My work, since 1987…

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  • #14049

      Yesterday evening, I read again the Hobbit “Unexpected party” chapter to check which color for my carrock Dwarves I shall use.
      First, to me, I have always imagined hood & cloaks being the same colors.
      This re-reading led me also to a small conversion for this project: I will replace the axe on M229 to make a nice Kili with shovel (using M100).

      I know that purists might highlight the fact that only Thorin, Gandalf & Bilbo have a weapon at the time of this Carrock event as Gobelins took every things from the company.
      Still, I must rely on existing Mithril dwarves, so armed ones will have axes except Thorin with Orcrist and Kili with a showel.
      This to reflect the book as much as I can.

      I have decided to allocate dwarves miniatures to the following characters:

      1 [mith]M111[/mith]: Fili with blue hood & cloak, weapon: Axe
      1 [mith]M127[/mith]: Ori with grey hood & cloak, weapon: Axe
      1 [mith]M140[/mith]: Dori with purple hood & cloak, Bilbo in dark green hood given by Dwalin, no weapons
      1 [mith]M155[/mith]: Thorin with Sky blue hood & cloak with a silver tassel, weapon: Orcrist
      1 [mith]M160[/mith]: Balin with red hood & cloak, no weapon
      1 [mith]M163[/mith]: Bifur with yellow hood & brown cloak, no weapon
      1 [mith]M229[/mith]: Kili with blue hood & cloak + conversion (see below), no weapon
      1 [mith]M306[/mith]: M306A: Gloin with white hood & cloak, no weapon
      M306B: Oin with brown hood & cloak, weapon: Axe
      1 [mith]MS538[/mith]: Bombur with pale green hood & cloak, weapon: Axe

      The 3 missing dwarves will therefore be the following:
      Dwalin with dark green hood & cloak and a blue beard (Bilbo already in dark green, Bombur also in green and the blue beard do not inspire me at all)
      Bofur with yellow hood & cloak (Bifur already in yellow)
      Nori with purple hood & cloak (Dori already in purple).


        Yes, re-reading the chapter in the Hobbit is also very good for painting the MX-UP, I think, as Tolkien gave more or less precise descriptions of the Dwarves’ clothes.


          I am back on “The Carrock” now MB560 contest has a perfect winner.

          I remind here what is done so far :

          Carrock :
          Carrock is finished, including Beorn’s cave, Way up and stairs, and Rocks.

          The Anduin River :
          The Anduin River is finished, including River, All banks, Surroundings and Trees.

          1 [mith]M111[/mith]: Fili with blue hood & cloak painted, assembled on Carrock.
          1 [mith]M127[/mith]: Ori with grey hood & cloak Painting restarted, 30%
          1 [mith]M140[/mith]: Dori with purple hood & cloak, Bilbo in dark green hood given by Dwalin painted, assembled on Carrock.
          1 [mith]M155[/mith]: Thorin with Sky blue hood & cloak with a silver tassel, weapon: Orcrist painted, assembled on Carrock.
          1 [mith]M160[/mith]: Balin with red hood & cloak Painting started 50%.
          1 [mith]M163[/mith]: Bifur with yellow hood & brown cloak painted, assembled on Carrock.
          1 [mith]M229[/mith]: Kili with blue hood & cloak Conversion done, Painting 0%
          2 [mith]M301[/mith]: painted, assembled on Carrock.
          2 [mith]M302[/mith]: painted, assembled on Carrock.
          2 [mith]M303[/mith]: painted, assembled on Carrock.
          2 [mith]M304[/mith]: painted, assembled on Carrock.
          1 [mith]M306[/mith]A : Gloin with white hood & cloak painted, assembled on Carrock.
          1 [mith]M306[/mith]B : Oin with brown hood & cloak Painting started 10%.
          1 [mith]MS538[/mith]: Bombur with pale green hood & cloak not started.
          1 [mith]MS553[/mith]: not started.

          It shall take 1 evening per character, so several weeks.


            Go for it Master Milo! :)


              Thanks Holger. Check your mail in few minutes, I have some ideas.:rolleyes:


                I will! :)


                  Done Holger, 15 minutes to write, I am getting slow…


                    Gloin was painted this afternoon, 6 minis remaining…at least ;)


                      Impatience’s eating me…. :D :)


                        Me too !:lol:
                        progress report updated.;)


                          Ori was painted and placed on stairs today.

                          Carrock :
                          Carrock is finished, including Beorn’s cave, Way up and stairs, and Rocks.

                          The Anduin River :
                          The Anduin River is finished, including River, All banks, Surroundings and Trees.

