Desperately desired

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  • #335

      First- I hope this is the right place for this topic- otherwise Gildor will tell me . . .
      Well- good afternoon, valued mithril enthusiasts !
      I desperatley looking for a special mithril figure to fulfill in a very important way a special diorama.
      This figure is the M 267 ! A rohirrim archer.
      Is there anybody out there ( … think this is a line by Pink Floyd, isn´t it . . . :rolleyes: ) who would like to offer me this miniature ???
      Let´s start rummaging . . .
      [imgz url=][/imgz]

      PS: Remember…..the pic is a mithril copyright ;)


        First- I hope this is the right place for this topic- otherwise Gildor will tell me . . .
        Well- good afternoon, valued mithril enthusiasts !
        I desperatley looking for a special mithril figure to fulfill in a very important way a special diorama.
        This figure is the M 267 ! A rohirrim archer.
        Is there anybody out there ( … think this is a line by Pink Floyd, isn´t it . . . :rolleyes: ) who would like to offer me this miniature ???
        Let´s start rummaging . . .
        [imgz url=][/imgz]

        PS: Remember…..the pic is a mithril copyright ;)

        MMP Elder

          it is the right place christoph :)

          May I suggest a better way to show references , like this : [mith]M267[/mith]
          Simply highlight the reference number and then click on the button with the “m” of mithril between the smiley and the enveloppe in the editing tools just above. and it will directly link the entry in the database. The picture I used is of better quality :)


            Thank you, Gildor. The database is magnificent . . . But you, for example have none ?!


              Don´t despair over …… :D You have a PM ;)


                Hey–Ignacio–look under your personal message box. There waits a big message for you. Thank you very much indeed.
                ” No madeja Do ” :D
                A luego,


                  I also have one, if you still need one.


                    Oh- thank you, Gavin, Erchamion´s packet isn´t here in Germany, but I trust the european-postmen. I think . . . :rolleyes:
                    But- your offer is very nice. As I say- thank you.
                    But….maybe….do you have other Rohirrim, like the M261 ?


                      Ah, somebody of taste. M261 is probably one of the best figher-combinations made. Lots of dynamics in there. Some of the Andrea knight duelists are close in character, but not many else.

                      I am not sure, however, wether I have a spare. I got some sets this year that I have not yet catalogued. Do you need them primed or do (badly) painted minis do the job?


                        Merry christmas, Axel.
                        Thank you for the warm words . . . I think a badly painted mini does the job very very good. I have set many figures free from their badly painted cover and that works very good. If you have one- that will be fantastic. I like especially the winged-helmet of the Dunnish Warrior. I thing there is only one another, on the Wulf-vignette.
                        Great stuff, indeed.
                        Hope to hear from you soon and take care in the New Year.


                          Right, there are just these two figures in the Mithril range bearing those kind of wings at their helmets. M261b is a Dunlending chieftain and MS280 shows Wulf of Edoras being raised on a shield. Wonderful figures indeed.


                            I do believe I have an M261. I will need to double check.

                            Want it?

                            Also, Axel, was it you I bought some figures off a loooooonnng time ago?


                              Hi Gavin, well, yes, I do want the M261.
                              If your check is positive you have to tell me, what do you want for it.
                              Until then – have a nice time.


                                Hello again,

                                Gavin, you are right. I think I sold you and others a lot of minis some two years ago, though I never managed to send out all my packages (strain to the job, and my apologies to all who did not get served back then). If somebody is still lacking an answer, feel free to contact me here.

                                Rita, I do have a pair of 261 that certainly need cleaning before usage. I just have to find the arms now… (I got some collections this year, and some of them are – well – not in good shape). I assume shipping from Germany is cheaper then from Canada, so perhaps my mini will do. Since its in no shape to be used by me I will send it to you for free. Contact me via the inbuild eMail for your address, and I will send him on the way. I assume you only need the Dunland fighter for some kind of diorama? This particluar collection also contains an M8, usefull as spectator (though without wings). I would accept some small donation for that one, though.

                                BTW: Found the arms :-)


                                  Rhuooommmm …. that’s the way it should be … huuoooom ;)


                                    Contact established, Dunlanding on his way…

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