riddle 08

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      Alas, I don’t know what to do … I did promise that this year’s riddle would be a bit more complicated … rhuoommm … just to give them on the other side of the planet a chance to react in time … so far I just can see that my riddles are not appreciated … rhuoomm … just 3 points I had to give up to now … 2 for Master Ken and 1 for Master rita.de (strange name it is ,isn’t it?)
      So, I cannot cancel the riddle … though two out of something means not much …
      As I was contemplating about these matters seriously I dare to ask who of you might be interested in keeping the riddle on … as there’s being thought of a second run in November … the last one in December, of course …. early December, of course, just to make sure the figure arrives in time ….
      Just tell me if you’re interested … this year there’s a very nice price.
      Last year it was that camel-rider as a test in November … then the price in December was an M16 … how to top it? … Rhuuoommmm … I know …. hommmm ~~~~ hom <



        Sorry, I forgot to mention that you do not need to get all points of the first part of the riddle to get on … rhuuoommm … all other correct answers will be added too …. rhuoomm.


          Well, I am keen to guess and am looking forward to the next parts.:P Identifying the horses is a bit difficult!:( My next guess concerning them is that they are from Amazon miniatures originally (how many guesses do I get here?!). :/ The base is resin and was crafted by the same talented individual who made this original conversion.


            Rhoouupoph … as many guesses as you like …. huooommm … I don’t mind … huoomm…
            your guess about the base is well done … resin it is, as we know by now … but where did
            that “talanted individual”got the original from? …. rhuoomm … okidoke … that’s a point for them base … but could you name the original part of that base? … .rhuoommm … just trying to get this year’s riddle a bit more complicated …. November will be much more easier … hom.

            Ehh … what about them horses ?


              mmmmh, master Theobald, I think we still have to solve some points of your riddle. Concerning the horses I would say
              two words: games workshop. Am I right ? I think the base is also from this company. Please lift the curtain . . .


                Ahhhhhhhhhhhhrgghhh ….. GWS …….. Huoommmm … sorry to tell, but both guesses are wrong … huoommm … furtunately, as the parts of the chariots are concerned ….
                don’t give up … the next part of the riddle in November will be easier … huoommm … of course I will provide the correct answers … but not until the riddle has ended … it’s a Christmas riddle you remember? … rhuom :)

                MMP Elder

                  mmhh I doubt it may be rakham and confrontation figurines, and the horses are not detailed enough to be andrea 32mm….could you at least give us some indication about the “age” of the horses? more than 10 years old, or more recent?


                    I suppose I’ll guess Citadel (or GW), Creafigs, Minifigs, Harlequin, or TSR? My knowledge of minis is pretty limited though. One of these days I should post some pics of some reallllllly old (and horrible) LOTR minis that I picked up at a show. I’ll never even try to paint them since the sculpting is so bad, but they have their charm. :D


                      Master Theobald—I love your reaction concerning GWS :D
                      I have to take several tries for tipping that companiesĀ“name, everytime my hands moved in a- well- nervous way . . .
                      Treat it like the black speach of mordor: donĀ“t speak the name again . . .
                      PS: and sorry that I supposed you are using parts of them . . . ;)

                        Wendy wrote:
                        I suppose I’ll guess Citadel (or GW), Creafigs, Minifigs, Harlequin, or TSR? My knowledge of minis is pretty limited though. One of these days I should post some pics of some reallllllly old (and horrible) LOTR minis that I picked up at a show. I’ll never even try to paint them since the sculpting is so bad, but they have their charm. :D

                        I wonder if they are the same figures Ionce had after the release of the original film. Be interested in any pics Wendy.


                          Well, let me sum up please as October is at it’s end by now.

                          So far there are 3 points for Master Kenakko (one for each identified figure + one for the base)
                          and 1 point for Master Rita.de for the chariot. I hope I’m right with that.

                          So far those horses seem to be a bit of a problem. Though some of you tried to recall each and every company they know of, but up to now there’s no correct answer.
                          No, Master Gildor, I will not give away information about the “age” of the horses. All I can tell is that, of course, they’re not original parts of the chariot itself.
                          I will not give away the answer until the end of this year’s riddle, as there still is the chance to get that point. So I have to keep it open.

