well my database, the faerylands database (which I manage myself) includes euro prices, those prices are from the Zoetrop catalog (edited each year and available currently on mithril website in pdf) with all explanation about the WHOLE mithril range and how prices are calculated. I strongly recommend you to download and keep this pdf catalog close to you! as it is more accurate than the database for the price explanations (and maybe the prices are more up to date?)
the prices shown in this catalog are the very detailed work of Zoetrop who compiles each mithril ebay sales done and seen each year, and then makes the average price. so this is strong stats based on reality of the auctions seen on ebay, worldwide.
Regarding selling prices, take also into account the 30% gap between USD and EURO currency.
That makes mithrils estimates 30% lower for US than in EU.
For past years, I witnessed that USA buyers tend to spend same amount in USD than EU buyers spend in EURO.
I am after great MIB miniatures. Please avoid raise my expenses on [mith]M26[/mith], [mith]M28[/mith], [mith]M29[/mith], [mith]M30[/mith], [mith]M31[/mith], [mith]M47[/mith], [mith]M48[/mith], [mith]M49[/mith].
well, I’am quite happy as I won auctions for [mith]M26[/mith], [mith]M30[/mith], [mith]M31[/mith], [mith]M47[/mith], [mith]M48[/mith], [mith]M49[/mith]. The expense is not low but this miniatures deserve it
Yes indeed.
He sold a complete collection from M1 to M395, almost all MIB (except for blister’s rat’s urine smell I mentionned last week).
From what I see on ebay account, his name is Kim. He lives in Australia.