                          1 [mith]M111[/mith]: Fili with blue hood & cloak painted, assembled on Carrock.
                          1 [mith]M127[/mith]: Ori with grey hood & cloak painted, assembled on Carrock.
                          1 [mith]M140[/mith]: Dori with purple hood & cloak, Bilbo in dark green hood given by Dwalin painted, assembled on Carrock.
                          1 [mith]M155[/mith]: Thorin with Sky blue hood & cloak with a silver tassel, weapon: Orcrist painted, assembled on Carrock.
                          1 [mith]M160[/mith]: Balin with red hood & cloak Painting started 50%.
                          1 [mith]M163[/mith]: Bifur with yellow hood & brown cloak painted, assembled on Carrock.
                          1 [mith]M229[/mith]: Kili with blue hood & cloak Conversion done, Painting 0%
                          2 [mith]M301[/mith]: painted, assembled on Carrock.
                          2 [mith]M302[/mith]: painted, assembled on Carrock.
                          2 [mith]M303[/mith]: painted, assembled on Carrock.
                          2 [mith]M304[/mith]: painted, assembled on Carrock.
                          1 [mith]M306[/mith]A : Gloin with white hood & cloak painted, assembled on Carrock.
                          1 [mith]M306[/mith]B : Oin with brown hood & cloak Painting started 10%.
                          1 [mith]MS538[/mith]: Bombur with pale green hood & cloak not started.
                          1 [mith]MS553[/mith]: not started.



                            999…. I’ll wait for you in the taproom ! :P


                              I managed to do a bit of painting (after nearly a month without touching any brush…:/).

                              Oin was painted and placed today. :P

                              Carrock :
                              Carrock is finished, including Beorn’s cave, Way up and stairs, and Rocks.

                              The Anduin River :
                              The Anduin River is finished, including River, All banks, Surroundings and Trees.

                              1 [mith]M111[/mith]: Fili with blue hood & cloak painted, assembled on Carrock.
                              1 [mith]M127[/mith]: Ori with grey hood & cloak painted, assembled on Carrock.
                              1 [mith]M140[/mith]: Dori with purple hood & cloak, Bilbo in dark green hood given by Dwalin painted, assembled on Carrock.
                              1 [mith]M155[/mith]: Thorin with Sky blue hood & cloak with a silver tassel, weapon: Orcrist painted, assembled on Carrock.
                              1 [mith]M160[/mith]: Balin with red hood & cloak Painting started 50%.
                              1 [mith]M163[/mith]: Bifur with yellow hood & brown cloak painted, assembled on Carrock.
                              1 [mith]M229[/mith]: Kili with blue hood & cloak Conversion done, Painting 30%
                              2 [mith]M301[/mith]: painted, assembled on Carrock.
                              2 [mith]M302[/mith]: painted, assembled on Carrock.
                              2 [mith]M303[/mith]: painted, assembled on Carrock.
                              2 [mith]M304[/mith]: painted, assembled on Carrock.
                              1 [mith]M306[/mith]A : Gloin with white hood & cloak painted, assembled on Carrock.
                              1 [mith]M306[/mith]B : Oin with brown hood & cloak painted, assembled on Carrock.
                              1 [mith]MS538[/mith]: Bombur with pale green hood & cloak Painting started 10%.
                              1 [mith]MS553[/mith]:Painting started 10%.


                                Before the complete scene pictures can be taken I show you here my dwarves. I am sorry about the poor quality of pictures, but these are first ones with my daughter’s camera as mine was left at Dad’s home during last holidays.

                                Bifur: [imgz url=][/imgz] [imgz url=][/imgz]

                                Dori & Bilbo: [imgz url=][/imgz]

                                Fili: [imgz url=][/imgz] Gloin: [imgz url=][/imgz]

                                Oin:[imgz url=][/imgz] [imgz url=][/imgz] [imgz url=][/imgz]

                                Ori: [imgz url=][/imgz]

                                Thorin: [imgz url=][/imgz] [imgz url=][/imgz]


                                  … One of my next question for you is supposed to be… – “when you would put news on this brilliant topic…” ?…. and here is an answer….


                                    … and yes all figures are very well painted… especially Thorin…. :) great !!!!


                                      Thanks Nino. I’m glad you like it. ;)


                                        …. you are welcome dear friend…. I hope soon we would have privilege to see final work… :)


                                          Wonderful figures !!! I like them :):)
                                          Congrats ;)


                                            Very good. I like it!!
                                            Which enormous work; I’m impatient to see the final work :D

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