some juicy ebay-auctions
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Marketplace of Tharbad › some juicy ebay-auctions
- This topic has 3,600 replies, 48 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 10 months ago by Theobald.
November 10, 2012 at 10:19 am #25588Mornedhel wrote:Hi
I am selling a part of my rare Mithrilthe first one is: MA1 antique finish you also provide Red box and leaflet that came with this rarity ?
like this: [imgz url=][/imgz]If yes, I think it is better to write it in your auction description.
November 10, 2012 at 10:55 am #25589Milo wrote:Do you also provide Red box and leaflet that came with this rarity ?
like this: [imgz url=][/imgz]If yes, I think it is better to write it in your auction description.
No I got my 2 MA1 antique without box. Only the MA1 painted was in the red box when I bought it years ago
November 10, 2012 at 11:38 am #25590Very interesting indeed, Master Mornedhel. First time I see that MA1 antique finish being offered. I just compared the pic with the original: It’s her, indeed. Master Milo just referred to the figure with a picture I once took and provided.
Well, quite a range of rarities that is, I can confirm. The three old metal-casted vignettes on the right in the pic. The Ms423a is not that rare any more, Master Gildor, as Chris once chose to sell some of them because he believes there have been recastings of that figure which were meant as personal gifts. (That’s why I own two of them by now, one given to me by Chris many years ago, and a second one I bought from him directly when he gave them away). – Well, talking about personal gifts, all of you might have witnessed that left from the centre in the pic there’s the Dwaw of Waw – Prototype (arm fixed to the figure).
Someone possessing such a range of rarities must be a reliable seller, I think.
Sorry, Master Mornedhel, no harm or offence intended. I’m just still surprised that those figures are being sold.November 10, 2012 at 12:01 pm #25591yes the box is quite exclusive and in this case, adds a lot to the value.
as for Mornedhel special Legolas, that would be a wonderful thing if I could add it to my collection indeed as I specialize in gathering all sort of 54mm rarities. I already have the three white prototypes which are quite unique especially the Galadriel. (only three or four casts exist in the world I was told by Chris) as for the Legolas I don’t know how many exist but one thing is sure : if this figurine ends up on ebay I am certain to loose it that’s a fact
Personnaly I think a bit like Theobald, those figurines should be sold with great care to be certain it does not end up in the ends of a non-collector. Having myself been the victim back in time on ebay sales about such rarities which infuriated Chris Tubb, i now think that private exchanges, sales would be better than open auctions
That’s how I proceeded for my 1988 Aragorn, 1990 Eowyn, 54mm prototype Saruman, for the three white castings… never on ebay… because when it strikes ebay… it sometimes fix prices that do not reflect the “reality” of things… either because it falls into a bad period with no buyer (and the figurine looses a lot of value) or at a time there are dire collectors with unlimited purse which overrates the value…November 10, 2012 at 12:29 pm #25592Yes, indeed, Master Gildor. You know that I have also been through many of suchlike experiences you mentioned, maybe even more. I will not comment on it here in public any more.
November 10, 2012 at 2:41 pm #25594I do not care any more for Rare figures and will go on “only” with standard M, Ms and Christmas.
And to be honest my goal is to raise as much fund as possible to purchase my full plate armor for my XVs re-enactment hobby.ebay or direct offers, I will sell to best price. Sorry to be pragmatic.
November 10, 2012 at 3:07 pm #25595Master Mornedhel, thank you for being that precise, but I think your explanation why someone sells such rarities will be welcomed by anyone around here, though I didn’t ask you to publish this. – Anyway, I just can guess about a full plate armour.
Both are heavy, costs and weight.
