some juicy ebay-auctions
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Marketplace of Tharbad › some juicy ebay-auctions
- This topic has 3,600 replies, 48 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 10 months ago by Theobald.
August 28, 2010 at 6:23 pm #11649
It is does not matter how much is price pre figure in this valuable set…. 425 GBP or 520 Euros is half of my monthly salary and I think that for me this is to much…. in this moment… and I with big regret could only conclude that is pity for me that I was not before become part of our community… just to follow all those useful informations about all those valuable figure, auctions, prices and possibilities to find figures like those…
August 28, 2010 at 7:01 pm #11650Huoommm … No. So far there has never been sold an “entire” army set.
The first figure to appear of that army was that, what you call ‘famous pikeman in (sic!) a crested helm’ – I added ‘sic’, as I do think that he wasn’t in that helm. – Then some of those were gifts. ~ hope I’ll not confusing you. That was the C6A pikeman.
After that the ‘Mw347 Half orc command’ (very last set) went on Ebay on 26.10.05 23:00 MESZ.
The second set of the Mw347 (‘Angrenost Guard’) – (which, by the way, could only consist of two figures) was then announced for Sunday 6th November on a buy it now auction at 9pm GMT.
With that auction “someone” decided to offer the other sets of the ‘lost army’ at a fixed price – as for reasons we all should be aware of.
Rhuuooohuommmtodomhuommm … yes, I know, if I keep on … it might meet some disinterest in the ones reading this … so … it’s not a good place to discuss these matters that detailed here … rhuoommmm … I might better head for that Pony-place, where water is cheap, non-serious matters should be talked about, some …… rhhhuooouomm … ? …. yesAugust 28, 2010 at 8:31 pm #11651Blimey, you do keep accurate records, don’t you? – except that I’m absolutely certain that the first pikeman offered was indeed the one in the crested helmet. Not that it matters.
Anyway, I’d better head back to the Pony too, or else there’ll be no one to pour your water – those long legs of your would easily outpace mine if you were ever inclined to be hasty!
August 28, 2010 at 10:38 pm #11653Records? … I do keep some records indeed. And, to be honest, if I kept none I wouldn’t have dared to talk about this in public … huoommm … thank you, Master Barliman …
but, as you said, this doesn’t matter … rhuooommmmAugust 29, 2010 at 6:45 pm #11660sometimes, passions or hobbies consume more money than other, sometimes people prefer collecting than going on vacations, sometimes there are more important things in life than figurines or hobbies…
sometimes there are rich collectors too
August 29, 2010 at 7:30 pm #11661Sometimes people are just bonkers.
August 30, 2010 at 6:35 pm #11672This set that was just auctioned on ebay only contained 18 peices, not all 20.
August 30, 2010 at 7:30 pm #11677Absolutely right Master shadyt. So it wasn´t a “complete” set as it was advertised, wasn´t it .
August 30, 2010 at 9:31 pm #11678If tyou read back a couple of pages you’ll see that this has already been covered.
August 31, 2010 at 2:59 am #11683Well these guys are amongst my very favorite CT creations and I only missed buying the last set (which I subsequently acquired!). With that said I would echo the statments of ESTEL and Barilman above. I love Mithril but that’s quite a bit of money. M16 has reached $700 USD but averages about $400 USD I think. I would never pay that much for her either. I do have a dubious distinction here which I will now confess. I was gifted with several of those ‘crested helm’ pikeman. I once sold one on eBay half out of curiousity (the other reason was the wife’s ‘You want more toys? You have to sell some first!’ policy)
It found a new home in France for about $100 USD, about 4 times the price of these figures individually from the generous buy-it-now pricing. I felt a bit guilty about that one and shall never do that again! Herbert may have tracked that sale and would certainly know the higher prices on any figures sold on eBay.
August 31, 2010 at 9:48 am #11688a home in France for $100 ??!!
I really wonder where… usually homes where I live are around 170 000€ (at LEAST) for an appartment, and more than 250000€ for private houses….
Now if you want to “sell some toys” master kenakko, you know what you have that I am interested in
But I doubt you will ever part with these… (to my great regret alas
September 2, 2010 at 7:32 pm #11751…. for all who still need this magnificent figure
September 2, 2010 at 7:35 pm #11752nice this is a good one!!
September 2, 2010 at 10:03 pm #11758This really magnificent figure indeed !!!!! You want to say, Nino . . .
September 3, 2010 at 12:57 pm #11768That Frumgar is an excellent figure. – Some might guess why I say this 😆 – But it is indeed a great rider with lots of details and a very dynamic pose.
Though I wonder why he sells this figure …September 3, 2010 at 1:26 pm #11770and one of the most gifted figurines in terms of “small parts”
he has quite an armory with him
September 3, 2010 at 2:49 pm #11773Right, Gildor, that wrapped-up fur blanket from the north behind the saddle, the short compound-bow fastened in a decorated quiver and another quiver for the arrows carried on the other flank of the horse, both from the east (all this tells about Frumgar’s journeys to the north and east), the shield with the oldest horse-design providing three horses in a spiral (mind the “Wulf of Edoras”-vignette [MS280] where that shield design appeared for the first time), a horse’s head on the helm as a crest and the same horse-head as a pommel of Frumgar’s sword, the axe secured at the wrist so that it cannot get lost, even if the blow is too hard … the horse, the pose , the dynamic movement ….
Sorry …. ahem, yes, Gildor, right you are. I just remembered the fun and joy I had (and it wasn’t only me, of course), having been allowed to decide about some of those details and to watch the progress of Frumgar being sculpted. I’ll never forget.
Ooops, I didn’t want to become sentimental 😆September 3, 2010 at 3:43 pm #11776I do not have it, I will try to otain it.
September 3, 2010 at 4:15 pm #11777And I confess mine is still in its blister. I must get around to him at some point….but there’s always so much to do, and so little time…
September 3, 2010 at 4:49 pm #11781Sorry … with my last entry I really did not want to get anyone bidding for that Figure – I’m not the seller (sic). – See, it was just written because no-one so far explained all those nice details of the figure Master Gildor mentioned. Years ago I intended to do that … but simply forgot about it.
In case you want to have a closer look at the figure you might log-in to the ‘Mithril website’ – there you find on the left a list which also refers to MX-figures. There’s the complete list of Mx’s so far … then you might get on to the information about those MX’s, they’re not available by Mithril any more, but those pictures, which still exist, might give an idea what the Frumgar-figure is (or could be) like. You’ll also come across pictures of painted Frumgars there – and here I would like to thank those “Frumgar-freaks” who painted the figure brilliantly … everybody in her/his way … and, of course, all the others of the (what I always by myself called) “Frumgar-team”.
All that’s left to say is … may that Frumgar not be misused to gain profit. -
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Marketplace of Tharbad › some juicy ebay-auctions