LR-ranges, Gildor, I witnessed a mistake some weeks ago.
Listing up the parts of the LR Nazgûl-range you will have to consider that the cloak of some of the figures were casted in two pieces each. So your entry about the parts of the figures is not quite correct. Sorry, I just want to help and can prove what I just said by providing the assembly-instruction for those figures.March 30, 2009 at 11:35 am #4714that’s most possible indeed… actually the problem comes from the fact I had assembled and painted these figurines quite some weeks before filling the info on the database… and the assembling was a bit “too seemless” so I could not retrace all the parts… Please if you can give me the info on the mistakes for the LR11-20 range I would be most grateful
March 30, 2009 at 3:49 pm #4720It’s the same with me, I also already assembled and painted those figures many years ago, but I’m sure to remember that the cloaks of the LR12 and LR14 consist of two parts. I’m not that sure about the cloak of the LR18 though. In case I can find out I will let you know.
March 30, 2009 at 6:50 pm #4724Master Theobald, I can say that you are right concerning the two parts of Akhorahil´ s cloak, because that miniature is right in front of me !
The same must be said concerning the LR 18- Ren the Unclean. Definately ! Because that one is also in front of me.
Unfortunately I can not say anything concerning the LR 12. Maybe you can conclude the same: the LR 16 has got also two cloak-parts !March 31, 2009 at 12:24 pm #4734I just rechecked my database and I found a mistake for LR12 only.
I had already written cape parts(x2) for LR14 and LR18 and counted both parts in the total… as for LR12 I just made the correction.March 31, 2009 at 10:15 pm #4736Hey Gildor, I have found original pics from our favourite company concerning those Nazgul.
I have noticed, that some pics are missing. Are you interested in, or do you have them already.
Where is your child? Not yet on this earth ??! -
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › A Wandering Elf in need *recruiting open*