Do you have any other hobbies besides Mithril?
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › Do you have any other hobbies besides Mithril?
- This topic has 15 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 8 months ago by Wendy.
May 16, 2008 at 5:05 pm #270
I was just curious if any of you have other hobbies besides Mithril.:rolleyes:
May 16, 2008 at 5:05 pm #2216I was just curious if any of you have other hobbies besides Mithril.:rolleyes:
May 16, 2008 at 8:41 pm #2217Well, I’m what is said a collector in general. It’s like a disease
I collect small stones of curious places in the world. Among other stones I have ones from the Pyramids of Egypt, the Amazon River, the Great Wall of china, the Parthenon in Athens …… until from the old Berlin Wall. I love also the silver coins. But above all I am a fan of Tolkien and his world and the Ancient History (perhaps also I play DBM with figures of 15mm)Uf, I think you’ve opened Pandora’s box ….
May 17, 2008 at 4:19 am #2218Hi JD, I also am a collector; I am sure that I owe half of my intelligence to the fact that I am a world-wide stamp collector. Anything or anyone of importance is represented by a stamp from some country, and ancient history is especially well represented. Many countries have come and gone over the last 165+ years since the first postage stamp, the one-penny black, was issued in Great Britan. And other postage marks were used for a couple of decades before stamps.
In addition to Mithrils, I also collect coins, books, sports cards, all MERP materials, and national geographic maps–some now 80 years old.
Some day I will start a museum!!!
Yes, erchamion, a pandora’s box indeed (your stone idea is very nice–perhaps some day…)!
May 17, 2008 at 4:09 pm #2224Yes 😆
[imgz url=][/imgz]
I have always had a love of horror and sci-fi type models – of which I’ll post a couple. I am trying to get back into painting with Oils on canvas (not that I ever got into it in the first place, but I dabbled), and when duties around the house allow, I like nothing better than casting a bait into a nice lake to catch some nice juicy fissssshhhh, but being an Englishman
I throw them back so someone else can have the pleasure of catching them.
Other than that hunting Orc passes the time of day quite nicely.
May 17, 2008 at 4:12 pm #2225[imgz url=][/imgz]
King of the Dead – this is a conversion (That’s real mould by the way)
May 17, 2008 at 4:17 pm #2226And one of my favourite sci-fi creations the Predator! These are 1/6th scale and each figure is approximately 12″ tall. I’ve lots more packed away upstairs, but I hope this selection has been of interest – collecting these big kits is why I had a long gap inbetween collecting Mithrils.
[imgz url=][/imgz]
May 17, 2008 at 4:35 pm #2227rhuoommmmmmmhuoomm…hom these are excellent indeed, Master Ddaines. huomm … but me wonders where from you take the skill, time and patience … hom
May 17, 2008 at 4:41 pm #2228I was once a big computer flight sim goob – Falcon 4, Jane’s F-15, Janes F/A-18. I was a mod on Simhq for a long while too.
Unfortunately my halfway decent desktop died on me, and then I was computer-less for a year, and the next computer I got (this, now slowly dying laptop) didn’t have the graphics capacity to run any of these games.
So I was hoping to afford a decent desktop when I sold the house. Hell I bought the most recent Falcon release when it came out – its been sitting in its box for two and a half years waiting for me. Alas, I don’t think there will be any spare money once the house is sold.
But one day! One day!
May 17, 2008 at 4:43 pm #2229huoomm … alas, I will not comment here on my habits of collecting things … rhuoomm … to list it up it would need more than the rest of this weekend … rhuoommm … but by the way did anybody of you collect beer mats ?
May 17, 2008 at 11:09 pm #2239Excellent painting jobs Master Ddaines!
Beside Mithril I´m collecting optical toys, specially old toy projectors.
Here is a link to this hobby:
The other hobbys are old cars (Alfa Romeo) and riding Motorbike (Voxan).
May 18, 2008 at 5:43 am #2240Books. What more can I say than that I have somewhere between 7,000 and 8,000 of them? – mostly non-fiction (history and military history), but also many Fantasy – including, needless to say, a couple of hundred by or about JRRT. Also I enjoy gardening (Mrs Barliman and I have a wild-flower garden), and I ‘collect’ details of 12th-14th century British heraldry and genealogy. However, I have to confess that the latter hobbby – which used to fill most of my spare hours – has had to take a back seat of late (there just isn’t enough time for everything!), since most of the past eight years has been spent building up my LOTR wargame armies – which are only partially (maybe 10 per cent) Mithril.
I also serve ale.
May 20, 2008 at 2:55 pm #2252Well, I paint larger scales too and starting sculpting. I’ve even finished sculpting a figure or two.
I’m with Barley. I like to read. The only thing keeping my library from expanding greatly is the fact we seem to move every two years. That certainly curtails owning a lot of heavy things. Specifically, historical (reference material for above), fantasy, anatomy, and animal books make up most of the collection. Oh, classic literature also (Austen, London, Wodehouse, etc). What I’m reading right now: The Peloponnesian War by Thucydides and The Real Lincoln by DiLorenzo.
Physically speaking, I play ice hockey and hit a tennis ball around with my husband (we don’t keep score – fewer stops and better exercise that way).
May 20, 2008 at 4:01 pm #2253Wendy wrote:What I’m reading right now: The Peloponnesian War by Thucydides ….).Yeah, Wendy! You have good taste!. Reading this you are going to give desire to paint another this….
[imgz url=][/imgz]
May 20, 2008 at 5:41 pm #2261It would be a long post if I began to tell you all my hobbies are but maybe it would help understand why I am always “that” busy…
Mithril is but one of many of my “deepest passions”… I am a passionate person but it means that I care and focus a lot on many things at the same time and sometimes I have to make choices as to what to prioritarize.
I am what many people around call…. a geek…. which means I like and/or expertise at… fantasy… computers (both as my job and as my hobby)… roleplaying (both paper and computer) … computer games… figurines (collecting and painting)… fiction (sci-fi or fantasy) litterature, beginning with Tolkien but not only… comics… and even some manga… I am also passionate at cooking (french, italian, indian and asiatic)…. mythology, cosmogony, and all aspects of theological debates (mostly in fiction worlds rather than the religions in the Real world)
I mainly … collect and paint mithril… and play (as well as being a member of the program guide staff, on behalf of Sony Online Entertainment (SoE) on a MMORPG named “Everquest 2″… which takes quite an amount of my free time… and i try to develop the Mithril community, and this website the best I can, among all these things… (and other pen&paper RPG on saturdays… and other computer games I play beside the MMOrpg…) … all of this, trying not to forget to take care of my wife … and having a job 50km away from home which obliges me to have 1hour and a half time to go to my job every morning and evening…
well that keeps me busy and of course I can’t do all of that in the same periods, so I switch my focuses from time to time not to go crazy…
and…. yesterday, I reached 30 years old…. and one year wedding anniversary
pfiou.. well that’s all folks
May 21, 2008 at 2:57 pm #2268erchamion wrote:Yeah, Wendy! You have good taste!. Reading this you are going to give desire to paint another this….[imgz url=][/imgz]
That is so cool! And very well painted too! Yeah, except I’ve thought about painting one larger scale Hoplite instead of a bunch of little ones.
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › Do you have any other hobbies besides Mithril?