Salute 08
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › Salute 08
- This topic has 16 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 9 months ago by Theobald.
April 19, 2008 at 5:42 pm #253
No news of anything secret on the Mithril front, DOl Amroth are just waiting final approval from TE and the Easterlings are progressing well, and CT is catching up on the GF figures. There was no indication of what further ranges might be in the pipeline.
He did say some very interesting things about ranges he would love to do, not just Middle Earth (if it wasn’t for the lisence issues we would have had armies from all over Middle Earth), but Dark Ages type stuff – these are just wish-lists not ‘going to happen’ ranges – I just happened to mention how nice the Romans and Britons were and Chris mentioned what he would love to do.
Apart from being a bit chunkier for wargaming, size-wise I honestly could tell much if any difference between them (Romans & Britons) and Mithril figures and considering they were selling packs of about 10 figures for £10 they (the Britons) would be very useful as a Dunland army.
Still the wolf rider is very nice the ref number underneath is M496 with C Prince August and Salute 08 – you may have mentioned that already Barli.
I think as we all know that the man is very busy at the moment so don’t worry if you do not receive email replies it is not because he is ignoring you or feels offended, just sheer volume of work. I have met the people on that side of the hobby, i.e. traders, producers who would ignore polite requests and CT is definately not of that breed he takes time out to talk and is interested in what ‘we’ say.
An interesting piece was on display Master Ent – not quite LotR, but some figures looked very similar and that was a chess set! I’m not sure if it is on the PA site, but some of the pawns looked very orcish to me.
April 19, 2008 at 5:42 pm #1931No news of anything secret on the Mithril front, DOl Amroth are just waiting final approval from TE and the Easterlings are progressing well, and CT is catching up on the GF figures. There was no indication of what further ranges might be in the pipeline.
He did say some very interesting things about ranges he would love to do, not just Middle Earth (if it wasn’t for the lisence issues we would have had armies from all over Middle Earth), but Dark Ages type stuff – these are just wish-lists not ‘going to happen’ ranges – I just happened to mention how nice the Romans and Britons were and Chris mentioned what he would love to do.
Apart from being a bit chunkier for wargaming, size-wise I honestly could tell much if any difference between them (Romans & Britons) and Mithril figures and considering they were selling packs of about 10 figures for £10 they (the Britons) would be very useful as a Dunland army.
Still the wolf rider is very nice the ref number underneath is M496 with C Prince August and Salute 08 – you may have mentioned that already Barli.
I think as we all know that the man is very busy at the moment so don’t worry if you do not receive email replies it is not because he is ignoring you or feels offended, just sheer volume of work. I have met the people on that side of the hobby, i.e. traders, producers who would ignore polite requests and CT is definately not of that breed he takes time out to talk and is interested in what ‘we’ say.
An interesting piece was on display Master Ent – not quite LotR, but some figures looked very similar and that was a chess set! I’m not sure if it is on the PA site, but some of the pawns looked very orcish to me.
April 20, 2008 at 9:48 am #1934Thank you for keeping us informed, Master Daines. As you addressed me directly I have to answer. So I do.
Well, a complete chess-set to buy would be too expensive for me (though I still like the idea). The one offered by PA really has got nice figures, related to Mithril releases. Yes, indeed. But who can afford?
Then you’re right about the “Britons”. For those ‘wargamers’ that is a non-expensive source for creating a Dunland army. The Man seems to be very much informed about details of Celtic design and armour he provided with some miniatures in the early M-ranges. Just have a look at M177A, M177B, or even the Easterling Hithlum warrior M242, not forgetting the LT14A, LT14B and LT12 which all definitely refer to Celtic warriors imagined to be at the time of Breaca (Boudica – “she who brings victory”, a derivative of the goddess Briga). Then here you have the connection to the Romans and the Man’s interest in those figures. That’s where, I think, the idea for the series of ‘Romans and Britons’ comes from. Having a look at also the details of the Roman miniatures the Man’s interest becomes clear. Then it’s no surprise that the vignette range is called “Teutoburger Wald” as it refers to Arminius slaying those legions of Varus. Though the place still cannot be confirmed by historians. (I just remember, because I live close to the monument of “Herman the German”.)
Oh, sorry … I was diverting ..
That Easterling army should be finished by now … though it took a long time to finish, as all of them are horsed, as far as I can recall … but please, my brain sometimes is similar to our barkeep’s …
TE’s approval is not a real problem, as far as I can judge. The MX-Imrahil received it, and as there’s another mounted Imrahil and a mounted standard-bearer within the next “Swan-Knights”-release there won’t be a problem about any approval. It’s just the matter that those figures could be regarded as an army … which might cause envy of other companies producing war-gaming miniatures, so to say.
Alas, that’s the way I see it.
Well, here I would like to stress what you said about The Man, Master Daines:
he is “definately not of that breed, he takes time out to talk and is interested in what ‘we’ say.”
In spite of that we should respect what he does. As he (very successfully) tries to cope with all those figures monthly suggested on the Gold-Board we should also try to respect his privacy and leave him some time for his family. I think it’s worth it, as you can witness with every single figure being produced.
