My little Mithril fellows
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Art Gallery of Mayor Samwise › My little Mithril fellows
- This topic has 226 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 1 month ago by Maenas.
January 4, 2011 at 3:33 pm #14373Thingol wrote:I will repaint some of my early figures… again… and again
I’m usually satisfied with my work… but I will improve some details on some old painted mithril guys… and girls…
That´s a neverending but satisfactory work, improving all the time. I think some of my miniatures have been repainted at least 3-4 times: my early works with Humbrol enamels, my firsts trys with acrilics, and 1-2 post-paintings
Neverending work
January 4, 2011 at 5:19 pm #14376I still use Humbrol enamels and Model Master colors, and I’m happy with those colors… some of my early painted miniatures are repainted and some of them will be soon. I do not like acrylic and specially not oil paint. Almost same effect you could achieve with mixing mat and satin colors. Could you take a look at my gallery section under Thingol.
I would like to hear or read your ( it is evident ) professional opinion and comment
ThanksJanuary 6, 2011 at 9:48 pm #14396Hi, Master Thingol
I prefer to use acrylics better than enamels or oils. With all kind of paints is possible to achieve the same effects and results, but there are big differences between them. But there are not better or worse ones, just different.
I use the acrylics mainly because they dry very faster than the others (and this is important for my painting style, because I apply lots and lots of thin layers of paint, for shading and highlighting) and because they use water to dilute (not toxic thinners).
I have seen your gallery, very nice compositions, mixing naturalistic scenarios and miniatures.
Regarding the painting work itself, I´ll be sincere: I think your miniatures are painting in a very basic style (this is, not much shading or highlighting work, dull colours, not much tones… )
But for judging your work in a right way, I need to know some things:
– How much time do you spend painting a single miniature?
– Do you have time enough to spend on painting?
– Which is your aim when you paint a miniature?If your answers are close to:
– Not much
– Yes
– try to improve a little from the previous miniatureI assure you that it´s very easy to get very better results in not much time. I think the best way to do that is to open a “step by step” post, painting a single miniature and posting pictures of every step. I will help you in every step, with advices and tips
January 6, 2011 at 10:39 pm #14398Thanks for this answer Master Elroi ! I think you are right in your thoughts and I’m ready to improve my painting style as soon as possible. Especially after I saw here panting works of Master Turambar and in last time – yours.
Also I have around 250 repainted miniatures with much more shading, highlighting works and much more tones, not bright colors etc. and I’m going to repaint others in some short future period.
And my answers are
– one figure – around 6 hours ( not much )
– sometimes when my family goes to sleep and it will be more time this year after I’ve fulfilled some of my educational and business aims
– my aim is written above( in number of repainted miniatures )
Also I’m happy with you on this forum and I hope that you’ll stay… here of course
And thanks for your offer. In some future period I will send you some pictures of my “work in progress” for advice and comments.
I think many of us could do this.
January 7, 2011 at 10:33 am #144036 hours in a miniature are enough to get good results in a miniature (even if you use enamels, with a slow dry). But I do not recommend to paint at night (unless you have a very good light… light bulbs that simulate the real day light), it´s very better to paint with natural daylight (this may be easier in Spain than in center or north Europe :rolleyes:)
I´ll try soon to make a step by step post of one of my miniatures, with pictures of all the steps, to show how is my process in painting
Thingol wrote:Also I’m happy with you on this forum and I hope that you’ll stay… here of courseThanks a lot, I think I´ll be here for a long time
PS: 250 are A LOT painted miniatures, congrats for such great collection
January 7, 2011 at 10:46 am #14406And another miniature (painted in my last day of holidays..), one of my personal favorites minor races: woses
Here I introduce you: Ghan Buri Ghan:
[imgz url=][/imgz]
January 7, 2011 at 11:37 am #14408Hello Roi and all Mithril Fellowship.
Great work here, as usual from you. I always keep my little Mithril collection save as gold in wood boxes, some of them in their original pacage. When you told me about this forum reanimated my interest into paint these little gems. Now I’m preparing a couple of them and I hope to show you it soon.A pleasure to know about people who have your tastes.
January 7, 2011 at 12:06 pm #14409Welcome Master Mabden !
