some juicy ebay-auctions

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Marketplace of Tharbad some juicy ebay-auctions

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  • #27594
    MMP Elder

      yes but the sticker is not authentic ;) it is hand written on a neutral background ;)

      still that’s quite a good find :)

      Sam Wise

        it’s not something that interest me a lot but this seller has often rare figures!
        the shipping cost is “a little” expensive but acceptable from Australia, I suppose?

        I’ve just bought him[mith]m350[/mith] “Gandalf and the hobbits children” for 40€ (Postage Include) : it was the last “hobbit” relative figure that was missing in my collection.
        A lot of money, but like he’s very hard to find, I didn’t want to have regrets !:/


          Hmmm … I would like to support Master Gildor’s doubts about the origin of that figure as being one of the first of the antique-finished MA1 Galadriels. And it’s not only because of that hand-written sticker. What we see is an empty red box and a somehow antiqued version of the MA1 (I cannot see more as it is reveiled by the picture on Ebay). The original top of the red box clearly reads : “The Mithril Fellowship Special Figure Collection” – imprinted in silver in the top of the box. Also the place for the original sticker is in shape underlined in silver, as to give a frame to the sticker. That sticker clearly reads (being printed, not hand-written) Mithril Fellowship MA1 “Galadriel”.
          By now you, who read carefully, might be surprised that the word “fellowship” was used then in 1992, before Mithril started its Fellowship so many years later, as we know it now. So this is about a third matter why I doubt.
          Unfortunately there is no small “leaflet” which was added within the original box, as it was provided with the Galadriel MA1 promotion-figures. On that small leaflet you will find the copyright-sign and the additional note reading “Copyright Tolkien Enterprises 1992.
          Sorry, I do not want to cause trouble, but just provide information. – Of course I can prove what I said by providing pictures as I’m not sure if Master Gildor had placed them on his archive once.


            Alas, I just checked, sorry, Master Gildor. Of course you placed two pictures in your database. So that should be enough to prove my previous statements about Antique-finished-Galadriel-MA 1. – If need be, I could provide more, of course (in case I haven’t done that already in some of my threads in that “Mathom House”).

              Gildor Inglorion wrote:
              yes but the sticker is not authentic ;) it is hand written on a neutral background ;)

              still that’s quite a good find :)

              :) Master “Eye of a hawk”…..


                …. and wise Master tree… hoummmmm ;)


                  That’s what we’re here for, Master Thingol. Just to watch out.

                  MMP Elder

                    still if I remember well “belsec” seller is a serious one so I assume it is indeed a good deal. It reminds me that, I don’t think to remember that my MA1 has any leaflet coming along with it… still my MA1 (the primed one, not the antique one) did come in the red box, with the silver plate with printed sticker on it, but no leaflet inside… it was the French Mithril Fellowship from PA France, the packaging may have been different :/


                      By the way, I did provide more pics of the Lady in several threads, as I already guessed. If you’re interested you might first have a look inside the “Mathom House of Michael Delving”. There’s an old thread called “Galadriels”.
                      Another link can be found over there in the Prancing Pony. There’s a thread called ” The Travelling Elrond”. There are some pics of our Travelling Elrond meeting that Lady on February 25 in 2012. I just took those pics trying to provide some humour.
                      I mention this here just to remind you that there you might find some pics that are a bit more larger than those provided in the database.
                      Please forgive me to refer to that, and I do not intend to boast. Just believe me, that I still do enjoy this.


                        I really did not want to criticize or even doubt the seller, Master Gildor. Not at all. You just reminded me that in those early days of trying to merchandise Mithril-figures apart from Prince August, there were some promotional figures casted. They were given away for free to retailers in those days. So, PA-France might not have been provided without such a leaflet inside the box. But, to be honest. I do not know. – I simply only can refer to what I see, know and own and from whom I did receive it.


                          Perfect [mith]M10[/mith] with dagger still attached to its base!

                          Incomplete [mith]M7[/mith] with lance missing but shield still attached to its base!

                          MMP Elder

                            this M10 is a rarity indeed!


                              . . . but what about the picture????
                              Isn´t the picture a bit . . . yes what?!
                              How ever. Good luck in bidding- whoever bid . . .


                                Dear Fellows,

                                If someone might be interested, please be informed that MX436, MX456 & MX463 are being auctioned on EBay.

                                I guess price is quite expensive but it might be interesting for someone who missed the chance to buy them when available.





                                  I have a MIB MX436 for sell, if someone interested… I can sell far more cheap than this.


                                    Xenophille’s Aragorn sold for about £280 :)

                                    MMP Elder

                                      well it seems this drastically reduces the estimated price of this rarity :/ thanks to the economical crisis…


                                        Would the final selling price have anything to do with the slight modifications?


                                          Also true

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                                          MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Marketplace of Tharbad some juicy ebay-auctions