Imho a third of a skull with some branches and leafs is no challenge for the skills of the man. If I can sculpt something halfway decent, the man will imho be overqualified for that job.
I am willing to try this again, until something worthwhile exists, and then either send it to our mastercaster for distribution, or – if he lacks the time or recources (I pretty well know that time is a rare commodity) I will just send the original to Harald.
Of course all I can do is to work on a log with some eyes, without reference to any fictional characters – I have not the slightest chance to create a “Gollum in the water”, as both skills and the legal situation do not allow for this. If Harald wants a small vignette from the story, our fellowship is the way to go. Sooner or later tenacity tells and suggestions will find their way. Sometimes it just takes a while. Hirgon was suggested 15 times before he was made…
On the other hand I certainly do not want to interfere with an official release, so as long as Harald wants this in the official pipeline I will keep my version(s) as an exercise in sculpting