                          This year I witness that my choice of the riddle went quite well so far, because until now there have been no advantages or disadvantages for people living in other parts of this globe. – You see, posting a question here in the afternoon meets people sleeping down under. I hope I’ll find a fair solution for that November-questions, too.

                          Once again I would like to stress that the chariot the riddle is about was nor thought of nor casted by me. I received it as a gift. (!!!!!)The only thing I did was to choose from some variety of alternative pieces to assemble what you see. Once I decided about the parts being used it was clear to me that I had to give the complete chariot an appearance as if it was meant to be thought of that way. That’s why I decided to use the typical grey undercoat Mithril uses (or at least I tried to come close to it) to match resin and metal parts. Before that I had to alter slightly some parts of the horses’ heads (as the holes and part of the manes) with (sorry) so-called Green Stuff.
                          And then I was dissatsified of what I saw. The charioteer was fumbling somewhere in the air and the shaft of the chariot was useless. So I decided to add some basic harness to the ‘chariot’.
                          I think it was necessary to do so, as it makes the whole chariot a bit more complex and helps to combine all those different parts.

                          Thank you for reading …. :)


                            Rhuoommm … as November met me earlier than I guessed … hom … I should start to continue that riddle … at least having the first November-question being put … rhuoommm …

                            what is this?

                            [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/9_riddle_nov_o8_i.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/9_riddle_nov_o8_i.jpg[/imgz]


                              Rhuoommm hom .. all I want to have is the correct name of the person this pattern was made for … hom … I will also have a look at the spelling … rhuooommm …


                                Rhuooommmm … as for them horses … I just found a nice pic …..
                                So this is the second question for November, as you like to call this time of year ….rhuoomm …

                                Whose horse is it?

                                [imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/9_imrahil_horse_1.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/9_imrahil_horse_1.jpg[/imgz]


                                  Rhuoommm … by now I decided to mass up some questions … rhuommm just to give a chance for everybody being interested in Christmas riddles …. huommmm riddles in the dark so to say … hommmm … so here’s the third question …. hom …

                                  what was the price of the M7 when it was first released? … rhuoomm some years ago that was .

                                  Huoommm I hope I did my work on the riddle for November well …. took some time … rhuoomm … there’ll be a last question in December … huoommm by then we’ll have decided about the winner ….. alas … by now I should make haste about them thoughts about the prize …. huom. ….. that’s a good one … rhuooomm … this one too … depends on who’s winning … hooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm … we’ll see …. ;)

                                    Theobald wrote:
                                    Rhuoommm hom .. all I want to have is the correct name of the person this pattern was made for … hom … I will also have a look at the spelling … rhuooommm …

                                    Luthien I, but I cannot create the little symbol above the U ;)

                                    MMP Elder

                                      about M7 I don’t know at all :(

                                      about the horse, I’d say it is your Imrahil MX463 horse , as for the pattern, it is one of the two patterns made for Luthien Tinuviel. there is another one, but this one is said to be the second one.

                                        Theobald wrote:
                                        Rhuoommm … by now I decided to mass up some questions … rhuommm just to give a chance for everybody being interested in Christmas riddles …. huommmm riddles in the dark so to say … hommmm … so here’s the third question …. hom …

                                        what was the price of the M7 when it was first released? … rhuoomm some years ago that was .

                                        Huoommm I hope I did my work on the riddle for November well …. took some time … rhuoomm … there’ll be a last question in December … huoommm by then we’ll have decided about the winner ….. alas … by now I should make haste about them thoughts about the prize …. huom. ….. that’s a good one … rhuooomm … this one too … depends on who’s winning … hooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm … we’ll see …. ;)

                                        Well I seem to remember those M7 and early figures being 99 pence (UK) when they first hit the stores, and i think the then Irish Punt was about the same value. But that is a hasty answer no doubt and relies on memory and not research :/


                                          It looks like an early sculpting of MX 463, Imrahil’s horse, but something looks a bit different. Unfortunately the light has gone in my little room so I can’t rummage amongs the Mithrils to check :rolleyes:

                                          Guess I should’ve posted all answers on one post:/


                                            I may be hasty Master Ent but the pattern resembles the one of two made for Luthien Tinuviel.My guess for the price of the M7 when it was first released would be 0.99 pounds which I think is 99 pence.I think I will need to see more pictures of your horse though I think it would be a difficult ride for you and the steed.My first guess is the horse may belong to Imrahil.

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