Thank you very much and wishing you all the best.November 10, 2012 at 3:18 pm #25596and well…I suppose that is clear and precise… from what I know a XVs century full plate armor ranges from 2000$ to 4000$ for standard, and well above 9000$ for “special” ones… Indeed you’ll have to raise quite some funds.
though I doubt the selling of all those rarities may allow you to get a “special” one, a “basic” one would be possible maybe… if you have good auctions…thanks for this explanation indeed…I think I’ll have to live without this Legolas in the end
(I suppose you did not read the email I sent you Mornedhel, or did you?)
November 10, 2012 at 3:49 pm #25597I will not sell the 54 mm prototypes on ebay at the moment as you suggest wisely.
Here is the post on Mithril board
November 10, 2012 at 5:06 pm #25598So, cummunication seems to work this afternoon … alas .. even in public … anyway … I have never known a tree being in need of a full-plate-armour, whatever of and of which quality.
Well, by the way, does anybody know how much that Imrahil and those Dwarven-Vignette have each eroded the coiny-things in my purse? – No? – That’s good.
I will rather stick to my convincing not to sell, but rather give, as some of you might have witnessed, as to me it means much more pleasure.November 10, 2012 at 6:49 pm #25611….. $ !?!?!?!?!?!!?! I have only one comment… it will be interesting to have those figures in collection but for me…. there is no chance to buy them…
… and about those MA1 Galadriel… I do not understand what is special in this figure… with or without this red box it is possible to buy her on official mithril site… I bough it last year and it comes to me with same leaflet, in blue box and antique finished… actually this is the same figure as this in this picture and I bought her for 12 Euros….
November 10, 2012 at 8:10 pm #25621Hm … Thingol, I didn’t know. Though I know how easy it might be to fake such a figure. That’s why I still keep the box, leaflet inside. I do know the person well, who gave it to me as a present once, very many years ago. But I do not care, if there are others appearing now, as old boxes, labels and “antique-finish” could be provided in case you know about details.
For example, can anybody tell which label was covered under the official label of the MX-Designer “An unexpected Party”?
At least to me, I can be sure that my Galadriel MA1 “antique” is original.
I do trust Mornedhel completely, as I once had contact with him and bought figures from him, years ago.. This trust also extends to all other rare figures he is willing to offer. He will not place the figures on Ebay, before he has received offers here.
So … what else can I do for you?November 11, 2012 at 9:41 am #25631But I bought this Galadriel on how it could be fake figure… !?!?! What is the significant difference in between this figure and the old one in “red box” ….. I could put picture here of my antique finished Galadriel but without box… my blue box is in Bochum…
November 11, 2012 at 9:46 am #25632the difference is mainly the antique finish…. the one sold is either unprimed or gray coated but the antique finish is a special one.
Maybe during sales Mithril themselves had several versions and some people got the primed one, others the unprimed, others the antique…
but about the sculpture they are all strictly identicalthe red box though is quite rare as far as I know as later Mithril only used blue box and this red box only exists for MA1
November 11, 2012 at 9:58 am #25633Not Only master Elf. MS299 was provided with Red box also.
[imgz url=][/imgz]My guess is that the company often forget Configuration Control rules and mix things in their stock.
November 11, 2012 at 10:04 am #25636Ok guys maybe I’m not in mithril world since 1988 but this one looks to me like antique finished Galadriel…. and I bought her on official mithril web site last winter when was 20% of and – VAT for non EU countries and it was in final around 12 Euros… and I do not keep the boxes… original or not it looks just like Galadriel on this auction and probably same like yours
Just ask Joan or Michael which kind of Galadriel hey have to offer under the MA1 code….
[imgz url=][/imgz]
November 11, 2012 at 10:06 am #25637I’m going now to buy a drink to all of you in our beloved inn…. cheers.. !
November 11, 2012 at 10:10 am #25638Master Thingol, there is only 1 big difference with you Lady galadriel: she is on “Landscape” Print out format 😆
November 11, 2012 at 10:10 am #25639… :lol::lol::lol::lol:
November 11, 2012 at 10:33 am #25641 -
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Marketplace of Tharbad › some juicy ebay-auctions