Highest mithril?
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Mathom House of Michel Delving › Highest mithril?
- This topic has 14 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 11 months ago by Maenas.
February 20, 2021 at 11:26 am #1008
Hi everyone
I have a question, for those of you who have the mithrils “on display”… regarding height of the references. I am going to make a “stand” to put my collections on a vitrine, and I was wondering if the stone giant [mith]M307[/mith] is the tallest one, or if maybe there is some other reference higher? Maybe riding a horse or with some kind of spear or banner?
I’m not taking into account those references from scales different than the 28/32mm….
Will try to do something similar to this: (just a bit different in size, but the general idea I had was this one, but instead of plied, making it from laser cut pieces)
February 20, 2021 at 11:26 am #39398Hi everyone
I have a question, for those of you who have the mithrils “on display”… regarding height of the references. I am going to make a “stand” to put my collections on a vitrine, and I was wondering if the stone giant [mith]M307[/mith] is the tallest one, or if maybe there is some other reference higher? Maybe riding a horse or with some kind of spear or banner?
I’m not taking into account those references from scales different than the 28/32mm….
Will try to do something similar to this: (just a bit different in size, but the general idea I had was this one, but instead of plied, making it from laser cut pieces)
February 21, 2021 at 12:25 pm #39400Hello Maenas,
An interesting challenge that the enhancement of our “Mithril” by the kiss of a display.
It seems to me that the ice giant is the largest 25mm figurine, but no longer a collector for 20 years, it is possible that other references published since, are superior to the M 307. Remember not also to present the 54 mm…
Personally I swear by wood, even if I now have to deal with the retirement of my favorite “ébénuisier”. Almost all the bases you have seen in my displays are from him.
I don’t like plexiglass but it is possible to cover it with black velvet in order to make the paint of your figurines resurrect.
Good luck with your project.
February 21, 2021 at 2:14 pm #39401Well, that’s a nice one for a lazy, sunny afternoon meseems.
After I tried making small shelves for inside a glass cabinet for the display of my Mithrils I once also started to use that “plexiglass”. That stuff, of course is very hard to handle when you try to cut it yousself accordingly into pieces you want to build with. Er, let’s say it affords some fine skills. The positive effect, I think, is that it doesn’t “swallow” the light that much as wooden material. That of course depends on the depth of the “vitrine”/glass cabinet. I think more than 20cm depth filled with small layers of wooden shelves will swallow all the light you need for the display for your painted miniatures. Though I think that Master Jacob is also right when he uses some neutral dark velvet to highten the effects of perfect painting, as he is able to produce.
Oh, yes, that height of the stone giant … and others. Mine is about 8.5 cm. The next Mithril release next to that same height is the M303 (Eagle attacking …) [in case that “stam” of the eagle is not bent yet]. Then it’s 8.5 cm, too.
Alas, I can tell you something how even to match that height (some skills afforded, of course). I’m talking about a mounted Rohir standard bearer. No, not the M265 of the “Horse Lords” range. I refer to the M30, the mounted Rohir standard bearer of the old “Riders of Rohan” range. So, if you want to achieve more than about 8.5 cm, it simply is a matter how you assemble the standard to the left hand … it is a single part and you, by lifting it up a bit for assembly it might nearly reach 9 cm all in all. Be careful, because all those old riders tend to bend after many years, as we all know.
Alas!!! I nearly forgot … the MS599 Razarac, clean 9.4 cm. That tops it, doesn’t it. No, of course not. There’s a wonderful conversion of that Razarac ( as many disliked the old version (M78) because of those tiny “wings”). Master Hsf62 (good old Holger) made it and he perfectlyused the wings of the fell beast from the MB279 “Lord of the Nazgûl” box for the old Razarac’s wings. So the is an impressive hight of 11.5 cm.Hmm … that was a very good question for such a Sunday afternoon. I hope I could answer it accordingly. But now I have to enjoy the rest of today’s sun in the garden watching the coming spring plants grow.
Be careful, Ladies and Gentlemen …
Anyway, thank you very much Masters Maenas and Jacob for making my mind wake up again.
February 21, 2021 at 11:24 pm #39404Arrr yes. We here are in the Mathom House of Michel Delving. I do well remember that here I once provided a thread that I called “new dance of the Razaracs” with some pics. That thread might have become forgotten, but it’s still available. Master Gildor once asked me to take care of this Mathom House here. So I always tried to cope with this. Sorry, sometimes I#m a little bit disorganized and sleepy.
