future MS releases (for members eyes only)
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › future MS releases (for members eyes only)
- This topic has 247 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 7 months ago by hsf62.
November 30, 2014 at 4:39 pm #31657Turambar wrote:NO- good luck- they are 32mm . . . since coupel of years now, Master Maenas .
Oh thank you, I do not like the 52mm versions because I think that they are just the same but just bigger, when they should have lots more of details and expression, and in most of cases do not like them.
On the other hand, those minis on the pictures are just brilliant, I would say on the same level of this year’s X’mas.
November 30, 2014 at 5:05 pm #31659So for the highly confused, what are these NT figures for? Phaeton or PA? Some random Mithrils? Something else?
November 30, 2014 at 6:43 pm #31661NT stands for “Necromancer Tower” which is a to-be-released sub-set of Phaeton Miniatures. (I don’t know if they’ll go by PCH or PM, but rather PM as they are not remakes of PA CHaracters)
they are inspired/achieved/resculpted/completed versions of the abandoned and never released “Dol Guldur” series which were supposed to be released more than 12 years ago by Mithril. (like wilderlands…)
Indeed this information remains… in this forum… and not to be spread officially/publicly
November 30, 2014 at 6:56 pm #31662Ahhh, most excellent. Thank you sir.
November 30, 2014 at 11:40 pm #31664Maenas wrote:Oh thank you, I do not like the 52mm versions because I think that they are just the same but just bigger, when they should have lots more of details and expression, and in most of cases do not like them.On the other hand, those minis on the pictures are just brilliant, I would say on the same level of this year’s X’mas.
Master Maenas: that is exactly my oppinion. I never liked the 54mm figures. Because those-54mmm related- details are lost- somewhere . . .
Except of Thranduil all 32mm Christmas figures are standing somewhere inside my “mithril-room” and I can tell you: they are all worth having them . . .December 1, 2014 at 6:54 am #31665I confirm xmas 32mm are really nice minis. They can be painted also.
For instance, check Master’s Elroi work on it:
http://mithril.faerylands.eu/galleries/mmp-members-galleries/elroi-paintings-gallery/#chr2008-sharkey.jpgDecember 1, 2014 at 9:43 am #31666Now I have a problem because I need this “NT” miniatures 😡
December 1, 2014 at 10:28 am #31667well let’s try something
we could make a poll as to know how many members want the next NT figurines to be released, considering the price Phaeton miniatures are, usually…
the figurines are ready, from what I know, it’s just that Chris cannot afford to invest time and money without at least covering his expenses by his income…
and alas, that’s what has been the case with the Destroyer and the last PM figurines before that….
I think he plans to build up a kickstarter or something in a soon future but in the meantime, a poll could be fine?
December 1, 2014 at 10:40 am #31668Great Idea Master Gildor!!!
I’m in!!!
December 1, 2014 at 11:36 am #31670YES !!!! MAKE THAT POLL !!!!! NOW !!!!
This seems to be the solution, Master Gildor. I am sure many fellows here will buy those . . .
Master orc, you are NOT the only one who DESPERASTELY need these figures . . .I am inn also. Twice !!!
December 1, 2014 at 1:30 pm #31673Turambar wrote:they are all worth having them . . .Thank you master Turambar and master Milo, I must have a look at them then. Completely discarded X’mas figures because I thought that all of them where 52mm. Did not even consult the database for cheking
On the other hand, I am also interested in those “Necromancer tower” minis, so If a poll would be made, count me in.
December 1, 2014 at 3:44 pm #31676I am in the pool!
Ups the poll 😆
December 1, 2014 at 5:50 pm #31677As for me … no question. You can count on me concerning such a poll. – Though I really wonder if there will be enough people to get to know about such a poll. Or is it just the few of us here? Maybe then the support by such a poll might not be enough to see any figures being produced, I’m afraid.
December 1, 2014 at 6:22 pm #31679I will create the poll by tomorrow (but I wonder what options I should put oO )
December 1, 2014 at 6:37 pm #31680How many people should buy PDes. figures to cover the marginal cost….20, 40, 60… more 100…. we could left our opinion here but we are only few people in MMP Fellowship…. if it is possible to calculate here…. btw…. if you create pool You should vote for me… with positive answer…
December 1, 2014 at 7:57 pm #31681The question might be, what does that poll show. First how many members are willing to buy the figures.
Interesting could be, how many. Figures I mean. As for myself I can imagine to buy TWO sets.
Then there is the price for the figures. That could be interesting too.
I can not imagine that the costs to produce a certain number is that expensive. Though I have absolutely no idea at all concerning those matters.
Master Caster could tell more.
Maybe you can make your mind up, if you would buy these marvellous NT-miniatures made of resin . . .
There is nothing else what do come into my mind.PS: Mr. Tubb should think it over to provide pictures of the missing figures. Just to prevend buying “the cat inside the bag” as we say here . . .
December 1, 2014 at 10:40 pm #31682After having thought this over again, well some basic information is missing, I think.
– How many figures are there in this set? – Are some of them combined (two figures in one release)?
– And, as Master Turambar pointed out: what do they look like?This is a very complicated matter to me and my doubts are rising.
December 1, 2014 at 11:11 pm #31683Ten figures, Master Theobald. I suppose. As it is the “classic” number of a M-serie. Mostly . . . :rolleyes:
Doubts? You must think positive, Master Ent! And you will be ent-lightend . . .
December 2, 2014 at 7:32 pm #31687one has to remember the phaeton releases : http://phaeton.faerylands.eu/
(by the way, I think the figurines are STILL for sale so if any of you did not know about them, you can still buy them but ask the man first ! )
considering the regular price for PM is £8 (approx 10€) I suppose the next ones would be the same…
Also, there is NO way that the set will be released in a set of ten, else Chris would not have said he was stocking / sculpting figurines in advance so that he has stock for future sales so I think that, though they exist they would be released one by one or rather two by two…. and then, again, I don’t know when…December 2, 2014 at 8:57 pm #31689I think that Chris’ concept about releasing those figures as a reliable and for a while permanent Phaeton-series of figures (on a monthly basis) was clear. That’s why he was stocking the completed figures, to guarantee monthly releases for a while. That also was the idea when he started his Phaeton-Design and in those days he stuck to that for a long time. So I cannot imagine that for further releases (I hope there once will be any) he will change this good concept.
Anyway, that’s all I know (or remember) about this matter.I do not think that putting in all single and very personal ideas about how “how to do it” here might lead to anything at all. Of course everybody is free to tell his opinion about this. – But everybody also should mind please, that calculating about a product being released without knowing the basic costs of its production will inevitably be wrong.
As for me, I dearly regret that there has not been any promotion for Phaeton-Design figures, except here on this site. I think, that’s what introduced the end of it.
Please mind, that with this entry I clearly do not want to offend any person who took part in this thread here before, as I see that everybody here is very much interested in further releases by Phaeton-Design figures, as I also am.
I just hope nobody gets me wrong. -
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Secret Vaults of Angrenost › future MS releases (for members eyes only)