mindx2 wrote:
Not sure if this is the right sub-forum for this question but….
What’s the story behind the Salute Zero Seven release? It’s an MS release, correct (MS495)… but why the special branding? There where no others branded this way.
Some of the better informed on the site will be able to give a more detailed answer mindx2, but I think it was a case of the SALUTE organisers commissioning Mithril to produce the ‘freebie’ figure for the event; Mithril also provided a wolf-rider for this event as well (different year), but I’m not sure of the reference.
I suppose as these figures were produced by Mithril, Mithril decided to give them a Mithril reference, but as I said, I’m sure there may be a more detailed answer.
There is also a ‘Witch-King’ (I think it was the Witch-King) mass-produced for a LotR game, not sure if it has a Mithril reference though, but again, the answers are out there