Christmas Riddle 2009

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  • #8374

      Alas, Master Erchamion, hasty you are in answering riddely-things.
      But let me please pass on my compliments to your answer about the second riddle. I simply enjoyed reading that again here, as you published the whole of the quotation … to me it still has something of a Hobbitish-dream … but, well … rhuoommm


        Yes, of course it was Sauron … (1 point for sure) … but who was it asking
        “Who is the Lord of the Darkness?” (This is just for fun, no extra-point)

          Theobald wrote:
          Yes, of course it was Sauron … (1 point for sure) … but who was it asking
          “Who is the Lord of the Darkness?” (This is just for fun, no extra-point)


          (You are also very fast too, very fast to a Ent. I haven´t time to finish the previous post….:lol:)


            Sorry, Master Erchamion, but while I was typing your second entry was broadcasted here …
            Yes, right again, even answering a question before it was put … rhuoomm .. that does not happen that often … as far as I can remember …
            of course, it was Ar-Pharazôn
            The source is correct as well … Silmarillion; Akallabêth.


              To me it’s just about fun …. but let me know your next answer before I ask the riddle … ;)

                Theobald wrote:
                Anyway, Master Erchamion, you were fine about the correct order of the signs – though you mixed up the last two … rhuoomm … for me that is just about having a point (that far I could follow you). If you can answer why starting with the third sign was wrong …
                I do hope some others will agree with this decision …

                because ‘ng-nd’ is earlier than ‘th´ in the alphabet??? :rolleyes:


                  That was my reason for simply transposing the first two – the fact that they’re then in the correct order as far as the Angerthas sequence is concerned. There is a logic to my madness, you see (sometimes).


                    Alas … by now I think it’s me tree to give some help …
                    all this is not about any alphabet … rhuoommm …
                    the third of those is first … reading “númen” … (as far as I can recall)
                    The sequence I asked for is not based on any alphabet, as far as I know …
                    But you can be sure that I can prove it.


                      So let’s have another one, some of that lottery kind … (2 points for two correct answers)
                      Rhuoommm …
                      Some time ago I was taking part in shaping that MX-Frumgar (and I did enjoy). But just two of my ideas ideas fot that piece were sculpted (of course I did agree with all the other ideas.)
                      Just to give you some help, I’ll list up details:
                      – pose of the horse
                      – pose of Frumgar
                      – armour
                      – chain at the axe
                      – bow and quiver (from the East)
                      – skin blanket behind the saddle (from the North)
                      – sword design
                      – shield design
                      – design of the helmet

                      As I said, part of this is a lottery. But I can assure that so far no one of the old ‘Frumgar-Team’ took part in this riddle. So it’s up to you just to guess.
                      [Of course I can prove the right answers to this, as I kept record]


                        Well, Master Theobald, I have my last try to join this year´s riddle.
                        Frumgar is one of the finest miniatures EVER !
                        The two ideas for me seem to be:
                        1. the chain at the axe and
                        2. skin blanket behind the saddle
                        ( point 2 has won, at first I thought about the helmet . . . but I don´t think so . . . )


                          I will guess your ideas that were sculpted:
                          1. sword design and
                          2. design of the helmet


                            My guess would be the shield and helmet designs.

                            MMP Elder

                              totally out of randomness :
                              -pose of the horse
                              -design of the helm

                              (too bad I was totally away to answer riddles yesterday :))


                                Let´s play the lottery :)

                                – Design of the helmet
                                – Skin blanket behing the saddle


                                  Well done. I hope that you were not disapPOINTed that witht he last riddle there was no knowledge necessary.
                                  Fact is that I suggested to have a chain at the staff of the axe which has to be worn around the wrist. That prevents losing the weapon even after a hard thrust. When I first tried that myself I thought it was a useful thing; of course that idea was not my invention as in the Middle Ages it was used.
                                  So that point is for Master

                                  When we considered how to shape Frumgar I thought that it should clearly be visible that he’s one of that very ‘old’ Rohirrim. This could best be expressed by the development of the shield design with the Rohirrim. The first and only old design of such a shield The Man provided with the MS280 (Wulf of Edoras), the triple horse that reminds of very old Gaelic patterns. So I suggested The Man to use that shield design fur Frumgar again. I do remember a discussion if a horse tail should be added at the helmet added to the horse-head-crest, but The Man decided not to have this as such a thing might not fit to early Rohirrim appearance. He also had the idea of showing a horse’s head at the pommel of the sword – very nice detail, I think.
                                  All this was decided in June/July 2006.
                                  So, Master Barliman is right with his answer.


                                    Oh I just witnessed that more people are taking part in this Christmessy-riddle. So why not have another one right now? So …

                                    There is a BBC Audio recording of “The Hobbit”. (Very nice to listen to)
                                    Who spoke Gandalf’s part ???

                                    (One more point for a correct answer.)


                                      In the 1968 BBC audio recording of ” The Hobbit”; Heron Carvic was the voice of Gandalf.


                                        No one around … ? Well, anyway I will have to go on, because I want the rest of this year’s Christmas riddles to be put today as there are some stormy-snowingly-wintery things outside that might keep me busy for the rest of the day … rhuoommm … so, I’ll just pass on the last three riddles immediately … maybe I even might give a hint to the first one which so far is not correctly solved …


                                          Alas, I just read that Master Regalrick gave a right answer … Heron Carvic it was indeed.


                                            riddle nr 6 (one point only, as it is a simple one)

                                            Which figure of the upcoming MxUP was nearly completely re-sculpted?

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