mw347 subreferences
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Mathom House of Michel Delving › mw347 subreferences
- This topic has 35 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 7 months ago by Gildor.
May 20, 2008 at 4:36 pm #2255
Huooommm … why always refer to me? … rhuoommm … well, the facts about that what The Man once called “Saruman’s Army” being revealed so far is all I know about them … hom … I was in contact with The Man more than once about the ‘Angrenost guardsman’ and he believably told me that it’s lost for good (…huommmrhuoommm. I do keep records about such matters).
HUom … I tried to get a ‘final’ answer from him because I kept the list from Master Henk on the old MMP which included that figure … rhuooomm
Ahem, just to be honest, I forgot to ask The Man about that 4th archer as I took it for granted that it also doesn’t exist any more because he once told me somethink like “that’s all there is left”. ……… but as you’re asking me I will try to find out about that second lost figure …. huoomm … yes, Master Caster, I’ve also heard of the rumours that that figure was one loading its bow … huomm … but I’m not sure if it’s just not more than a rumour …. rhuoommm … now as I contemplate these matters things come to my mind …. hom … there might be more than one possibility to find out …. I’ll try … but cannot haste everything … rhuooommmhuooommMay 20, 2008 at 4:45 pm #2257Huoomm …. just to add … I took most of the time of my last weekend picturizing that army quite detailed … huoommm … that pics are on their way to Master Gildor by now … hom … but please give him time to decide whether they can be used at all (I still have some problems to handle those camera-things with me branches … huommm …) and besides Master Gildor is very busy … rhuoommm … (most of the time he’s pointing out that the Mw347 is the Mw346 and the other way round – just a jest of course, Master Gildor :lol:) …. homrhuom
July 14, 2008 at 5:13 pm #2532I am currently filling the MW346 (half-orcs) in my database (yes! I made it up to MW346.. more than 150 references filled in less than a month..) but I was wondering…
If there was a price to put for the WHOLE existing warband (only ONE of each figurine) what would it be?
The original selling price by Chris Tubb tends to let me think it was around 300€ for the whole set… but with people like Drizztdourden and others who sold them back for big money, the price for the whole set may have doubled, or worse…If Zoetrop has some compilation data for a “whole MW346” , that would be useful
(also , I got some news on what next is to be released (in some monthgs) for MW347 (the iron hill dwarves)…
July 27, 2008 at 8:13 pm #2618Your guess about the price of the whole set seems to be absolutely wrong, Gildor.
You have to keep in mind, that (I think) two sets of the army were not put by Chris Tubb as a “Buy-it-now” on Ebay such as he preferred to do later on with the rest of that army. The two sets were the “Angrenost guard” (2 figures) and the “command set” (3 figures). I’m not sure about the “buy-it-now” offer for the ‘Angrenosts. – Well, of course I could all look it up, as I try to keep records about those things.
Why did you have to remind me, Gildor? The “command group” nearly cost me a fortune … alas.July 28, 2008 at 7:48 am #2623well sorry if that woke up bad memories theobald that was not my intention
but I thought those two sets you mentionned were sold on ebay too… After all, how did I get mine??July 28, 2008 at 11:11 am #2624Yes, both were sold on Ebay but in a regular bidding auction and not as “buy-it-now” items which guarantee a fixed price. Chris Tubb later chose that way of selling his rare figures at a fixed and announced time just to be sure that the price for them on Ebay cannot climb up too high. I always regarded this as a most generous behaviour towards collectors.
July 28, 2008 at 12:17 pm #2628Chris has always been a fair guy , or tried to be… He was, at first, unaware of the collector appreciation of his work… I think he is more aware now, still he remains humble that’s a very nice person
July 28, 2008 at 10:33 pm #2633So he is …
August 6, 2008 at 4:47 pm #2780Hello all – glad to have found a follow-up to the MMP that went down…have a question I hope someone can answer – I have recently viewed the MW 437 list submitted above by Theobald and after having looked at my figures, seem to be missing a few. I was hoping I could find out if the original groups of figures for the Swordsman C8D, C8B and C8C – were sold as a group of three or four, including the C8A – which I am missing.
Also – the Bowman – the list suggests C5B, C5D and C5A – however, I seem to have 2 x C5B and C5D, no C5A – was C5A not sold, was there no C5C? Not sure if Chris sold this lot with two of each?
If anyone has the answers I would appreciate it. I am also missing one of the Spearman C3A – I have a couple of doubles, so if anyone has doubles of the ones I am missing and need to completer their set, perhaps we could arrange a trade.
August 6, 2008 at 5:45 pm #2781Hello Groovecrown
glad to see you there
well I am no expert in the [mith]MW346[/mith] (calling it Mw347 is a mistake, in reality it is MW346 “Half-orcs”) but one of the archers were completly lost, like the angrenost guard… there are two figurines in the end, never to be seen in this range.
as for the first original group it includes a man captain on horse and a man captain on foot.
all the subreferences can be found described in the link of the figurine you’ll see by clicking aboveAugust 6, 2008 at 10:54 pm #2791Rhuoommm … good old Groovecrown is around here … huoomm … hello again …homm … but take your time to settle down here, please … huoommm … after that I also would like to have you take some time for me … rhuoommm … things to do and consider, so to say … huoommm … but first of all feel welcomed by all of us … rhuoommm … enjoy … hom
August 6, 2008 at 11:15 pm #2792You seems to be hectic about trading here within these premises we are in … huoomm … alas … another hasty fellow … though … huommm … at least … he found some of us …. hom … ah, by the by, couldn’t you afford to offer an old Ent a bowl of clear-clean-water … rhuoom .. another lost traveller meseems … rhuoomm … ahem, don’t judge me as being impolite, please …. hom.
August 7, 2008 at 12:22 am #2793Welcome Master Groovecrown!
Trading takes time. A lot of things have to be dicussed.August 7, 2008 at 1:10 am #2794Happy to have found a comfortable place again to discuss many and all things, was at a loss when rumour turned to truth about the old MMP. Sorry to seem hasty, not at all, time I know for drinks etc…Gildor I am at a loss about the MW347, Chris himself refers to them as 347…good to see some old faces from before…I will be around to chat – happy to gather more information about the set and see where it leads…
August 7, 2008 at 1:50 am #2795Welcome Groovecrown! I don’t think that I have met you before, so it is nice to meet you.
August 7, 2008 at 6:11 am #2797well it happens that to make things “easier” Chris kept refering to Iron hill dwarves as MW346 and half-orcs as MW347 because he began using that referencing on ebay and that would be odd to change now…
But even he, made a mistake (after all, it is Mithril and not him who does the referencing)
The facts behind this are the advertisement lines on the back of the packages of MW336 and MW337… the MW346/7 were announced and what was written is :
MW346 : Half-orcs of Saruman
MW347 : Iron Hill DwarvesThat is logical… the MW336 Mordor Orcs have subreferences with Axx, the MW337 are Bxx and the half-orcs are Cxx thus the next in the list… MW347 have raw subereferences without any hierarchical behavior (it is only “a,b,c,d…”)
I’d like to add that certainly what should have been MW347 (except for some figurines) may have been “split and rebuilt” into the “Thorin & Dain” dwarf army series from [mith]M363[/mith] to [mith]M372[/mith] , when you look closely at the MW347 (iron hills) command group, there are stron similitudes with the same characters (eg. [mith]M367[/mith] [mith]M368[/mith]))
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Mathom House of Michel Delving › mw347 subreferences