Project TMM 2020

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  • #39316
    Fabrice JACOB

      Et de trois, Master Milo !

      [imgz url=][/imgz]

      [imgz url=][/imgz]

      Il ne reste plus maintenant qu’à réaliser le diorama et peindre les autres figurines qui accompagneront ces chefs Dunlendings.
      Mes recherches continuent pour la création de la saynète regroupant ces trois figurines.
      Une photo d’eux ensemble pour fêter Noël :D
      Merci Master Gerold de nous avoir fait profiter de votre version peinte du Capitaine Tardegil.

      And three master Millo !
      Now all that remains is to make the diorama and paint the other figurines that will accompany these Dunlendings leaders.
      My research continues for the creation of the sketches bringing together these three figurines.
      A photo of them together to celebrate Christmas :D.
      Thank you, Master Gerold, for giving us your painted version of Captain Tardegil.

      Fabrice JACOB

        Bonjour les Mithril Nautes !
        Joyeux Noël !

        [imgz url=][/imgz]

        Hello Mithril Nautes !
        Merry Christmas !


          This is a Master set Fabrice.
          I like very much the fact they have same colour schemes for different clothes.
          They look same kind, still not the same army that way. Wel done.


            Beautiful !


              Oh I completely agree with Milo! Did you arrange them this way on purpose?

              From left to right:
              Sky blue: details, secondary, main ( > > > )
              Violet: main, secondary, details ( = x = )
              Yellow ochre: details, almost main, almost secondary ( < < < ) So you switch colours jumping perfectly between figures guiding the eye, great composition :) If you let me a suggestion… since they are all looking and pointing something on the rigth side.. I would move them (exactly same arrangement though) a little bit more to the left, so there’s more air on the right side.


                That is a very nice trio of figures and the backdrop compliments them nicely :)

                Fabrice JACOB

                  Thank you for your feedback, gentlemen, and yours suggestions.

                  The diorama that I have in mind may take a long time to make because there are other figures to paint. And it will not be with this decor.
                  I hope you will enjoy.

                  Fabrice JACOB

                    Hello MithrilNautes,
                    I haven’t had much time to settle down to paint lately.
                    Which is not the case for everyone. I took a look at FB. The production of some is impressive. Breizh power ! 😆
                    I can still continue to prepare miniatures.
                    It takes less time and especially less unpacking.
                    Maybe that will make my return to brushes easier.
                    So I find myself with a small white army on my desk.
                    The beautiful days are approaching, the colors come alive with … let’s hope so

                    [imgz url=][/imgz]


                      It “smells” like one very good project…

                      Fabrice JACOB

                        Hello Mithril Nautes,
                        Still taken from my magic box, little shields put in color…

                        [imgz url=][/imgz]

                          Fabrice JACOB wrote:
                          [imgz url=][/imgz]

                          Top one looks particularly good :)

                          Fabrice JACOB

                            Hello Mithril Nautes,

                            Chance of timing Master Gerold ? In any case, great job a new time !

                            I took advantage of a little free time this weekend to move forward on a project started one week ago.

                            [imgz url=][/imgz]

                            For the horse, I tried to paint a dappled iron gray dress.

                            [imgz url=][/imgz]

                            The color scheme chosen for the jumper is not suitable, it is not in the photos. I have to rework it. Case to follow therefore…

                            Personal message : Youre welcome Master twirch.

                            Take care all.


                              Horse look awesome !

                              Fabrice JACOB

                                Thank you Thingol for your feedback.
                                You put a little pressure on me to continue with the project.
                                I am a fan of miniature russian vityaz, I admire their paintings of horsemen.
                                I thought to myself why not ?
                                But the Mithril are not 54mm and currently I don’t have too much time for painting.
                                The dapple of a horse is not easy to achieve on this scale. Evil took me ! I am not satisfied with the current result. I still have a lot to do on the rider and on the horse.
                                I would like to make a Gondorian pattern in free hand on the rider’s tunic but again, it is a technique that I do not master. Roll on the end of the Covid! I will thus be able to benefit from the advice of an extraordinary painter who is part of the Chevalier du Centaure Alessandro Natale.
                                Do not hesitate to go and admire his achievements.
                                In the meantime, here are mine :/

                                [imgz url=][/imgz]

                                [imgz url=][/imgz]


                                  The dapple has really turned out well (as is the rest of the figure ;)


                                    That’s excellent work indeed. I really do admire your choice of colours and your skills in painting (not for the first time) … perfect that seems to me. Keep on, please.
                                    I still keep some spare ones of that figure I once received from Jim Corless (you know the good-old “Time Machine”) – those with the head not turned aside but straight ahead. Those conversions are not much widely spread (which means never released). – I think they’re somewhere here to be seen in that Mathom House of M. Delving.
                                    Just contact me (the tree) i might be full of surprises for you …
                                    take care, please


                                      What a fantastic paintjob here !
                                      I love the horse, and als othe grey scheme you managed to put on full miniatures. It is really really good to me.

                                      BTW, master Ent, I am very much curious about this figure you mention which I am not aware of.


                                        Great paintjobs! The black/white/grey color pattern looks very well.
                                        I tried to paint such a grey horse with white dots myself a few times, but the result was unsatisfying to me. Yours looks wery well succeeded to me.
                                        For comparison, here is mine:
                                        [imgz url=][/imgz]


                                          Master Milo, I will contact you about that matter soon and give some explanations.


                                            Just to complete what I mentioned. As I said there’s only a very slight difference concerning the pose of the head. Have a look,

                                            [imgz url=][/imgz]

                                            [imgz url=][/imgz]

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