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  • #49710

      quite the mint price …

      good day to everyone passing through.

      MMP Elder

        Today… I feel sad…

        Today, the mood in the Taproom is not what it used to be and no more will it be…

        Today, our famous innkeeper has removed his apron… for the last time. well not today but some time ago already, but I got news only today…

        Barliman, Ian… has gone, I hope Mandos will be kind to him as he did great and was a good fellow in his life… I will miss him dearly… MMP will never be the same without him πŸ™

        I don’t know what will happen to the Prancing Pony now (nor MMP in general I must admit… now that the site is also quite technically broken too, without me having the knowledge at the moment to repair it…)


        Life must goes on…


        let’s celebrate one more – I don’t want to say last –Β  time , dear fellows.




          RIP Barli, may your Scrumpy never be without a rat’s tail to flavour it.

          Farewell πŸ™


            Farewell dear Innkeeper


              Well that is sad news indeed. I have the same sentiments as you all… Barli will be missed.

              I hope all of you and your families are doing well. It is nice to stop in here from time to time, even it is to only read someone’s greeting from a few days past. Gildor, regardless of whatever future is in store for this sight, I am very grateful for it and your efforts to keep it up. Thank you.



                Good bye Master Barliman. Very sad to hear you are moving on. All the best on your new journey.


                  Oh, so sorry, I did not see this message up until now. These are sad news, πŸ™

                  May he rest in peace, and his family receive all the love they need now. May the stars guide his way to Valinor.


                    unfortunately, i only see this message today … there is no end without a new beginning, i’d like to think that everything is in flow and blends together again and again.



                    on my 50th birthday, i’d like to throw a virtual round for everyone and toast to those who have already left, who are present and those who are yet to arrive. enjoy your day, friends 🍻


                      Thank you πŸ™‚


                        Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and raise a mug of Rat-Tail Scrumpy to those old friends who are no longer with us.

                        Have a safe one.



                          Repeating those wishes and raising the mug too for those who are no longer with us and those who still are too. Cheers.


                            Cheers to old and new fellows.


                              Hello to all of you old (and some new) Mithril friends. Indeed it has been a while since I have visited. Of course, nothing is the same since dear Barli has passed on The wargskin rugs are hibernating, it seems. And I have dusted off the table in the dark corner where I usually sit. I think it is long past time or me to light up my pipe and relax here in the quietness that has befallen this once active place. I would welcome a fellow traveler to join me for a drink, should one pass through for old times sake. Please, wake me if I am sleeping so I can greet you.


                                Well it’s just past noon here, so a jug or two would not go amiss πŸ˜‰

                                Hopefully the tribute figure for our old friend will arrive in the next week or so, a bitter-sweet release that’s for sure.


                                MMP Elder

                                  Sometimes I myself come by, though I more frequently post on the “fans of Mithril” facebook page which is managed by David πŸ™‚

                                  My museum is almost finished, and though of course more than half of the collection is unpainted and I have not assembled the Time Machine dioramas (too complicated at the moment to pre-assemble them), when it comes to Mithril and Mithril only… only 10 reference are not displayed (because those are the ones I do not possess in double and are still blistered…

                                  I hope I’ll manage to find doubles for themΒ  soon πŸ™‚




                                    it has become very quiet here, indeed. i hope you’re doing well, all the best!


                                      Just to clarify, Wendy is/was the creator of the Facebook Group, like Nob in the beer-cellar, I just help out with the pots (and try and keep Orcses away)Β  πŸ˜€ .



                                        Keeping well, hopefully everyone else is too πŸ™‚

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