some juicy ebay-auctions

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Marketplace of Tharbad some juicy ebay-auctions

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  • #26829

      Yeah, right! Great people are in this forum! :)

      Mithril figures´s quotes reached its peak value just when I returned to collect …….:/:(

      Now prices, mostly, have dropped enough ….. :rolleyes:

        Sam Wise

          just some “good deals” I’ve got!
          -[mith]M27[/mith] for 7€ +[mith]M136[/mith] 2,50€ = 12€ with Postage Cost !
          + some figures from a US seller: [mith]M445[/mith] , [mith]MC31[/mith] [mith]M115[/mith] [mith]MS464[/mith] : expensive but I like them!:lol:

          Sam Wise

              52 figure lot is interresting. I see [mith]M77[/mith], [mith]M91[/mith], [mith]M95[/mith], [mith]M205[/mith] (and maybe [mith]M221[/mith] behind) which are quite valuable.

              Shipping cost is low for France. Be carefull also with Buy it now option that may be used before you bid…

              For [mith]M139[/mith], I think I can help you. ;)



                Many old figures in blisters :) If anyone will buy this I will be interested for second pair of M61 Hobbit Fighters (2)

                Sam Wise
                  Milo wrote:
                  52 figure lot is interresting. I see [mith]M77[/mith], [mith]M91[/mith], [mith]M95[/mith], [mith]M205[/mith] (and maybe [mith]M221[/mith] behind) which are quite valuable.
                  Shipping cost is low for France. Be carefull also with Buy it now option that may be used before you bid…
                  For [mith]M139[/mith], I think I can help you. ;)

                  thanks Master Milo for the good advice !
                  you have good eyes ! I’ve seen also [mith]M326[/mith]…..
                  and Galadriel enthroned is very nice !
                  But it will give me a lot of figures that I’ve yet ….

                  (for [mith]M139[/mith]: I accept your help !;) pm ?)

                  Sam Wise
                    Thingol wrote:
                    Many old figures in blisters :) If anyone will buy this I will be interested for second pair of M61 Hobbit Fighters (2)

                    A good deal, depend of the shipping cost to France : it must be a quite heavy package ! :(

                    [mith]M61[/mith]: I don’t have them ! 😡 and they are really nice ….. (Hobbits are always my priority ! :))



                      A useful set of shields if you should happen to need spares, but the P&P price from Australia is ludicrous. Surely they’ll fit in a flat-rate airmail envelope, for godsake?


                        I dunno about p&p from Australia, just know that it’s far away from Bree.
                        As for the set offered on Ebay I know that a long time ago Mithril sold some different sets of what they called “Accessoire packs”. There were three of those packs which were offered, including shields, weapons, etc. Those “Accessoire packs” were randomly filled, so none is identical.
                        I bought a few of those packs from Mithril directly and was surprised that among those pieces even were some rare ones, such as the shield of Arzog, the bow of the M152 (Variag horseman) and others. I was able to complete a second set of the “Gondorian shields” (M296) that way – but there was no spare sword of the M16 in any of those.
                        Anyway, I just want to inform about this matter. – Those packs once were a real bargain.


                          The Gondorian shields are still available, of course, but some of the others here are less easily found.


                            Australia Post is ludicrous! I have to go with the highest price for sending world wide and put this price on the listing. I don’t make a cent on postage. If the buyer overpaid on postage I’ll refund the difference!
                            The shields can be sent via lettermail (not registered!) for approx AU$ 6.00 :) If the buyer wants it registered in runs as a parcel and he pays AU$ 17.00!:( figure that???


                              Hi Holger, I placed a bid on your DR1. Fingers crossed :rolleyes:

                              Sam Wise

                                I must say that the Postage Cost in a simple letter is not expensive:
                                I’ve bought [mith]M56[/mith] for 5$ + 2,40$ PP !! (= about 5,70€ !)
                                You’re a very nice seller ! many thanks ! :)

                                  hsf62 wrote:
                                  Australia Post is ludicrous! I have to go with the highest price for sending world wide and put this price on the listing. I don’t make a cent on postage. If the buyer overpaid on postage I’ll refund the difference!
                                  The shields can be sent via lettermail (not registered!) for approx AU$ 6.00 :) If the buyer wants it registered in runs as a parcel and he pays AU$ 17.00!:( figure that???

                                  Didn’t realise that it was your listing, Master H.!

                                  Sam Wise
                                    Barliman wrote:
                                    hsf62 wrote:
                                    Australia Post is ludicrous! I have to go with the highest price for sending world wide and put this price on the listing. I don’t make a cent on postage. If the buyer overpaid on postage I’ll refund the difference!
                                    The shields can be sent via lettermail (not registered!) for approx AU$ 6.00 :) If the buyer wants it registered in runs as a parcel and he pays AU$ 17.00!:( figure that???

                                    Didn’t realise that it was your listing, Master H.!

                                    didn’t realize too! :/

                                    MMP Elder

                                      alas for me, so finally master Holger decided to sell his DR1 on ebay… well good luck for you Milo I won’t bid on it… though I still have a mail from Holger… on August 15th 2011 when he asked me if I was interested in this box (along with several other matters)
                                      I still have the copy of the answer I sent saying I indeed was interested in this box, along with replies to many other matters…

                                      and it was the last time we exchanged mail with Holger :( maybe he never received this email of mine… though I’ve been waiting for an answer to this very special mail of mine for nearly one year and a half :/


                                        I am also looking for the Dragon for a long time (even for an elf) as I promise to deliver my kinds

                                        MMP Elder

                                          well good luck to you Mornedhel , I’m sure you’ll find a way to negociate that with Milo :)

                                          as for myself well… I think I’ll give up trying to collect those CHaracters and Friend&Foes figurines as it seems I’m running out of
                                          to dedicate to this collecting hobby…


                                            I feel sorry for Masters Gildor & Mornedhel as I do not want this dragon more than you both do. No problem, I will let the auctions as is on my side. ;)

                                            Good luck !

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                                          MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Marketplace of Tharbad some juicy ebay-auctions