How about this for a form of torture!!! And what about…….

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony How about this for a form of torture!!! And what about…….

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      I recently did rather well in a club bi-annual model competition (big stuff, not Mithril) and for my sins won £170 in GW vouchers :o, it was originally £230, but I did a trade in for another kit.

      So with the stigma of having to go into a GW shop to be accosted by one of the duty geeks (who turned out to be quite helpful in the end) I grabbed a few hardware items that can be used for other things (no GW LotR stuff went into my bags).

      Why, oh why, couldn’t the club member who had very kindly donated the gift vouchers (and i wasn’t the only one to get them) have got Mithril Gift Vouchers instead, but then Mithril don’t do Gift Vouchers do they :/?

      Could Gift Vouchers help Mithril sales I wonder ;) ? The company would get the money up front and by receiving the voucher as a gift hopefully the recipient would then continue to buy Mithrils :D Just a thought, I wonder if Lars has considered them.


        I recently did rather well in a club bi-annual model competition (big stuff, not Mithril) and for my sins won £170 in GW vouchers :o, it was originally £230, but I did a trade in for another kit.

        So with the stigma of having to go into a GW shop to be accosted by one of the duty geeks (who turned out to be quite helpful in the end) I grabbed a few hardware items that can be used for other things (no GW LotR stuff went into my bags).

        Why, oh why, couldn’t the club member who had very kindly donated the gift vouchers (and i wasn’t the only one to get them) have got Mithril Gift Vouchers instead, but then Mithril don’t do Gift Vouchers do they :/?

        Could Gift Vouchers help Mithril sales I wonder ;) ? The company would get the money up front and by receiving the voucher as a gift hopefully the recipient would then continue to buy Mithrils :D Just a thought, I wonder if Lars has considered them.

        MMP Elder

          gift vouchers are something “physical” it requires having a physical presence, stands, shops etc to give them….

          they have given gift vouchers of 5 or 10€ in the past, in the packages they sent, with codes to be redeemed while buying but that’s all they can do at the moment I think…


            actually, this is not really necessary — there could be digital vouchers, sent out after payment (online) has been made — the code can be used only once (like an activation code for a user account), so they could prevent abuse.



              Yes, in the first instance i was thinking more on the lines of WAG’s and Boyfriends/husbands who are familiar with the web-site and uvver half’s passion for collecting Mithril figures buying the vouchers.

              But the expansion of the idea could be gift vouchers for friends (who want Tolkien related 32mm figures) who could be subtly introduced to Mithril by way of the vouchers which direct them to the web-site and hopefully ……………. ;)


                The Evil Empire (a.k.a. GW) makes a nice lotR scenery set. You may have grabbed it.


                  I would also gladly grabbed this piece of plastic… :) thank for this shortcut Master Arthadan…

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                MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony How about this for a form of torture!!! And what about…….