Sorry, somehow I couldn’t stop typing … I hope you don’t get me wrong … or feel annoyed because of my talkativeness (is there such a word in English?)
have a nice day – all of youApril 20, 2008 at 11:53 am #1935Talkativeness is a word.
Loquatiousness is an even better term. Best used to describe annoying maiden aunts and not terrifying tree-giants, however.
I was just outside trying to experiment with the camera and see if I can show off my Imrahil to you all. Let’s see how successful I was
April 20, 2008 at 12:53 pm #1938Very good show off indeed! Be my guest tonight.
Where is this barkeep again? Hellooo?? The guests are thirsty!
Everything you have to do yourself… very annoying… no wonder I have no time to paint…April 20, 2008 at 2:43 pm #1943Master Ent, you are quite right about TE’s approval they are just very, well Entish (if you will excuse the expression, but nothing else seems to describe their lack of haste
) when it comes to pulling their finger out and saying “Ok, that’s fine go ahead and produce them”.
In fact TE actually use Mithril designs as a bench mark for other companies because Mithril have been producing Middle Earth figures for so long. But alas it still doesn’t mean that Mithril get approved any the quicker!
Gildor, regarding that ‘missing’ Christmas figure, the one that is reputed to be a 32mm vignette (is it 1989?), well the man himself said he cannot recall whatsoever what this Christmas release was, he even rang the mould-maker at Mithril, but alas this person wasn’t there that year. So I guess it will remain a mystery for now
Chris himself could only think it was a scene similar to the Isildur, Othar and Elrond Fellowhip vignette, but thought he may have been confusing his memory with that Fellowship release. You may already know this Gildor, but if you didn’t then that is from the man himself.
April 20, 2008 at 3:22 pm #1946Well, I’m not concerned about you or others being Entish, as you call a rare habit of not being hasty … but witnessing that Master Gavin is about trying to take pics— -> outside with his new tripod he should rather have a look at the thermometer before. No matter if it reads Fahrenheit or Centigrades … it’s still just too cold … me twigs are cold, me branches do not develop the way thay should … me roots are resting … I cannot see a single leaf spreading around here … nor any blossom … so it must be alright …
April 20, 2008 at 3:35 pm #1949It’s a rather balmy 22C or something this fine morning here in sunny Quebec. Those people living in the flat bits out west are expecting 30cm of snow, however.
IT was still pretty early: I was trying to get ambient light, but not direct sunlight. So it does look a bit cold and dark..
Anyway, I foresee lots more experimentation before I get it “right.”
and now back to my Wandering Company of Eriador lot.
April 20, 2008 at 3:49 pm #1950Wonderful paint-job you did … I’ll comment in the House on this …
April 22, 2008 at 5:48 am #1956I didn’t attend the show myself (way too busy), so thanks for reporting on your conversation with The Man, Master Daines. It’s just a shame he couldn’t tell you anything that we didn’t already know – I could have done with some uplifting news! It’s actually disappointing to hear that the Dol Amroth dudes are still awaiting approval (you’ll recall they were originally going to be released in March…) and that the Easterlings are still unfinished.
I’m genuinely surprised at how long the Easterlings are taking – Chris has been working on them for two years now, and he told me they were ‘nearly finished’ about a year ago (I still have the email on file), so the ‘lots of horses’ business doesn’t really explain the longevity of the project. I wonder what the ‘real’ problem has been? We’ll probably never know.
April 22, 2008 at 6:12 pm #1965Hi Barli,
Yes, the wait is long, but as he says TE just seem to take forever, to say yes to something they already intend to say yes to anyway. I think if anything Chris is more frustrated than us collectors.
If it is of consolation, although not regarding releases, he did say what a help you have been with reference materials etc. for clothing, armour styles etc. so you have helped shape the course of Middle Earth Mithril style
he was very appreciative and I guess the fact he mentioned it says something.
April 22, 2008 at 7:08 pm #1968I need hardly say that it’s been a pleasure and privilege to offer him the odd bit of advice when he’s asked for it. And it’s a thrill to see that input reflected in some of the figures.
Now, if I can only get him to make a more realistic figure of me, complete with my famous handlebar moustache (I’ll never understand why that Tolkien chappie didn’t mention it…).
April 23, 2008 at 1:22 am #1970Maybee you should post a pic on who is who for everyone to see and recognise you!!
April 23, 2008 at 5:40 am #1972What, and let Inland Revenue know exactly who they’re looking for? No chance.
April 23, 2008 at 10:45 am #1974If this is all you worried about, then you can come over to Australia, no one will search for you here…
April 23, 2008 at 11:21 am #1975They’ve never looked for me in Bree yet either. If they do, I’ll hide in Nob’s barrel behind the bar.
May 1, 2008 at 3:27 pm #2075Well, Australia or to the Teutobuger Wald, why flee from Bree? You’re right, Master Barliman.
What I want to state here is that that “goblin on the wolf” has a marvellously dynamic pose …
I assembled the pieces two days ago … the best wolf-rider The Man ever did … -
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › Salute 08