The Taproom
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- This topic has 6,719 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 8 months ago by Barliman.
June 3, 2008 at 4:54 pm #2315
Huoommmm … I was aware about the implications when I used the word ‘board’ recently, Master Barliman … that’s why I said it can be repaired … huommm … and so it was, wasn’t it?
Alas, talking about boards … huommm … some of them still meet my upper parts in the taproom … rhuoomm …June 3, 2008 at 5:10 pm #2316I acknowledge that the height of the taproom is, how can I put it?, vertically challenging, but I don’t have the funds to finance any alterations. Perhaps I should put some of my own Mw347s up on eBay – but then, they might not sell either, just like dritz’s. Mind you, his starting prices and over-ambitious postage charges combined are enough to deter anyone.
June 3, 2008 at 11:18 pm #2318Speaking of the Hobbit movie, here is a link to a very interesting web-chat with Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro. It’s long, but somewhat revealing. Some of the questions are quite pithy and pointed, others are fairly obvious and not very informative.
Personally, I think Guillermo’s take on Smaug is spot-on (Can I just say Alan Rickman for the voice work PLEASE!). I also am enthusiatic about having the goblins and wargs re-designed, ESPECIALLY the wargs. Here’s the link!June 4, 2008 at 10:34 am #2319Sadly it doesn’t actually tell us much we haven’t already guessed, though like you, I’m glad they’re revising their wolves – and funnily enough, I was saying to Mrs B just yesterday that I didn’t see how the LOTR types would work in a ‘Hobbit’ context. PJ and Del Toro obviously agree. But it’s very early days for much worthwhile info to be leaked yet, so I’m unsurprised that they’re all keeping mum about prettty much everything at the moment.
I was amused, though, by Del Toro’s long-winded diatribe regarding his earlier (i.e. pre being paid several million dollars) disparaging remarks regarding his dislike of fantasy stories featuring “little guys, dragons, hairy feet and hobbits”. That faux pas will doubtless return to bite him in the butt on many future occasions. And rightly so.
June 4, 2008 at 12:36 pm #2320Barliman wrote:I was amused, though, by Del Toro’s long-winded diatribe regarding his earlier (i.e. pre being paid several million dollars) disparaging remarks regarding his dislike of fantasy stories featuring “little guys, dragons, hairy feet and hobbits”. That faux pas will doubtless return to bite him in the butt on many future occasions. And rightly so.Oh dear. One wonders why he was chosen at all.
Maybe because he won’t complain if they deviate from the story?
June 4, 2008 at 12:54 pm #2321I don’t know, I think del Toro’s style may work very well for the Hobbit. It’s a risky, but intriguing, choice of director.
Comments he made about not liking fantasy films, per se, don’t matter much to me. I don’t know what context they were made in, if he was asked questions relating his movies to LOTR etc…. It would only be natural to try and set apart one’s own “art-house” (Pan’s Labyrinth) work form the Hollywood blockbuster LOTR movies.
With the Hobbit’s linear story and fairy tale/fantasy elements, I think del Toro can make a fantastic movie.The debates over casting and story choices are going to be furious and interesting! You should see some of the comments on about who should do the voice of Smaug. One guy actually said he would leave the theatre during Smaug scenes if Alan Rickman does the voice. Silly!
I remember the trepidation and unease I had about the LOTR movies being done at all. It’s difficult to reconcile our own visions of Tolkien’s world with what’s presented on the screen. They could have been a colossal flop. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case. Although I don’t like every aspect of the films, by and large they enjoyable, if not outstanding.
However, locked in my head is my own unalterable vision of Middle-Earth that created itself there almost 30 years ago!
June 5, 2008 at 9:14 am #2322I also enjoyed the films immensely, though I can’t entirely forgive PJ for emasculating Gandalf and perverting Faramir’s personality so much that not only is he tempted by the ring but he’s prepared to condone the brutal beating of an unarmed prisoner. Not very Faramir-like at all, at all.
Anyway, that’s my lot for now – Mrs B and I are just about to set off for a fortnight’s holiday way up in the far North where the sun barely sets at this time of year. I’ve put Nob in the cattery, so Bob will be in charge – at least he can reach the taps. I just hope he remembers to wash his hands when he comes in from the stable.
Try not to drink too much while I’m away.
June 5, 2008 at 1:03 pm #2323Ooh! Smaug’s voice should be the guy who does Auron’s voice in Final Fantasy X, whatever his name is.
You and the Missus have a nice holiday, Barley! (Quite right about Faramir, by the way. Very annoying, I found it.)
Ah, no more hockey to distract from painting.
