future MS releases (for members eyes only)
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › future MS releases (for members eyes only)
- This topic has 247 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 7 months ago by hsf62.
November 9, 2014 at 6:01 pm #31439Milo wrote:I just checked since I joined MMP community in 2010:
2010: 1MX (the best one !), 1MB, 14 MS, 1 XMAS ==> 17 ref
2011: 10M, 12 MS; 1 XMAS ==> 23 ref
2012: 14 MS, 1 XMAS ==> 15 ref
2013: 11 MS, 1 MV , 1 XMAS ==> 13 ref
2014: 7MS + 1MX ==> 8 refIt’s not enough, it’s decreasing for sure.
That is at least, a little bit worrying, isn’t it?
November 9, 2014 at 9:50 pm #31440Milo wrote:None as PM6 was released in 2013… and in 2014…..
November 9, 2014 at 9:53 pm #31441…. and MS figures are to expensive and numbers are lower and lower… and MX600 is still sold and it is sold in 54 copies of 100
November 9, 2014 at 11:55 pm #31446Too expensive?????
Well- have a closer look to MS608: There is that orc. Very similar pose to those inside the Warband box. There you can find 158 of them.
(please don´t tell me the helmet is different!)
Then there is that pony- or is it a horse? Not detailed at all. There is nothing- only a naked pony, a saddle and some necessary bridle.
There is evan the saddle sheet missing. Consulting a friend of mine- a great blonde haired cute woman who is a passionate rider- I received the
answer, there is ALWAYS a saddle-sheet.
And the company wants me to spend 39.95 €, excluding shipping! Certainly NOT!
You call it expensive- I call it outrageuos. Both- from price-politics and from the art department! That is located near London, as some people know.November 10, 2014 at 9:10 am #31450about the orc.. which is ALL TOO common, I warned Chris about that, I told him I was quite disapointed too… (not about the horse but my main concern was the orc…) he said he was aknowledging my remark and taking it into consideration but that it was too late because it was sculpted and the master sent already
(it was three months ago……..)
So I try to pass my feedbacks about sculpting whenever I can but well it seems it is always too late anyway.
fact is : MS is not following the same process as MX… it is a winning suggestion, not a commissionning and Chris will sculpt it the best way he can but without consulting those who submitted the idea at each step…
I must say I have seen future releases already, for some of them…. some are common, some are great but all in all, no matter if I give good comment or bad comment, since the job is already done….
Mithril should at least allow customers (us…) to rate the figurines once they are released, and comment on it so that Mithril would have an idea on which references are good, and which are not… but indeed that would risk a bump down in notoriety and sales (mmhh, notoriety and sales….. and mithril in the same sentence??)
November 10, 2014 at 9:55 am #31453I took the liberty to send a long and very detailed mail to Chris, warning him about my feelings, fears, and disapointments about how things are growing , of late.
I included your remarks on the Bandobras release master Archer as they are VERY important (the saddle-sheet and the orc… which I already mentionned)
I also included Milo analysis of the lowering number of releases and other matters…I urged him to do (or make Lars do) something fast if they want Mithril to stay afloat or completly drown as fast as a snap…
I think I’ll get an answer fast… I hope so…
November 10, 2014 at 1:39 pm #31454I got an answer (and also an explanation for the pose of Balin), Chris sculpted it according to David Daines description (because Khador, the winner, did not send any description so he took the one from David)
i quote it here :
“Newly crowned Lord of Moria, stands arms outstretched as he addresses the ill-fated company ………. his head tilted slightly upwards as if to take in the splendour of the ancient halls…..“So Chris is disapointed that we may be disapointed
… because he did exactly as it was described.
Now for the Golfimbul, he was in the process of resculpting him, but he could not produce it in time for the delays….
Chris is beginning to feel very upset/sad with the fact we do not like the results… and it’s not the first time. so he may consider his options in carrying on sculpting altogether…
as for Phaeton, it is all a matter of offer and demand….. the “Destroyer” was a failure and did not make enough money, despite the good comments it did not sell well at all, and that’s the same for the last Phaeton before it. So he cannot , at the moment release further Phaeton (although some are ready) until he has enough stock and time to manage it…
I think that the problem should first be solved on the mithril side, and put the phaeton matter in standby for the time being…
to speak crudely, at the moment I mostly think Chris has to be comforted in the idea he is not doing “shit”…. because he is loosing faith himself it seems
November 10, 2014 at 3:28 pm #31457Gildor, first of all thank you very much for providing important information here.
In fact the situation concerning Mithril and Phaeton seems to be very critical at the moment. Indeed all this is obviously a matter of offer and demand. I don’t see any reason why Chris should be upset or sad about his way of sculpting.November 10, 2014 at 3:42 pm #31458well maybe because I was too honest and passed him along some of the disapointments mentionned here in this very topic about how the figurines had been sculpted … (Durin, Bandobras, Sylvan Elf, etc…)
in one of my sentences I said that most (not all) of the last releases were lacking “theme and grandeur”… it seemed that hit a spot for the man as he is asking me to illustrate my notion of grandeur with pictures…
If you agree with me about this lack of “grandeur”, could you help me provide pictures?
