Once upon a time Mithril Maniac / Myth’Image

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony Once upon a time Mithril Maniac / Myth’Image

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  • #38523

      Beautiful AGAIN !

      Fabrice JACOB

        What do you think about this Master Thingol ?

        [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958_0181.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958_0181.jpg[/imgz]

        Jacques ‘s work


          Beautiful AGAIN ! ;-)

            Fabrice JACOB wrote:
            What do you think about this Master Thingol ?

            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958_0181.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958_0181.jpg[/imgz]

            Jacques ‘s work

            Great work!! Super “soft” colours, but still beautiful!

            Fabrice JACOB

              Bonjour à tous,
              Comme vous avez été très sage dernièrement, trop sage à mon goût… pas un bruit dans les couloirs du Taproom…un vrai silence de… vous avez gagnez une belle image ( enfin c’est vous qui jugerez), comme dans le bon vieux temps. Je ne sais pas si cette pratique existait ailleurs qu’en France mais, à l’école primaire, les instituteurs en distribuaient aux bons élèves, D’ailleurs à vrai dire, ce n’est pas si loin que cela… mon corps vieilli, pas mon esprit :D.
              L’image est un travail réalisé par Gilles J, un ami, membre de Myth’Image / Mithril Maniac.
              Ceux qui avaient décidé de venir à l’ODO 2020 pour participer à cette fête et accessoirement au Trophée Mithril Maniac 2020, auraient pu le rencontrer. En effet, pour cette occasion, Gilles a repris ses pinceaux et a réalisé quelques belles saynètes. Il compte bien vous les présenter au prochain ODO et TMM 2021 :) . Dès que j’aurai la date de sa nouvelle programmation, je vous en ferai part.
              En attendant portez-vous bien !

              [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958_gilles_tom_bombadil_.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958_gilles_tom_bombadil_.jpg[/imgz]

              Good morning all,
              As you have been very wise lately, too wise for my taste … not a noise in the corridors of the Taproom … a real silence of … you have won a beautiful image (well it is you who will judge), like in the good old days. I do not know if this practice existed elsewhere than in France but, at the primary school, the teachers distributed some to the good pupils, Besides to tell the truth, it is not so far away as that … my aged body, not my mind :D.
              The image is a work made by Gilles J, a friend, member of Myth’Image / Mithril Maniac.
              Those who had decided to come to ODO 2020 to participate in this celebration and incidentally to the Mithril Maniac 2020 Trophy, could have met him. Indeed, for this occasion, Gilles took up his brushes and performed some beautiful skits. He intends to present them to you at the next ODO and TMM 2021 :). As soon as I have the date of its new programming, I will let you know.
              In the meantime, be well!

                Fabrice JACOB wrote:
                What do you think about this Master Thingol ?

                [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958_0181.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958_0181.jpg[/imgz]

                Jacques ‘s work

                What a gorgeous piece of work!!!

                Sam Wise
                  Fabrice JACOB wrote:
                  Bonjour à tous,
                  Comme vous avez été très sage dernièrement, trop sage à mon goût… pas un bruit dans les couloirs du Taproom…un vrai silence de… vous avez gagnez une belle image ( enfin c’est vous qui jugerez), comme dans le bon vieux temps. Je ne sais pas si cette pratique existait ailleurs qu’en France mais, à l’école primaire, les instituteurs en distribuaient aux bons élèves, D’ailleurs à vrai dire, ce n’est pas si loin que cela… mon corps vieilli, pas mon esprit :D.
                  L’image est un travail réalisé par Gilles J, un ami, membre de Myth’Image / Mithril Maniac.
                  Ceux qui avaient décidé de venir à l’ODO 2020 pour participer à cette fête et accessoirement au Trophée Mithril Maniac 2020, auraient pu le rencontrer. En effet, pour cette occasion, Gilles a repris ses pinceaux et a réalisé quelques belles saynètes. Il compte bien vous les présenter au prochain ODO et TMM 2021 :) . Dès que j’aurai la date de sa nouvelle programmation, je vous en ferai part.
                  En attendant portez-vous bien !