February 22, 2021 at 4:24 pm #39406Thank you both for the answers!
Fabrice JACOB wrote:Remember not also to present the 54 mm…Yes, I consciously skipped these range, since I think they are not at the same level as the regular series, I just don’t like them at all. Got an [mith]LO5[/mith] left on the blister untouched, because, well because I think it’s not a proper 54mm miniature, just an enlarged regular 25mm version.
On the other hand, you just made me think about a big painted Galadriel [mith]MA1[/mith]that I painted many years ago, but that one is a little bit smaller than the giant so, I guess there won’t be a problem.Fabrice JACOB wrote:Personally I swear by wood, even if I now have to deal with the retirement of my favorite “ébénuisier”. Almost all the bases you have seen in my displays are from him.
I don’t like plexiglass but it is possible to cover it with black velvet in order to make the paint of your figurines resurrect.
Good luck with your project.Yes I like wood too, but on my head I imagined a transparent stand because I preferred a visually lighter version of a vitrine. Anyway, velvet is always great to the eye, thank you for making me think about it.
Theobald wrote:Well, that’s a nice one for a lazy, sunny afternoon meseems.Happy to accidentally amuse some of you.
Theobald wrote:After I tried making small shelves for inside a glass cabinet for the display of my Mithrils I once also started to use that “plexiglass”. That stuff, of course is very hard to handle when you try to cut it yousself accordingly into pieces you want to build with. Er, let’s say it affords some fine skills.I think so… in this case my intention is to have it cut by a laser machine, nowadays much more accessible and affordable than before. Not that I am going to buy a machine like that, but I know at least 3-4 places on my city that cut your materials to specified sizes… so I am aiming for this service, hoping it won’t be super expensive.
Theobald wrote:The positive effect, I think, is that it doesn’t “swallow” the light that much as wooden material. That of course depends on the depth of the “vitrine”/glass cabinet. I think more than 20cm depth filled with small layers of wooden shelves will swallow all the light you need for the display for your painted miniatures. Though I think that Master Jacob is also right when he uses some neutral dark velvet to highten the effects of perfect painting, as he is able to produce.Completely agree with this, I am going for the clean and transparent look, but I might tweak it a little bit with some velvet as background opposed to putting it on the base… I will experiment with this idea and see…
Theobald wrote:Oh, yes, that height of the stone giant … and others. Mine is about 8.5 cm. The next Mithril release next to that same height is the M303 (Eagle attacking …) [in case that “stam” of the eagle is not bent yet]. Then it’s 8.5 cm, too.
Alas, I can tell you something how even to match that height (some skills afforded, of course). I’m talking about a mounted Rohir standard bearer. No, not the M265 of the “Horse Lords” range. I refer to the M30, the mounted Rohir standard bearer of the old “Riders of Rohan” range. So, if you want to achieve more than about 8.5 cm, it simply is a matter how you assemble the standard to the left hand … it is a single part and you, by lifting it up a bit for assembly it might nearly reach 9 cm all in all. Be careful, because all those old riders tend to bend after many years, as we all know.
Alas!!! I nearly forgot … the MS599 Razarac, clean 9.4 cm. That tops it, doesn’t it. No, of course not. There’s a wonderful conversion of that Razarac ( as many disliked the old version (M78) because of those tiny “wings”). Master Hsf62 (good old Holger) made it and he perfectly used the wings of the fell beast from the MB279 “Lord of the Nazgûl” box for the old Razarac’s wings. So the is an impressive hight of 11.5 cm.Thanks a million for this info, it is exactly what I was looking for. I’ve got the [mith]m140[/mith] and also the [mith]m342[/mith] painted, and I did not saw they were almost of the same height as the giant. will take them into account too. Checking the [mith]m30[/mith] (thanks too) it may be somewere between 7 and 9 cm. height, depending on how you put the standard… so great advice here.
Theobald wrote:But now I have to enjoy the rest of today’s sun in the garden watching the coming spring plants grow.It’s always recomforting to see plants coming back to life when spring is approaching. I love to see how the colours on the vegetation change, eventhough I live in a city, I really appreciate those things too..
Theobald wrote:Anyway, thank you very much Masters Maenas and Jacob for making my mind wake up again.You are welcome master Ent.
Theobald wrote:Arrr yes. We here are in the Mathom House of Michel Delving. I do well remember that here I once provided a thread that I called “new dance of the Razaracs” with some pics. That thread might have become forgotten, but it’s still available.Forgotten indeed, I will check asap.