June 5, 2008 at 1:08 pm #2324Huoommmm …. have a nice holiday with Mrs B, Master Barliman … must be a nice region where the sun sets barley … huoommm
June 5, 2008 at 7:19 pm #2329Have a nice holiday Barli
Re Smaug’s voice – well what a plonker whoever would get up and walk out of a film if AR did the voice :rolleyes:, I think AR would be perfect he has the right voice for this sort of thing unlike Sean Connery voicing the dragon in Dragonheart which didn’t ring right to me.
Anyhow, those giant hyena’s …. ooops Warg designs from LotR need to go – hated ’em!
June 15, 2008 at 2:38 pm #2341Huuooommrhuom … it has become a bit quiet around here, right Boris? … huoommm … the place seems to be unoccupied for quite some time …. rhuooommm … let’s hope it won’t become uninhabitable, Boris …. huom … hush, I can hear a sound from a far distance …. huom.
June 15, 2008 at 4:09 pm #2344Been away, but back now
June 15, 2008 at 4:34 pm #2345Huoommm … I heard you coming back, Master Ddaines … rhuuooommm … oh, by the by do you know Boris the spider? … huoommm … good to have you here again, Master Ddaines … huommm … where to start cleaning up this mess around here? …. or is it better to take our time first to relax a while with a bowl of that watery liquid from the tap over there … huommm …
June 15, 2008 at 10:26 pm #2349Boris the spider, no not heard of him, but a bowl of that clear stuff before work sounds good.
June 21, 2008 at 5:40 pm #2355Huoommmm … so by now I’ve managed to keep this place habitable … rhuoomm … floors are clean, wargskins been dusted, tabs are sealed, the cat is well, Nob’s at a place he calls ‘nowhere’ … maybe the stables, I dunno … rhuoomm … anyway I try to do what I can … hom … well, Boris is fine … rhuoommm … though I unintentially destroyed one of his webs …
June 22, 2008 at 12:33 pm #2356Rhuuooommmmm …. hom.hom….. huom … I do hope that the barkeep of this place is fine … huommm … all regulars have been gone since quite a while … huoomm … I tried to clean and tidy up this abandonned place … rhuoommm … I also witnessed that the man in the dark is absent … huoommm no smoke to hide behind …. rooommmmm … it’s just Boris, the spider, that confuses me with his presence … huuuoommm …
June 23, 2008 at 7:28 am #2357hear ya hear ya, gentlemen.. uh.. and ladies..
During the absence of master Butterbur, I’ve been given the authorization to reset all bills and provide each patron with a free mug of our best ale…I’d like to precize that during those hot months, our cave has been filled with huge blocks of ice to refresh the casks.
(mutters to himself : “I hope master Butterburr won’t be mad at me, trying to get more people joining the inn by giving to much free goodies… well maybe in the end that’ll be good for business who knows”)
So, who’s first for his mug? free mug of fresh ale! come ask me!
June 23, 2008 at 9:58 am #2359Hello Nob,
so let’s have some! It was very hot yesterday and it seems that I need some for lunch!
June 23, 2008 at 10:06 am #2360Aha, caught you, Nob you young rascal – who released you from the cattery early? You weren’t supposed to be let out until I got back. But I suppose I am back (though parts of my brain appear to have been left behind somewhere), so I’ll not worry about it too much, but let’s not be having any more of this free ale nonsense or there’ll be no salary for you this week (again).
Well, I can see from looking round that the place has been extraordinarily quiet while I’ve been away in the North. I thought I’d have to catch up with a bit of reading, but it seems not.
First thing I checked on was the polls on the Fellowship site, and I’m delighted to see that King Brand won – very right and proper. The suggestions for this month are also an interesting mixed bag – though (and this is only a personal opinion, you understand), I’m dubious about the Dol Amroth lady appearing again – and leading the voting at this stage too, to boot! I feel sure that JRRT would be turning in his grave at the thought of ‘female assassins’ in his subcreation! There’s too much ICE and Fantasy with a capital ‘F’ in such suggestions, and nowhere near enough JRRT for my tastes…
Anyway, it’s good to be back where I don’t have to pay for my beer! Thanks for your work keeping the place in order, Master Tree – you’ve done a grand job. Your tab is cancelled in perpetuity for that and for other favours (ah yes, I’ve now received my backlog of mail, and there were some metal bits in it; many thanks!). You really must introduce me to Boris when you next come across him.
June 23, 2008 at 10:51 am #2361Hello Barliman,
well there will be a second round in voting, where this Fantasy-girl can be thrown out by your and your fellows votes.
Me too hopes, that again a named character will win this time!NAMARIE
estelP.S.: Some ale again please, sun is merciless here.
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