Ent wives

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  • #484

      Ahem … so to say … what I mean is … has anybody around here painted those female Ents ?


        Ahem … so to say … what I mean is … has anybody around here painted those female Ents ?


          I just witnessed that the base of the trees in the M-series was hexagonal … that differs from the regular bases. – though the base of the “MS-trumpeting Ent” strictly keeps to the rectangular base of the MS-series … I dont know why that is. Even the base for the tree with them two girls on it in the old M-series had an hexagonal shape.
          why ?


            I have one I keep meaning to paint, but alas, I won’t get it done anytime soon.

            There’s a start of one as part of an Ent painting competition on The One Ring:

            (Scroll down)


              Yes, Master Tree I have one of those elusive female Ents painted! Only, at the moment,her photo is proving to be just as elusive. I will post one here shortly if I can not find an easy reference from my vaults. In the mean time, here’s this: [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/21_pict0686.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/21_pict0686.jpg[/imgz]

              She was very close to this color scheme, lighter with a little splash of color on her flowers. And speaking of shapes, what about the occasional oval used in the M series. I suppose it’s just the variety of life one hears so much about. Am I the only one interested in breaking into, er, sampling Barely’s private stock while he’s away?

              MMP Elder

                about hexagonal base, there is another one too : [mith]M140[/mith] which is not a tree but only a “support” for flying eagle.

                Hexagonal is also used for most Christmas figurines

                and also for prototypes

                By the way Kennako, still not willing to part with your ME2 and 54mm Saruman I presume? :)


                  Very natural!:lol:

                  [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/6_ent_wife2.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/6_ent_wife2.jpg[/imgz]


                    Perhaps the hexagon base was used because it is more stable for taller miniatures?


                      Ahem, thank you all … but … what I see is that no-one here painted those two … right? Or at least cannot or doesn’t want to provide pictures. – Next weekend will be the third in a row I’m going to re-paint mine. Though I’m sure another weekend will have to be spent on this very serious matter.
                      See, that’s the old problem with those Entwives … everybody has heard of them, maybe even has got one (but then forgot about her) … that’s why some of us Ents (and there are few) think there are none any more.
                      But there’s time, isn’t it? And where’s time there’s hope. … that’s why you really cannot haste everything, can you? ;)


                        Oh, the base … I think has nothing got to do with stability, I think, as my good old “Trumpeting Ent” is stable still, Mistress Wendy, though his roots do not extend the base as the old ones did.

                        Master Gildor, I do know about some Christmas Figures, as you might guess :). I was just referring to the M-series. But there you were absolutely right, as I forgot to mention the base of the eagle carrying the Hobbit who is held by a Dwarf (M140) ;)


                          Well Master Tree, did I detect a small amount of, er, haste?
                          [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/21_entw1.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/21_entw1.jpg[/imgz]

                          Anyway, not one of my best paint jobs dating from the early 90’s. Besides, every artist knows tree trunks are actually grey, right?
                          [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/21_entw2.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/21_entw2.jpg[/imgz]
                          So, submitted for your satisfaction.
                          By the way Kennako, still not willing to part with your ME2 and 54mm Saruman I presume? Well, Master Elf, as I’ve have explained before, these were gifts!


                            Ahhh, thank you very much, Master Kenakko for providing pics of Ent-wives for the first time ever … beautiful they are, aren’t they?
                            The early 90s … yes.


                              Mine is on ‘the bench’ and has been for many a year almost finished, but not quite :rolleyes: , nice one Ken.


                                Huoommmrhuoomhomm … this is the second weekend I try to upload and place an avatar … huoommm … these things are too complicated, meseems … that’s why I need some nice liquid, Nob …
                                rhuoommm … size and resize or even mis-size or … alas … it doesn’t work … hom … not at all … maybe Master Gildor could help me with that, but … alas he’s so busy …
                                maybe I’d better do something else … rhuoommm … ah, Nob, do you know if it’s allowed to take a drink outside these premises? … huomm … I don’t know exactly about the laws in Bree …
                                anyway … rhuoommm … who cares? …

                                MMP Elder

                                  size (in pixels) AND weight (in kilobytes) do matter master ent… but if you want you can send me the pics you want as an avatar and I’ll try to upload it for u (or resize it the right way)


                                    Huoommm … thank you very much Master Gildor … hoommm … I think I should do exactly that … gruuooooohommm … all these weights do not really mean anything to me, you know … we have the grams for weighing Mithril miniatures in the other thread … then now we have pixels and kilobytes … huoomm … what else is there to come? … microbytes?
                                    anyway, thank you, Master Gildor … huoommm …

                                    MMP Elder

                                      well that’s done ;)


                                        what’s that? … I can see me, tree … rhuoomm … thank you very much, Master Gildor … it’s an avatar with my posts … amazing … rhuoomm … it’s good to know some Elves …


                                          Salving to know, that I am not the only one with avatar-problems . . . ;)

                                          MMP Elder

                                            don’t hesitate christoph to send me a mail with the pic you want if you can’t manage to upload it yourself :) I’ll do it gladly it only takes 20s :) at best

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