I think some of you fondly remember MERP modules. I so, you could be interested about a serious group of MERP players (and every other system devoted to Middle-earth) which works tiressly to revise the old material to fit the canon and expand it with the utmost care.
Here you will find treasures of Old, such the official but unpublished supplement “inland Sea”, about Dorwinion and the inner sea of Rhûn LINK. But feel free to wander around the Fan-modules Files and if you want to colaborate, join in (there is a link to do so).
And going on with role-playing nostalgia, the most learned of you will remember the fabolous Other Hands magazine. Now, we have Other Minds !
And last, but not least here you are a pearl if I can say so… a black one. Necromancy Supplement .
The path goes ever on.