MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Marketplace of Tharbad › some juicy ebay-auctions
Yes, the first link works as well – meanwiling. Strange this is . . . And there is this Mordor Troll for a great conversion a la Master Estel !
Wishing you a nice holiday, Master Milo! 😎
Have a nice adventure Master Milo! Keep an eye out for Trolls!
Ahhh, The Man offers Tom Bombadil, MS297. Very interesting indeed to see, how much people would like to spend for it. For your information: MS297 is currently avaiable for (only) 13,20 € !!!!!
I placed a 10€ bid in case no non fellowship member wants it.
…..another one rare guy… M15–_NORTHMAN_SCOUT_–_M15_-_25mm/220643385384/item
€ 1.63 for König Orodreth von Nargothrond I think I did well! I love German Ebay in the summer hollidays.
Well done Holger !
Ahhh- from Herten! Herten is just around the corner . . . :rolleyes:
Hmm I had a look around the corner and there was only the dog… :lol::lol::lol:
Don´t give him too much of this scrumpy-stuff, Master Barliman, please . . .
Only a little bit ….. please… hicks….
I never ‘give’ it to him – he has to pay.
there is extremely rare M329 if somebody needs him hide in the bunch of 15 figures…..
Looks interesting.. :rolleyes:
Postage is huge, though.
M80 Lesinas on ebay UK
…. M73….. Again ! …there is a lot’s of those guys for a last 2 months….
I wouldn’t bid…. so good luck Master Estel…
good luck estel!
The “Usual suspect” is back….