Once upon a time Mithril Maniac / Myth’Image
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › Once upon a time Mithril Maniac / Myth’Image
- This topic has 142 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 10 months ago by Fabrice JACOB.
April 10, 2021 at 7:35 pm #39511
Great version Master Milo!
April 10, 2021 at 7:44 pm #39512Hello Milo,
A beautiful version here !
I like being able to get excited about the achievements of other painters.
Thank you.April 10, 2021 at 11:51 pm #39515Excellent paintjob indeed, Milo. I envy your skills.
April 12, 2021 at 9:50 am #39521I like it very much!
May 1, 2021 at 2:51 pm #48441Il y a peu, quand Thingol demanda qui étais-je, j’aurais pu lui répondre Mormegil…
Lorsque nous avons créé Myth’Image / Mithril Maniac, rapidement l’idée d’avoir un avatar s’imposa à nous tout naturellement.
Pour Jacques, ce serait Meneldil. Une évidence !
Quant à moi…Dans un premier temps, j’optais pour Valendil, le plus jeune des fils d’Isildur.
Mais secrètement, nous avions convenu avec Jacques que les deux initiales de nos avatars devaient être M M !
M M comme Mithril Maniac !
Nous étions les deux principaux pères créateurs de l’association et du fanzine, c’était une façon de se les approprier pour toujours, pensions-nous.
Quelle drôle d’idée aujourd’hui !
Nous étions encore jeunes et fiers de nos desseins.
Nous avions oublié que nous ne sommes que de passage sur cette Terre, rien ne nous appartient réellement. On n’en prend conscience que plus tard…Alors, moi aussi je serai roi du Gondor ! Je serai Mormegil !
Il y a peu, en regardant la vitrine de Jacques, un de mes passe-temps favoris, une figurine posée allongée et sans socle, attira mon regard.
Mais où se trouvait donc son socle ? Et ses acolytes ?
Une nouvelle fouille s’imposait !
Je devais me rendre à nouveau dans mon exigu réduit et en extirper la substantifique moelle !
Chouette, une nouvelle aventure allait débuter !
Il me fallait au moins une demi-journée pour tout retourner, je devais donc m’organiser en amont !
Casque de spéléologue, avec sa lampe halogène s’il vous plait, genouillère, coudière, gourde, biscuits, corde de rappel ? Peut-être pasBref, tout l’attirail nécessaire pour survivre quelques heures dans ce cloaque.
Après quelques temps et moult efforts (sortir les nombreux cartons de figurines et surtout bien mémoriser leur emplacement, avoir en tête la bonne configuration du lieu, c’est essentiel. C’est bien beau de les extirper, faut-il être ensuite en capacité de les replacer correctement ! Et ce n’est pas une mince affaire si on y prend pas garde ! ), j’obtenais ma récompense !
Je pouvais donc manger mes biscuits préférés en toute tranquillité !
Enfin non !
Je ne réussis pas à trouver le socle du pauvre errant. Ses deux acolytes oui, mais pas le socle. Certainement égaré pendant le transfert de la collection de Jacques.Alors que faire ? En trouver un autre et rajouter ainsi sa propre petite touche à l’ensemble !
Mais de quelles figurines s’agit-il ? Et quel lien avec le début du paragraphe ?
J’y arrive ! N’oubliez pas que vous êtes sur « Once upon a time Myth’Image… »…Donc, il y a quelques décennies, dans la cité des Ducs de Bretagne, trois jeunes gens se réunissaient toutes les semaines dans un café, autour d’une bonne bière (cela me semble irréaliste aujourd’hui…satanée Covid), pour partager leur passion et, toujours en quête de défi, ils décidèrent un jour de peindre les figurines d’une saynète où chacun pourrait incarner un des personnages, qu’ils imaginaient être trois frères ! Elendur, Aratan et Ciryon aux champs d’Iris !
Le projet n’aboutit pas ! Je ne me souviens pas pour quelle(s) raison(s), mais Jacques, de son côté, avait commencé à peindre son « personnage ». Le voici en photo.
