My little Mithril fellows
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Art Gallery of Mayor Samwise › My little Mithril fellows
- This topic has 226 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 1 month ago by Maenas.
December 29, 2010 at 11:51 am #14208
Beautiful works of art Master Elroi, and a belated welcome to the MMP world
. Like other members I too look forward to more painted Mithrils appearing.
December 29, 2010 at 4:36 pm #14213Here are my latests works (very bad guys….)
An armoured orc:
[imgz url=][/imgz]
[imgz url=][/imgz]
And a Huorn (I specially likes this one)
[imgz url=][/imgz]
Hope you like it, more of them are on their way!
December 29, 2010 at 5:03 pm #14215…..
December 29, 2010 at 5:32 pm #14216I like all of them! Very Nice!
December 29, 2010 at 8:11 pm #14217That Huorn is a masterpiece … each and every details are pointed out perfectly … alas, Master Elroi, I wish I had your skills … huooommm rhuom’… rúr’huoommhom .. hom … thank you for painting a Huorn that perfectly … keep on, please
December 29, 2010 at 10:09 pm #14218well I’m back from my holidays (after having been sick but that’s another story..) and well I am a bit late to welcome you Elroi, and also to congratulate you for your very very talented painting!!
On a side note, please, in order to keep the forum quite readable could you use the “upload image” functionnality of this forum rather than posting raw images? the upload image functionnality has the benefit to generate smaller thumbnails to fit the corpse of a post, and still gives the possibility to zoom in the picture by clicking the thumbnail.
That would be great!thanks a lot and once again , quite impressive job!
December 29, 2010 at 10:56 pm #14219Sorry for the big pics, Master Gildor!
I saw in others post the images as thumbnails, but i didn´t found that “upload image” functionnality in the options of the message (I´m not a very talented informatic)
Just tell me where is that option, and I will edit the images to a smaller size,
Masters Shadyt and Thingol, thank you very much for your words!
And venerable Theobald, very soon you will see my Fimbrethil vision (and after, I´ll need to seek for more Ents to add at my collection)
December 29, 2010 at 11:19 pm #14220Master elroi, I am happy too about your joining here. And I like your paintings very much indeed.
Well, the “upload image” button you see on the top of the side: Index- User list- Rules- Upload image- Search- Profile- Messages- LogoutHave a try, it works, believe me!
As others already mentioned, there is a section called : mithril gallery. You find it as a yellow-brown field also on top- nearly . . .
Have a look there and you will find pictures from David, Thingol, Milo and myself.
The main “art-section” is under “the art gallery of master samwise” where you already have posted your pictures. You will find a lot of brilliant stuff there.December 30, 2010 at 12:02 am #14223Work on the pics done!
Thanks for the clear instructions, Master TurambarAnd I have took a look to the gallery… your dioramas are excellent (Moria is awesome!!!) and there is a lot of very good and inspiring stuff.
I like to make dioramas also… in a near future I probably will make some mithril scenes also, not only miniatures.
December 30, 2010 at 11:32 am #14227Please master Elroi, a talented artist like yourself! feel free to send me pics of dioramas in my email that you would like me to display in the “Mithril Gallery” section (not on the forum but the gallery module itself I mean) I think these could be great additions!
as for pics of single figurines (outside dioramas) I am also interested if you want to provide some for the Database itself! (for the bottom left collector pictures)December 31, 2010 at 10:38 am #14243Wow !!!!
These orcs look fantastic. One hase even a nice tongue…
Looking at your pictures, I wonder if you use metalic paint, it seems not and the result is even better !
Maybe you could provide some tips in the painting section here: 31, 2010 at 3:31 pm #14249Master Milo, I used metallic paints (Citadel ones), but I use also a lot of washes and thin layers of non metallic ones.
I have prepared I little tutorial with some basic steps, I wil post now there.
Master Gildor, by now, my only dioramas are GW LOTR, not mithril. If you want pictures of them, just tell me. And for the single miniatures, as soon as I paint a decent number of them (10 or so) , I will submit you.
December 31, 2010 at 4:03 pm #14251well GW dioramas would not fit a “mithril gallery” would they
so I don’t think it wise to use them… About single ones though I am indeed interested feel free to send them when you want
December 31, 2010 at 4:07 pm #14252Gildor Inglorion wrote:well GW dioramas would not fit a “mithril gallery” would theyso I don’t think it wise to use them…
Hehehe, I supposed. I´ll send you soon the pics-
And now, some “new” things (I´ve been very productive in this holidays, wow)
Frodo at the chamber of Mazarbul
[imgz url=][/imgz]
And Aragorn and Akargun, now with some painting details added, and a new base
[imgz url=][/imgz]
[imgz url=][/imgz]
January 3, 2011 at 12:07 am #14288A “little” addition for my gallery, Dwarven infantry, one new and one with details added:
[imgz url=][/imgz]
[imgz url=][/imgz]
January 3, 2011 at 9:34 am #14298I am speechless…
January 3, 2011 at 9:39 am #14299Very nice! Love the dragon in the shield, is it NMM?
January 3, 2011 at 10:40 am #14306Thaks, Masters milo and Arthadan
It´s not an NMM effect (at least, that was not my intention). It´s more an aesthetic (this is, simulating something with no a real reason) effect of lightning, to give a more dramatic pose to the Dwarf. I simply added some no metalic colour (bleached bone) to the last highligt on the border of the shield (wich is painted in metals)
I have done something similar on the chainmail of the other dwarf, and on the edges of the weapons and armour plates (Frodo´s blade is another example)
January 3, 2011 at 10:56 am #14309Yes, I will follow Arthadan and milo. A nice colour choice as well and also nice gradients.
January 3, 2011 at 1:00 pm #14332…. so what could I say after all those compliments… again… again and again… great… after all those pictures I will repaint some of my early figures… again… and again
I’m usually satisfied with my work… but I will improve some details on some old painted mithril guys… and girls…
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Art Gallery of Mayor Samwise › My little Mithril fellows