Elroi, as for you, I fancy woses. I even was one of them 25 years ago when playing MERP ! 😎Your Ghan Buri Ghan is just natural. Perfect skin.
Again, I wish to know how to obtain such magnificent body.
Which colors are needed ?January 7, 2011 at 9:22 pm #14414…. dear friend… with little child it and with works which I’m doing last years it was impossible to paint during the day light
Last time when I was paint something on day light it was 7 years ago… and as it seems I will wait few years to do this again
This 250 are repainted… and I have whole available collection of mithril figures painted
more than 600 figures… and all others except those 250 need some improvements….
Thanks for your support !
And finally this Ghan Buri Ghan is remarkable !
Master Mabden welcome on our forum… please go to “Who is who” topic and there you could introduce your self with your photo….
January 7, 2011 at 10:56 pm #14415Welcome master Mabden, you are no more a LOST traveller
welcome aboard friend
January 8, 2011 at 12:41 am #14416Perfect skinn! ( a song from Master Lloyd Cole and the Commotions if i remember right . . .)
But in this case a really good colour shading. Coulering skinn is very ambitious, so I respect this work.
And I know what I am speaking about . . .January 8, 2011 at 7:43 am #14418pretty impressive your painted figures WOW!
January 8, 2011 at 10:53 am #14419Thank you friends, I don’t feel myself lost.
Now to introduce myself at Who’s Who.January 9, 2011 at 1:15 pm #14438Master Milo, here are the colours used in the skin (starting from right to left):
[imgz url=][/imgz]
I used for the base in the skin a orange-flesh colour, of the old Citadel range, but I lost long ago the label and don´t know the name (I post a picture of all the colours used).
After, I mixed a little of Bubonic brown (a brown with lot of yellow) with the flesh and highlighted. After, I increase the light adding several layers with a mix of flesh-little Bubonic brown-Bleached bone. But I applied them in small zones (shoulders, knees, hands, face, chest…), and leaving most of the skin in the base colour.
Finally, I shaded some zones, with a mix of Dark flesh and a little of purple
As always, I apply lot of thin layers in every step (this is, 3-4 layers of the same mix or colour), to get an smooth result.
Hope it helps you (I played woses in MERP too… years ago
Master Turambar, I agree with you, painting big and smooth zones of naked skin (no big muscles or bodybuilders ones) is one of the most difficults things in the miniature painting (at least for me)
Master Thingol, you have more than 600 mithril painted miniatures… now I´m jealousy. I will need maybe 4-5 years to have something similar. I´m just starting the journey
Javier, happy to see you active here. Paint some of your stuff and show us!
January 10, 2011 at 9:28 am #14457Thanks for providing these precious tips Master of Brushes
Maybe the technical part in your post could be moved to painting tutorial ?
January 13, 2011 at 3:24 pm #14502Hi, master Milo!
Maybe when I´ll have some different tips and tutorials, I could re-unite them in a unique post.
By now, there are only two of them
January 13, 2011 at 3:35 pm #14503Hi master of Brushes !
I definitely think many of us would be delighted to read your tutorials.January 14, 2011 at 7:26 am #14508Master Elroi, right now your tutorial example I use for painting one miniature, so we’ll see how it will look.
It is a Haldir figurine, or figurine that I hate most ….
pure coincidence….
January 14, 2011 at 8:32 am #14509Master Thingol, an advice: when using new techniques of painting, or practicing some things you never have done before, try to paint miniatures that you like and avoid that ones you dislike.
Many times happens to me that the only reason to getting stuck with a miniature is that the miniature itself doesn´t “fit” my style or tasteYou should start trying new things in “easy” miniatures
Master Milo, and I will be delighted to help if I can
And my collection keeps growing!
The sheriff
[imgz url=][/imgz]
And one haradrim
[imgz url=][/imgz]
January 14, 2011 at 9:03 am #14510I like Haldir to but he is last on my list of all figures…….
I will send you picture and you will argue….
but for this pictures which kind of lenses you choose, and the background… is it made in Photoshop or it is just hard paper…. poster or etc… Something else…
And those pictures….. Awesome again!
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Art Gallery of Mayor Samwise › My little Mithril fellows