Duinhir of Morthond MZ630 Mithril figure.

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony Duinhir of Morthond MZ630 Mithril figure.

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      Arrived today.

      I do like the figure regardless of how it was created, but if I am honest, I cannot see the increased ‘sharpness’ in detail that Michael O’Brien mentions, however there appears to be no drop in quality as far as I am concerned, and if I didn’t know this was a Zbrush figure I doubt I would have been any the wiser. I have no complaint with this new ‘format’.

      Maybe Michael is comparing a non-undercoated casting, and maybe a member with younger eyes will see the difference more clearly, comments welcome.

      If it means an increase in releases and more subjects then carry on :D.


        Arrived today.

        I do like the figure regardless of how it was created, but if I am honest, I cannot see the increased ‘sharpness’ in detail that Michael O’Brien mentions, however there appears to be no drop in quality as far as I am concerned, and if I didn’t know this was a Zbrush figure I doubt I would have been any the wiser. I have no complaint with this new ‘format’.

        Maybe Michael is comparing a non-undercoated casting, and maybe a member with younger eyes will see the difference more clearly, comments welcome.

        If it means an increase in releases and more subjects then carry on :D.


          Hear, Hear!


            We’ll see, I expect to receive it in next few days… Most important here it was 50% lower price… On pictures Duinhir does not looks like figure with a big improvement in details than the prevoius MS miniatures…


              I see Barli, Holger and Dave D here at one time with me!! Drinks all around!


                Thanks Master twrich! Much appreciated! :P


                  Thank you Tom ;)


                    Come on Master Barliman, what drink is this?? :( There is no bloody rat tail in it!!:lol:


                      David, I send you a email, because your post box is overflowing….:D

                        hsf62 wrote:
                        David, I send you a email, because your post box is overflowing….:D

                        Replied, and thanks (will clean out the inbox) 😆


                          huuooooôm … er, sorry … I just was a bit confused by those lads here having been in the wrong thread meseems …huomtidom … double-dóm …… all I wanted to say is that the Duinhir-figure arrived here today (okidoke, that were some more miles to go from Ireland than just to Master Ddaines’ place) …. rhuôm … ? … ah, yes, I still remember why I’m writing … huooomm … Master Ddaines is completely right with each word about the MZ-figure in his comment … (which can be found at the very top of this thread) … huom … yes, he is … and – to be honest – my eyes are even a bit older than his, but that does not matter … gruuûoOmmm … hom


                            I got mine yesterday.
                            The feeling about this figure is not the same as for hand sculpted, especially the cape and the face.
                            Anyway a nice Mithril.


                              My eys are even better, Master Tree- therefore I didn´t order that miniature at all.
                              (a simple number inside the depths of the mithril range)
                              Also the reason why I won´t take part into that painting competition.

                                Turambar wrote:
                                My eys are even better, Master Tree- therefore I didn´t order that miniature at all.
                                (a simple number inside the depths of the mithril range)
                                Also the reason why I won´t take part into that painting competition.

                                Did you not want the figure or where you just not interested in that particular design?


                                  Yesterday I received the figurine. I carefully looked at, and do not see any particular detail that is especially emphasized. After all it seems like a regularly made figure. In the old way of sculpting. Moreover, some recent figures have more details than this one… but does not matter, because of this MZ mark, I’m bought it for 10,50 Euros and I will paint it…. good price….. ;)


                                    @ Master mindx: I am not interesting in that particular design and therefore I don´t want that figure.
                                    For my taste, the figure has got nothing particulary.
                                    As far as the “new 3D-printer-thing is concerned I have to say, that my Easterling Champion, which is already ready for receiving some paint- is brilliant.
                                    But as Master Thingol pointed out- no more special detail than the regular formed figures.


                                      I just ordered it the last day of the offer, I find the miniature quite plain and of few interest, but otherwise I found the price interesting and maybe I bite the cheese and try my hand at the contest. Also wanted to check the feel of the new sculpting method (that they surprisingly spent 3 plus year into develop) …


                                        The position (again) of that “short sword” is ridiculous for a right-handed person, especially when the person is an archer. Those folds above the quiver with that very last arrow puzzle me a lot. What about the pose of the left leg on that stone? – (Another archer with a foot on a stone) … Alas, there’s no space between the cloak and that other stone … why does he hold the bow that way? …


                                          and why is the bow that thick?


                                            I got quite discouraged and disappointed. No way an enterprise can spend that long time to end up in an inferior quality product. :(

                                            Even without stripping the primer out it’s quite evident. I will put some pictures here for you to see what I am talking, then you could check your own models and see.

                                            Also all the model got a general effect of being a bit slanted to a side, that explains the thickness of the neck, the head and the bow I think.

                                            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/27_3dlines_a.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/27_3dlines_a.jpg[/imgz]
                                            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/27_3dlines_b.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/27_3dlines_b.jpg[/imgz]

                                            : the folds above the quiver are produced by the quiver’s “belt” but it’s almost invisible up there.

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                                          MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony Duinhir of Morthond MZ630 Mithril figure.