November 10, 2014 at 6:02 pm #31459Master Gildor, Thanks a lot for keeping MMP community in touch with Chris. Still, I feel I do not share some of us point of view regarding new releases being more or less nice than previously.
To me, the man has worked very hard and his skills are improving every year.
Of course, every new release cannot be better than the previous ones. But that’s life and no one on earth can manage to do that, no matter you’re called Zlatan, Chris Tubb, Obama or Tolkien !I have in mind several new releases I like very much. Dark Destroyer and MV592 are marvelous to me.
Next dwarf to come show how fine details on beard, clothes bring more life and fantasy.As far as I am concenred, I will always support as much as I can his work, through Mithril and Phaeton ranges.
I keep talking around the world about mithrils, I keep showing new releases on other forums.Please let Chris know we love his artwork.
November 10, 2014 at 7:18 pm #31461Pardon me for jumping in and sorry for the many pictures, but I think is the best way to illustrate my points.
Things Mithril miniatures have always lacked:
– Character. I mean you can tell somethng about the personality of these by the pose and facial expresions they have:
[img]http://red-box-games.com/images/RBG%20Aelfar%20Epierre%20the%20Entertainer.JPG[/img]– Sense of movement: Tell me which one is holding the weapon while the rest are attacking.
[img]http://red-box-games.com/images/RBG%20Goblin%20Bonebacks%20pack.JPG[/img]Now, speaking of recent sculpts, I will show you alternative poses for some of the latest ones which would have been far more interesting.
– Sylvan Elf.
[img]http://red-box-games.com/images/aleandous%20by%20Alex%20Munoz%20Martin.JPG[/img]-Black Troll Man
[img]http://red-box-games.com/images/RBG%20Njorning%20Ullr%20the%20Red.JPG[/img]November 10, 2014 at 11:21 pm #31464Gildor- I feel it necessary to inform you about certain matters.
As far as Balin is concerned I read nowhere anything negative about the sculpt. Have a look at post #30!
So, what else can Mr. Tubb do than sculpted it the way it is suggested. He made no mistake at all!Concerning phaeton you informed us about the point, that Mr. Tubb “. . . will release further Phaeton miniatures (although some are ready)
until he has enough stock and time to manage it . . . ) months ago.It is nearly one YEAR ago that we saw w.i.p. pictures of the (amazing!) “Necromancer´s Tower” range. I am waiting and waiting and waiting.
Have a look here, post 671: http://mmp.faerylands.eu/viewtopic.php?id=515&p=27Meanwhiling there are TWO dioramas finished by myself. The first is used for another figure from another brand, the second is covered with dust. Empty!
For me it seems, that I have to wait for excellent figures until – oh, I am not allowed to say that anymore – while meanwhiling around me “strange” release
become reality.So Gildor, you can tell Mr. Tubb every thought of mine, no problem and you don´t have to ask for my permission. No, that´s not polemic, it is the truth in this case.
Telling about “telling the truth”: I absolutely can NOT understand, that all people here telling positive things about the “Destroyer” and are happy receiving seven dwarves
with absolutely the same hair- and clothing style. Painting them would be some kind of boring for me. The reason why I left it.
Instead of saying very quickly everything out of the art department of Mr. Tubb is nice, people should have a closer look and therefor a more “conspirative critical-view”.
Maybe that could help Mr. Tubb finding the right “ding dong” . . .You have to be sure fellows, that I am far far away to upset anybody here!
PS: many excellent figures from “Red Box Games” here, Master Arthadan. Also painted in front of me . . . 😎
November 11, 2014 at 10:20 pm #31473…. does anyone know which one this year will be a Christmas figure….. !?!?
November 11, 2014 at 11:05 pm #31475another “leader of men” for sure
November 12, 2014 at 12:23 pm #31476Hopefully it won´t be the witch king in real life . . .
November 12, 2014 at 1:03 pm #31477Turambar wrote:Hopefully it won´t be the witch king in real life . . .…..
or young Isildur….
November 12, 2014 at 1:21 pm #31478I don’t think so… I have a small guess that it could be some leader from the north….the very north….
November 12, 2014 at 4:32 pm #31481. . .that means, I can go ahead with my “warlord” diorama series. Contains at present: four.
And there is the possibility to experiment with “snow” . . .November 13, 2014 at 10:09 pm #31490Just a preview of my suggestion, princess Merien.
A very nice sculpting. I really appreciate this figure[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/485_merien-_princess_of_dol_amroth.png]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/485_merien-_princess_of_dol_amroth.png[/imgz]
The pictures of “Thorondir, 22nd steward of Gondor” are still work in progress and still not possible to share excpet on PM
November 14, 2014 at 9:35 am #31491mmhh even on PM it is master mornedhel you sure?
still thorondir should be quite a new interesting pose … but most of all gentlemen, I would not want to spoil or to create false joy (the way it seems I did with the Destroyer, which for myself is great…) but I think Eldacar vs Castamir will really be a masterpiece….
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › future MS releases (for members eyes only)