                  [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958_gilles_tom_bombadil_.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958_gilles_tom_bombadil_.jpg[/imgz]

                  Good morning all,
                  As you have been very wise lately, too wise for my taste … not a noise in the corridors of the Taproom … a real silence of … you have won a beautiful image (well it is you who will judge), like in the good old days. I do not know if this practice existed elsewhere than in France but, at the primary school, the teachers distributed some to the good pupils, Besides to tell the truth, it is not so far away as that … my aged body, not my mind :D.
                  The image is a work made by Gilles J, a friend, member of Myth’Image / Mithril Maniac.
                  Those who had decided to come to ODO 2020 to participate in this celebration and incidentally to the Mithril Maniac 2020 Trophy, could have met him. Indeed, for this occasion, Gilles took up his brushes and performed some beautiful skits. He intends to present them to you at the next ODO and TMM 2021 :). As soon as I have the date of its new programming, I will let you know.
                  In the meantime, be well!

                  Une vraiment très belle image !
                  Colourful image ! I’ve never imagined the House of Tom Bombadil like this but the diorama is amazing !
                  Of course, I hope that I will see all those those marvellous works in real next year !
                  Many thanks for sharing all those master-works !

                  Fabrice JACOB

                    Good morning all,
                    this little word will echo that of Maître Milo worried about the low number of visitors to these sites. It reminded me of an illustration of Olivier. F who offered us his help for the cover pages of the Mithril Maniac fanzines.
                    Snowball, the illustration of Angus Mc Bride is therefore imposed on my mind and the sleeves of the playing cards.
                    Is there a post on the site dedicated to these cards (exchanges, sales, donations …) ?
                    [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958_olivier_f_troll_chambre_de_mazarbul_.png]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958_olivier_f_troll_chambre_de_mazarbul_.png[/imgz]

                    [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958_angus_mc_bride_chambre_de_mazarbul.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958_angus_mc_bride_chambre_de_mazarbul.jpg[/imgz]

                    [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958_pochettes_cartes_a_jouer.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958_pochettes_cartes_a_jouer.jpg[/imgz]


                      Check here The Playgrounds of Erebor.
                      For instance: http://mmp.faerylands.eu/viewtopic.php?id=226

                      Sam Wise
                        Fabrice JACOB wrote:
                        Good morning all,
                        this little word will echo that of Maître Milo worried about the low number of visitors to these sites. It reminded me of an illustration of Olivier. F who offered us his help for the cover pages of the Mithril Maniac fanzines.

                        :D funny image ! … MMP looks like the Chamber of Marzabul !

                        Snowball, the illustration of Angus Mc Bride is therefore imposed on my mind and the sleeves of the playing cards.
                        Is there a post on the site dedicated to these cards (exchanges, sales, donations …) ?
                        [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958_olivier_f_troll_chambre_de_mazarbul_.png]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958_olivier_f_troll_chambre_de_mazarbul_.png[/imgz]

                        [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958_angus_mc_bride_chambre_de_mazarbul.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958_angus_mc_bride_chambre_de_mazarbul.jpg[/imgz]

                        [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958_pochettes_cartes_a_jouer.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958_pochettes_cartes_a_jouer.jpg[/imgz]

                        I’ve never seen those cards … seem to be interesting .

                        Fabrice JACOB

                          Thank you Master Milo. Your knowledge of the site saves me an essential time , may be to paint figures ! :)
                          I am waiting to know if you have received your package, Master Sam Wise.

                          Sam Wise

                            Hello ! I’ve received my preciouss today !
                            Master Fabrice it’s the Handbook + different pages ( advertisings I think and other stuff …)

                            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/862_img_20200612_161455.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/862_img_20200612_161455.jpg[/imgz]

                            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/862_img_20200612_160916.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/862_img_20200612_160916.jpg[/imgz]

                            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/862_img_20200612_160934.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/862_img_20200612_160934.jpg[/imgz]

                            and of course the figures ! ( about 45 … )
                            All in protected boxes , often glued and all unprimed, in excellent condition. 6 in blisters.
                            I think the owner was a collector and also a painter, but the seller didn’t have a lot of informations about the figures.

