MA1 in antique finish !

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Marketplace of Tharbad MA1 in antique finish !

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  • #16293
      Gildor Inglorion wrote:
      oh and if mjachm is selling his collection, as I know he is a serious collector… maybe he does have some of the prototypes I miss in 54mm? do you know anything about this master Ent?

      if i understood theobald correctly, michael is *not* selling his collection, but rather the duplicates that he has (of which there seem to be quite a lot). in any case, one of the best mithril sellers around.


        Right, Master Cameosis. One of the best Mithril-sellers around and a very serious collector. Though he offered quite a lot of his spares recently (which would have made up a good start for another collection) his collection is still complete and will be.
        The MA1 still can be ordered from Mithril as Master Hsf62 confirmed. That’s the one in a blue box.
        The box Master Gildor referred to is one of the old boxes, red with a sticker “surrounded” with silver. There also was an Isildur figure in such a box once.
        I just checked the Unique-Gallery again and saw that there’s only one pic of that figure in it, though I felt sure that once I provided more pics, including the red box etc. – Maybe they were lost some years ago, when our dear Elf was about starting this MMP and was robbed of his laptop.
        I’ll try to find the pics, they must be somewhere here … or I could take new ones.

        Mjach didn’t paint all pieces of his collection himself, as you can imagine, as there are many. He let paint some by what he calls ‘best painters’. I don’t know if you know any of them.
        – the five winners of the last painting competition, and
        – Afghanisti – Arnaud Godet – Eric Vuillemin – Vince Reed – Gobbo (from VinisMinis) – and others

        Sorry, that’s all I know of.


          Regarding pictures, you can se the red box here: [mith]MA1[/mith]

          Master Theoblad knows I also obtained an extraordinary lot from Mjach.
          “One of the best Mithril-sellers around”, well for my own experience, apart from CT and some of you here, Mjach is my best provider. :D


            See, the pics already were uploaded on this server a long time ago, I just didn’t know where … maybe I simply forgot to place them … anyway … this now might be the right place to do so.

            The MA1 (55mm) I referred to, the one in the old red box, is this

            [imgz url=][/imgz]

            now the box …

            [imgz url=][/imgz]

            [imgz url=][/imgz]

            to compare:

            [imgz url=][/imgz]

            another one

            [imgz url=][/imgz]


              Yes, I know, Master Milo. But he’s not a provider, he’s a very serious collector. And yes, I know about your contacts but didn’t say a word, did I. Sometimes trees do know.

              [imgz url=][/imgz]

              see, this is a tree + have a nice day

                Theobald wrote:
                Yes, I know, Master Milo. But he’s not a provider, he’s a very serious collector. And yes, I know about your contacts but didn’t say a word, did I. Sometimes trees do know.

                the scene is not so big as not to know sometimes what goes on behind the curtain. ;)


                  …. lot’s of interesting informations here…. :) so we will see if it is possible to save some money in this auction… while still I have not bought this MA1 figure…. thanks for this pictures Master Tree…


                    I’ve bought CHR 1993 Isildur – Antique finished from Michael and transaction was more than professional !


                      Item is not on ebay anymore.

                      MMP Elder

                        a very special kind of intelligent orc … that’s creepy oO

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                      MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Marketplace of Tharbad MA1 in antique finish !