Fellowship releases

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      Friendly people,
      I would be very lucky about some help concerning the releases of fellowship figures.
      That means I would like to know, which was the first Fellowship figure released in 2008 and in 2007.
      (As it was William in 2009 for example.)
      I prepare something like supplement sheets for fellowship releases and it would be very helpful putting
      the miniatures in the right time-context. Your help would be very kind! Thank you in advance.


        Friendly people,
        I would be very lucky about some help concerning the releases of fellowship figures.
        That means I would like to know, which was the first Fellowship figure released in 2008 and in 2007.
        (As it was William in 2009 for example.)
        I prepare something like supplement sheets for fellowship releases and it would be very helpful putting
        the miniatures in the right time-context. Your help would be very kind! Thank you in advance.

        MMP Elder

          you have the complete listing here my dear :)


          also in the database, for EACH MS figurine, i give the month, submitter, and number of the figurine in the GF chronology


            This is very kind of you, Gildor, I know this list and I admire this list. But- this listshows the years of suggestion, doesn´t it.
            William the Troll was suggested in March 2008. But when was the month of his release?! It was January 2009.
            This is what I mean . . . :rolleyes:

            MMP Elder

              ahh well I suppose you can have it in the database then, with the field “release date” ?


                Sorry, Gildor, unfortunately not. :/ In my oppinion it is the suggestion-date also.

                MMP Elder

                  maybe that’s possible I used the (c) under the base usually, which then means I am either wrong in that, or that the (c) is wrong

                  then I’d be interested too, to make the changes in the database!!


                    I agree, Gildor. Let´s have a look at William the Troll, the MS 501. The database tell us: Year 2008. He was suggested in March 2008, but was available in January 2009.
                    Tar-Minastir was suggested in April 2008 and ws also released in January 2009!


                      Let me think about this … huoommmm … well, there shouldn’t be a problem. So, we have the complete list of the dates of the suggestions (depicting when each of the figures was voted for as a winner). Right? – Then we only need the dates of their releases. I think I can help here, as I just would have to look up my files with the receipts for the figures. As I have always been in that “auto-shipment” (ahem, to be honest it was me who suggested to the company to have something like that, as I simply was too lazy always to check about the latest releases, but also being very much concerned about missing any release) there’ll be no problem to find out about the exact date of release for each figure, as “auto-shipment” always meant to have the latest figures within one (or two) weeks after their first release.

                      So, is it that you asked for, Master Rita.de?


                        Exactly, Master Theobald. Your help is more than welcomed.


                          But is it necessary? – I’m just trying to find out about this at the moment …
                          Master Rita.de, just have a look in Master Gildor’s detailed Database. There you find, looking at all those MS-releases, at the top, the year of release. Further down you receive information about when the figure was suggested and by whom. I think it’s that you’re looking for.
                          If not, I could produce a list, as I suggested before :) Let me know, please.


                            Well, Master Theobald, it is not necessary to produce a whole list with each single release.
                            That would be too much of your precious time.
                            For me it is important to know, which was the first Fellowship release in the years 2008 and 2007.
                            So I can see, which figures were released throughout the year. That is what I am desireing.
                            And, sorry, as I mentioned above, the “Year” in Gildor´s magnificent database is not the “Year” of releasing the figure. Example: William the Troll, Tar-Minastir and so on.

                            So, Master Theobald, only two release-dates would be needed . . . It would be kind of you to have a short look.

                            MMP Elder

                              well as rita.de said, I may have mistakenly used the suggestion date as release date for some (many) MS figurines…. indeed the GF autoshipment receipts could help retrace the exact date of release. I have some myself but I doubt I have kept all the receipts :(

                              this could come in handy !


                                No problem … as I always try to keep record by keeping certain things outside this PC in a good-old file ;)

                                So, first in 2007 was “Eorl & Felarof” [MS460] (sales receipt date 30/01/07)
                                after “Gilraen/Aragorn” [MS459] (sales receipt date 15/11/2006)

                                As for 2008 …

                                It was “The Forging of Anduril [MS482] (sales receipt date 27/2/2008) being the first MS.
                                after “Aragorn & Eomer” [MS470] and “Troll drummer” [MS471] (sales receipt date 11/12/07)
                                … in January also the “Corsairs” (M-series) were released

                                Of course I could prove that with copies of the receipts I keep.
                                You see, it’s not that complicated at all.

                                I hope I could help a bit with this. In case there are any further questions about matters like these, just ask them and I’ll try to do what I can for answering. ;)


                                  Dear Master Theobald,
                                  this is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much.
                                  There are mostly the smaller things in life that makes you happy . . .

                                  MMP Elder

                                    I will make the changes in the database asap to reflect these informations!

                                    also I will add several new entries (last MS, detailx for MX535, PM2…)


                                      Thank you Gildor for keeping all of these records together in one database. It is a great resource. It is also especially gratifying that you are able to improve the database when good suggestions are made.

                                      MMP Elder

                                        well that’s the advantage of having written all the code myself…

                                        Still I admit that with the baby, and forthcoming change of home I don’t have time to code new improvments :/ but suggestions are always welcome!


                                          Gildor, mind that the number of parts of the MX535 has been changed. My last information from some time ago was that the tables consisted of two parts each. Now it seems they have been casted in one piece. Let’s wait till I receive my set, then I can send you the correct number of parts.

                                          MMP Elder

                                            true ,I’ll wait for you to have received the boxes master ent. If you can then send me a complete listing of all the parts (mentionning the number and description of the parts for the “special 30 castings” too)

                                            Now that i have received the last three MS figurines I’ll be able to put them in database with parts details

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