Hervé et moi, avions sans doute d’autres projets plus urgents.
Mais aujourd’hui et comme il n’est jamais trop tard, je m’en vais réparer cet oubli.
J’ai déjà trouvé un socle qui conviendra bien au défi, celui de représenter les Champs d’Iris.J’ai ébavuré les figurines, puis je les ai sous couchées. Elles ont ensuite trouvé leur bouchon de Champagne, qui avait déjà intégré la boîte noire de pellicule de photos argentiques. Indispensable à ma technique de peinture…
Il ne me reste plus maintenant qu’à trouver le schéma de couleur qui conviendra le mieux à ces illustres descendants d’une famille iconique de la Terre du Milieu (c’est le lien avec le début du post).
Mais je ne sais pas pourquoi, j’ai déjà ma petite idée la dessus…
Mon petit jardin m’accapare de plus en plus ces derniers temps…une véritable source d’inspiration !
Not long ago, when Thingol asked who I was, I could have answered him Mormegil …When we created Myth’Image / Mithril Maniac, the idea of having an avatar quickly came to us.
For Jacques, it would be Meneldil. An evidence !
As for me … At first, I opted for Valendil, the youngest of Isildur’s sons.
But secretly, we had agreed that the two initials of our avatars had to be M M!
M M like Mithril Maniac.
We were the two main founding fathers of the association and the fanzine, it was a way of making them our own forever, we thought.
What a funny idea today!
We were still young and proud of our designs.
We had forgotten that we are only passing through this Earth, nothing really belongs to us, we only realize it later …So I too will be King of Gondor! I will be Mormegil!
Not long ago, looking at Jacques’ window, one of my favorite hobbies, a figurine lying down elongated and without a base, caught my eye.
But where was its base? And his acolytes?
A new search was called for !I had to go back to my cramped space and pull out the substantial marrow!
Great, a new adventure was about to begin!
It took me at least half a day to get everything back, so I had to plan ahead!
Caving helmet, with its halogen lamp please, knee pad, elbow pad, water bottle, cookies, abseiling rope? Maybe not
In short, all the necessary gear to survive a few hours in this cesspool.After some time and a lot of effort (take out the many boxes of figurines and especially memorize their location, have in mind the correct configuration of the place, it is essential. to replace them correctly! And it is not an easy task if you are not careful!), I got my reward! So I could eat my favorite cookies in peace!
Actually no ! I couldn’t find the base of the poor wanderer. His two acolytes yes, but not the base. Certainly lost during the transfer of Jacques’ collection.So what to do? Find another one and add your own little touch to the whole thing
But which figurines are these ? And what is the link with the beginning of the paragraph ?
I arrive there ! Remember, you are on “Once upon a time Myth’Image …” …So, a few decades ago, in the city of the Dukes of Brittany, three young people met every week in a cafe, around a good beer (that seems unrealistic to me today … damn Covid), to share their passion and, always in search of challenge, they decided one day to paint the figurines of a playlet where each one could play one of the characters, which they imagined to be three brothers!
Elendur, Aratan and Ciryon to Iris Fields!
The project does not succeed! I don’t remember for what reason (s), but Jacques, for his part, had started to paint his “character”. Here it is in photo.
Hervé and I probably had other more urgent projects.But today and since it is never too late, I am going to make up for this oversight.
I have already found a base that will suit the challenge well, that of representing the Iris Fields.
I deburred the figures, then lay them down. They then found their Champagne cork which had already integrated the black box of film of silver photos. Indispensable to my painting technique.
Now all I have to do is find the color scheme that will work best for these illustrious descendants of an iconic Middle-earth family (this is the link to the beginning of the post).
But I don’t know why, I already have my little idea on it …
My little garden is taking over more and more … a real source of inspiration !
PhotoMay 9, 2021 at 4:26 pm #48442May 9, 2021 at 6:55 pm #48443yes it comes from M222
“Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill.” (Gildor Inglorion, LOTR1)
May 9, 2021 at 7:15 pm #48444Thank you Master Gildor !