February 22, 2021 at 6:58 pm #39407There’s something going wrong here … I’ll get back to that as soon as an Ent can do … huoommm
Thank you Master MaenasFebruary 23, 2021 at 2:56 pm #39408Oooops, there’s slight misunderstanding, Master Maenas. I referred to M303 (Eagle attacking an orc). You referred to the m140 (Great Eagle – Bilbo & Dori) but that doesn’t matter very much. So, wishing you and your projects all the best.
February 23, 2021 at 9:01 pm #39409Without having them to hand, how tall are both the Entombed Balrog (which personally I think is a correct scale) or indeed the original Balrog which I assume to be originally intended to be to the 32mm scale (but I would consider more to suit the 54mm scale).
February 23, 2021 at 9:20 pm #39410Although for a different purpose, i.e. to use as paint holders, I picked up this nail-varnish bottle holder from Amazon (£14 approx), but if the shelves are turned upside down they could be used as a display stand for most miniatures; each shelf is about 4cm in depth.
[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/11_nail_case.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/11_nail_case.jpg[/imgz]
Obviously availability depends on your country, but I am guessing that like just about everything, the product is made in China
February 24, 2021 at 2:17 pm #39412Master Ddaines, the old Balrog? If you refer to the first one in the Mithril range it is MB300 “The Balrog of Moria”. That figure is about 13cm in height, which is quite a lot and I totally agree when you said that this figure is too tall for the 32mm ranges.
The other (much smaller) Balrog is theMS564 “Entombed Balrog”.That one is just 6cm because of its sitting pose. But I think it matches better to the 32mm Mithril ranges. We don’t have to consider the “Fallen Balrog” here, as he’s quite flat.
(I did not like that huge Balrog in the P.Jackson movie and of course not that figure by that other company, you know.)Well, if someone thinks about the presentation of Mithril figures one shouldn’t forget the nice dragons which nearly all are taller than the Stone Troll though they fit well to the 32mm scale, I think.
By the way, Master Ddaines, I like your idea of “mis”-using that rack for the presentation of small figures very much. That should work, I think. Great idea.
February 26, 2021 at 3:59 pm #39414Theobald wrote:Oooops, there’s slight misunderstanding, Master Maenas. I referred to M303 (Eagle attacking an orc). You referred to the m140 (Great Eagle – Bilbo & Dori) but that doesn’t matter very much. So, wishing you and your projects all the best.Oh! yes you are right, I kept the idea of “eagle” when checking my painted miniatures and saw the [mith]m140[/mith] and unadvertedly changed the references on my mind… hahaha so I wrote about that one and did not pay attention to the m303 that you were really pointing out. Will try to do a “dry” assembly just to check it’s heigh, since I haven’t got it painted.
Thanks a million master ent, may this spring bring you some nice and new foliage.
February 26, 2021 at 4:08 pm #39415ddaines wrote:Although for a different purpose, i.e. to use as paint holders, I picked up this nail-varnish bottle holder from Amazon (£14 approx), but if the shelves are turned upside down they could be used as a display stand for most miniatures; each shelf is about 4cm in depth.[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/11_nail_case.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/11_nail_case.jpg[/imgz]
Obviously availability depends on your country, but I am guessing that like just about everything, the product is made in China
Oh! David that represents even more accurately my idea
thanks will take it into account when facing the prices fase….
I have advanced a little bit more the project and adjusted the measurements…. my “stair-stand” will probably be something like steps of 55 width by 35 height. Miniatures standing on the 55mm. steps. So miniatures on horses and also most of the vignettes (if not all) fit on them.
I’m planning a bit more space than necessary on the steps so I can add some sort of plates or plaquettes with names and references. I’m thinking to make something similar to a “chinese bamboo stick” or a little bit bigger and write/engrave the names and references there.
February 27, 2021 at 4:50 am #39418Master Tree, thank you for mentioning the Dragons. I think MB345 might be the tallest, if presented as intended by Chris.
February 27, 2021 at 2:47 pm #39421twrich wrote:Master Tree, thank you for mentioning the Dragons. I think MB345 might be the tallest, if presented as intended by Chris.It is huge, between the extended tail and wings… he will have a special place on the vitrine. Once I have it restored to it’s old glory… my version did not bend over as it seems to frequently happen with this reference, because I reinforced it with internal wire and putty, on the other hand it suffered from a “bent wing syndrome” while on a move from one flat to the next one…
So I unassembled it and kept in a safer place until I find the time to restore it.
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Mathom House of Michel Delving › Highest mithril?