                            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/862_img_20200612_165308.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/862_img_20200612_165308.jpg[/imgz]

                            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/862_img_20200612_165418.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/862_img_20200612_165418.jpg[/imgz]

                            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/862_img_20200612_165434.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/862_img_20200612_165434.jpg[/imgz]

                            and also a strange dragon, not Mithril I guess…

                            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/862_img_20200612_162506.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/862_img_20200612_162506.jpg[/imgz]

                            I will keep on some of the figures for painting and will sell the others.

                            Have a good evening and more !


                              Great lot master Sam. Seller is indeed a collector with great care. I never saw such indiviual packaging.

                              About 3rd picture with “Dragon” articles, can you tell me more about it?

                              Sam Wise
                                Milo wrote:
                                Great lot master Sam. Seller is indeed a collector with great care. I never saw such indiviual packaging.

                                About 3rd picture with “Dragon” articles, can you tell me more about it?

                                Master Milo, yes, it’s an excellent lot !
                                I don’t know if the first owner was only a collector ( the collection is not complete and started after M100)
                                But they are all prepared, prime colour stripped, and almost all glued, ready to paint (or exposed ?)

                                I’ve nothing more to say about the dragon ! length is about 10 cm.
                                The strangest is that it seems to be primed like the Mithril figures.
                                I will take a picture with a figure for the scale.

                                Fabrice JACOB

                                  Very good pick Master Sam Wise.

                                  I think Master Milo was talking about articles from the Dragon magazine and not about the dragon figurine.

                                    Fabrice JACOB wrote:
                                    Very good pick Master Sam Wise.

                                    I think Master Milo was talking about articles from the Dragon magazine and not about the dragon figurine.

                                    Indeed ;)

                                    Sam Wise
                                      Milo wrote:
                                      Fabrice JACOB wrote:
                                      Very good pick Master Sam Wise.

                                      I think Master Milo was talking about articles from the Dragon magazine and not about the dragon figurine.

                                      Indeed ;)

                                      oups !:/

                                      For the Dragon Magazine :
                                      -Juillet-Aout 93 : “A la Pointe du Cutter” : conversion of a dragon “RAFM” , author = Philippe Plual
                                      -Janvier-Février 95 : “A la Pointe du Pinceau” : Gandalf vs Balrog in the Moria (creation of a diorama ) , Author =Christophe Patou

                                      If you’re interested, let me know ! I can scan the pages but I can send also the original. ;)

                                      Fabrice JACOB

                                        Waouh ! Philippe Plual ! Do you remerber his name ? He is one of the two Nantes painters I told you about in a previous post ! Humbrol painter but not only. Today he does a lot of airplane models and no longer lives in Nantes.
                                        It is him, with Thierry Abgrall, who is at the origin of the game of Nantes figurines Armageddon. He has to draw the figurines as you can see below. As a bonus, an Armageddon painter figurine by Maître Jacques.

                                        [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958__20200517_175127.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958__20200517_175127.jpg[/imgz]

                                        [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/1958_armageddon_catalogue.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/1958_armageddon_catalogue.jpg[/imgz]

                                          Sam Wise wrote:
                                          If you’re interested, let me know ! I can scan the pages but I can send also the original. ;)

                                          Oh I would love that. :D

                                          Sam Wise
                                            Milo wrote:
                                            Sam Wise wrote:
                                            If you’re interested, let me know ! I can scan the pages but I can send also the original. ;)

                                            Oh I would love that. :D

                                            Ok Master Milo !
                                            the original pages of DRAGON Magazine ?
                                            for the other pages, a scan is possible of course …
                                            (your address in mp please ):)

                                          Viewing 20 posts - 41 through 60 (of 143 total)
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                                          MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony Once upon a time Mithril Maniac / Myth’Image