some juicy ebay-auctions
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Marketplace of Tharbad › some juicy ebay-auctions
- This topic has 3,600 replies, 48 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 10 months ago by Theobald.
May 25, 2011 at 7:57 am #17580Barliman wrote:Some interesting bits here:
Ummm in the plastic bag seems to be some interesting shields. If someone wins it, please talk with me, I’m searching shields variants
May 25, 2011 at 12:44 pm #17596I will have a go for the MS I Miss. Fingers crossed now !
May 25, 2011 at 1:34 pm #17602cheers!
May 25, 2011 at 1:40 pm #17605Regarding M3, I sent a message to the seller with US postal rates link so that he cannot say “it is exensive to cross the ocean”…
Let’s see if he is an honest seller.May 25, 2011 at 2:21 pm #17609the rohan rider is @ 46,50 € with 5 hours to go … somebody has got the hots for him (same goes for the other mounted figure)! i’ll take care of the orcs and the haradrim, haha …
May 25, 2011 at 2:35 pm #17610Milo wrote:Regarding M3, I sent a message to the seller with US postal rates link so that he cannot say “it is exensive to cross the ocean”…
Let’s see if he is an honest seller.The reason for the high price is that (a) the US hiked its post prices horrendously a year or so ago, and (b) more and more US eBay sellers are insuring their mail to cover alleged losses in the post. Mrs B collects Disney pins – little pieces of enamelled metal – which I get for her on eBay, and some sellers even want $20 or more to post those! Others, admittedly, charge only $2 to $5, or are even happy to post for free. Canadian mail is even more expensive than US.
May 26, 2011 at 12:54 pm #17638I received an answer from this seller. He pretends I did not understand USPS web site and talk about “Abu Dabhi shipping”….
Appelle moi jambon ! 😡So, unless you leave in USA, where I guess he cannot charge that much do not bid, let him with his anwfull unprimed M3.
May 26, 2011 at 12:55 pm #17639Mithril fellowship Pin here:
I even did not know this existed one day.May 26, 2011 at 1:09 pm #17640No, I’ve never seen one before either – what’s the story, Master Gildor?
May 26, 2011 at 2:44 pm #17641Huooommm … I do own one of them Mithril-pins and the description of the seller is very correct … rhuomm … that’s what I can confirm …. rhuooommm … as far as I can remember, it was a special gift for the first fellows joining the Gold Membership … yes, those very old “Tengwar” were also added for free together with that very nice pin — it was when you bought one of the first MSs, which was MS423 (Aragorn & the Palantir) and so confirmed to be a member. You payed for the new figure and additionally got the “Tengwars” and the pin for free.
That’s how MS-releases once started.
Err, I have to add that then, a long time ago by now there was the decision to be made about which figure should open the MS-releases. Chris, of course, tended to have that Galadriel-Lady again opening that range. That’s why his version of the Lady reads Ms423A and has become a rare figure. The release was MS 423 Aragorn (to be honest, I don’t know who decided about that).
Sorry, but this is all I know about the origin of the very nice Mithril-pin.May 26, 2011 at 2:46 pm #17642Thanks master ent. Always a pleasure to learn about mithril’s history with you.
May 26, 2011 at 3:01 pm #17643You’re welcome, Master Milo … it’s just a hobby I take seriously whenever I can avoid labour …
I only tried to use that pin once when I tried to meet an older tree than me, just for recognizing each other – seriously, we couldn’t have agreed on red roses. – It worked among some thousands of people being at a fair at the same time … good old Fangorn that was … it simply was a pleasure … rhuom … err, I do like that old pin because of that …May 26, 2011 at 3:07 pm #17644This nice use of mithril’s pin makes me think that we also have here some sort of MMP distinguishing marks : our travelling Elrond ! 😆
May 26, 2011 at 3:19 pm #17646I have to add some information to what master Theobald said…
this pin (which I also possess and which is a collector.. I had lost it, and found it back… Michael told me they do not exist anymore and Mithril CAN’T offer any of them anymore so these are RARE…)
well this pins is the word “mithril” using tengwar runes… using the old Mithril logo… I have always LOVED this pins…and there is also an “old” tshirst (not polo no sweat but tshirt of thick coton) in black with a big “old” mithril logo on it written in silver… I do have this one too…
these were merchandise from the “original fellowship”… NOT the “gold fellowship”… the tshirt was a merchandise to be bought, but the pins did come along with the subscription… you did get Tengwar magazines (I even possess FULL french versions of the first three Tengwar magazines along with the english ones… the numbers 4 and 5 were never translated but I have them too) and you did receive this pins… and the [mith]MS225[/mith] Celebrimbor which was the “introduction” figurine of the fellowship by that time (actually the subscription you paid was the price of the MS225), subscribing to the original fellowship allowed you to buy any Fellowship figurines (including Christmas figurines or MS figurines before [mith]MS423[/mith]
Really I consider this pins to be as rare as the original Mithril handbook… if not more…
PS : damnit, where did I put this pins again…. grmmfff *back to searching*
May 26, 2011 at 3:21 pm #17648Which one is original Mithril Handbook ?
May 26, 2011 at 3:26 pm #17649I just tried, Seller does not allow to bid outside germany.
Anyone could help ?May 26, 2011 at 3:39 pm #17650the one with Celebrimbor in color on the front cover, and with the low range sheets (which were then completed with separate sheets)
strangely you can find it on amazon here :
May 26, 2011 at 3:45 pm #17651Ho, that one !
I got it for my 20th birthday. Very nice indeed. a shme first 82 references are missing in the catalogue also.
I still have everything (even the old Fellowship subscription form) as I did not subcribe to original fellowship due to my budget limitations at that time.
But Tengwar in french I would appreciate you provide a scan of these as I only received english ones when I joined GF last year buying Aragorn with Palantir.May 26, 2011 at 4:41 pm #17652well I joined the fellowship back in time when it was handled by Prince August FRANCE… which had a strong mithril sub section… but the nice girl who was in charge of mithril relations…. died in a car accident and never was replaced efficiently, thus beginning the “highway to hell” of Mithril in France… anyway…
Since I joined what could be called the french mithril fellowship, they had the material… in french, thus I received all the MS releases (celebrimbor, wulf, isildur, elessar and arwen, gandalf & witch-king, tom bombadil) labelled in french too… and the tengwar in french… a fact that, Mithril Ireland sent me for free tengwar 4 and 5 (along with 1 2 and 3) when I told them I was a fellowship member, but as a french one I had never had access to the 4 and 5… they were happy to solve the issue for me…
(I also have master figurines for M110 and M116 I think, with a certificate genuinly signed by all mithril team… but this has not a lot of importance… I long painted those ones…)
May 26, 2011 at 7:40 pm #17653I won nice & complete [mith]M59[/mith] & [mith]M61[/mith] tonight.
This means also I will have [mith]M59[/mith] (without girl) & [mith]M61[/mith] (without pike) to trade. -
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MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Marketplace of Tharbad › some juicy ebay-auctions