You confirm my choice !May 9, 2021 at 7:53 pm #48445I’ll check this, Master Jacob. There once were 4 “”original Accessoire packs” (randomly filled) offered by Mithril for a short time to empty some shelves. Quite a lot of parts all in all. I will let you know.
May 9, 2021 at 8:30 pm #48446Hello Théobald,
With great pleasure.
May 10, 2021 at 1:13 am #48447Ah, Master Fabrice Jacob, this evening I checked all that stuff and found the shield you are looking for (unprimed, of course). It’s not a recast, just original Mithril. Don’t worry any more, it’ll be yours. – 4 packs of shields and other detail-pieces was hard to check. That’s why it took so long. I still wonder why once no one cared about those “Accessorie packs” offerred by that company for a penny or less.
I’ll contact you soon. But I cannot haste … as you might have learned by nowMay 10, 2021 at 10:09 am #48448Those accessories packs were great indeed, master Ent, I think I have one somewhere but alas, everything is still in boxes in my cave…
Hopefully I was able to track down the shield origin by doing a very speccial research inquiry on my base (not available directly yet) to track down all figurines which possess one (or more) shields as separate parts.
Searching by parts is cool sometimes
“Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill.” (Gildor Inglorion, LOTR1)
May 10, 2021 at 12:19 pm #48449Master Jacob, I don’t know if I got you right. So, do you need that shield or have you found it yourself? Please tell me.
May 10, 2021 at 12:43 pm #48450No worries, Master Theobald, I have it.
Thank you for your help and your suggestionJune 4, 2021 at 4:04 pm #48451Alors que je menais une petite expédition de recherche dans ma caverne d’Ali Baba, je suis tombé sur une petite boîte qui avait glissée sous une étagère.
Pouah, pleine de toiles d’araignée, Shelob n’était pas loin…
Vous auriez dû être là pour voir mon sourire à son ouverture. Des goblins !Ou plutôt des orcs pour le besoin d’une petite saynète que j’avais imaginé à l’époque de Myth’Image et jamais terminée. Encore une !
J’adorais le trône du grand goblin, très kitch. Les couleurs ne conviennent pas mais lorsque je l’ai acheté d’occasion je me disais que je les retravailleraient.Allez, on se retrousse les manches et une saynète de plus à présenter pour le Trophée Mithril Maniac 2022. Hors concours bien sûr, je ne peux être juge et partie !
While leading a small research expedition in my Ali Baba cave, I came across a small box that had slipped under a shelf.
Ugh, full of cobwebs, Shelob was not far away …
You should have been there to see my smile when it opened. Goblins !
Or rather orcs for the sake of a little play that I had imagined in the days of Myth’Image and never finished. One more !
I loved the great goblin throne, very kitsch. The colors are not suitable but when I bought it secondhand I said to myself that I would rework them.
Come on, let’s roll up our sleeves and present one more playlet for the Mithril Maniac Trophy 2022. Outside the competition of course, I cannot be judge and party !June 4, 2021 at 4:17 pm #48452Very nice indeed!
…. Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!
June 4, 2021 at 5:58 pm #48453Great! I love the detailed “orcish/goblinoid” handcraft work on the back of the throne!
Mae govannen mellon nín.June 5, 2021 at 11:43 am #48454Great!
All reminds me of the book scene. And I also love the dwarf cloak.
Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
J.R.R.TolkienJune 5, 2021 at 2:39 pm #48455Fantastic idea (!) and choice of the figures (!) we all know well. – – – Now there’s a problem for you, Fabrice. It definitely had taken quite some time to get rid of all the bases perfectly. So now you need a new and large base for assembling that vignette.
Thanks for sharing the pics, by the way.June 5, 2021 at 2:43 pm #48456Ooops, sorry, I forgot to mention that I was referring to those orcs and goblins (and a Dwarf, of course).
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › Once upon a time Mithril Maniac / Myth’Image