The Taproom
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- This topic has 6,719 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 8 months ago by Barliman.
August 8, 2008 at 12:54 pm #2804
well I am here jd
uploading and manipulating pics since 9:00am this morning
i’ll stop for today… I think it’s enough , you can check the progress on the other topicAugust 8, 2008 at 1:30 pm #2805I’m here too, but – alas – I have to moonlight doing other jobs in order to earn a living, and that occasionally distracts me from my more important duties at the Pony.
As you say, it was quite busy just a few days ago, but surprisingly not as busy as I’d anticipated – I was quite expecting a more demonstrative response to my suggestion that there might be things to criticise in any of The Man’s figures. As such, of course, it was not intended to denigrate any of his undeniably superlative work – but I just thought that it might be worth hearing from anyone who felt there was anything that they’d have liked to see done, well, differently.
One that I was reminded of yesterday (on reaching the ‘Ride of the Rohirrim’ chapter in my current peregrination through Middle-earth) is the fact that I’ve always felt Chris’s Woses are not lumpy or squat enough to marry up with JRRT’s very specific description of their appearance. Inddeed, the Mithril figures look more like athletes than the ‘short-legged and fat-armed, thick and stumpy’ characters the book parades before us.
Anyway, I must be off again – I’m still supposed to be moonlighting.
August 8, 2008 at 7:32 pm #2806Plate mail!!!!!?????
August 9, 2008 at 5:12 am #2807Ah, yes, a favourite “hate” amongst many of my patrons, unless I’m much mistaken – an inheritance of the MERP days, I fear. It always seemed to me that MERP’s creators were more into Fantasy than Lord of the Rings and were determined to drag Middle-earth down to that level – High Gothic plate armour was one of the inevitable by-products of that desire.
August 9, 2008 at 7:19 am #2808though not realistic into the Middle-earth universe (at least for elves) you will admit that it is a pleasure to paint no?
maybe I’m alone but i tak far much more pleasure painting a knight of Dol Amroth, an Elendil or Isildur, or why not a nazgul in armor (LR11-19) than simples crappy orcs in tatters
(sorry if I hurt anyone, Mithril orcs are great but Orcs are my nightmare…I try to paint the least of them)
August 9, 2008 at 12:14 pm #2809Gildor Inglorion wrote:though not realistic into the Middle-earth universe (at least for elves) you will admit that it is a pleasure to paint no?maybe I’m alone but i tak far much more pleasure painting a knight of Dol Amroth, an Elendil or Isildur, or why not a nazgul in armor (LR11-19) than simples crappy orcs in tatters
(sorry if I hurt anyone, Mithril orcs are great but Orcs are my nightmare…I try to paint the least of them)
I totally agree to you Gildor, and I can also understand why Orcs are horror to pait. Try using inks it makes life easier and makes the orcish devilry look so filthy. I do not agree much, that plate armour is not realistic, even if I do not like to mcuh plate on the Mithril figures, but for the D.A. knights it is perfectly done.
estelAugust 9, 2008 at 3:47 pm #2812I actually prefer to paint the, er, “crappy” orcs! And High Gothic plate armour just doesn’t ring true for me (well, it might if I hit it with a hammer). No, I much prefer good old “early medieval” mail with the odd plate brassard or greave.
August 9, 2008 at 3:52 pm #2813well we all have our preferences
August 9, 2008 at 9:52 pm #2814G’day Barliman, Gildor and co, been a while – it’s great to see you’re all still kicking and debating the relative merits of scrappy orcs versus plated knights (say mounted Galadriel or Celeborn). I might have to run with Barliman here – I quite enjoy the weathered, beaten look of the orcs, and feel that they really capture the vibe of the books. That said, I don’t mind the odd polished Gondorian man-at-arms from time-to-time either. Indeed, the figure that I’ve almost finished painting (which has been at that stage since sometime in late 2006/early 2007, when I last had the energy to do the Mithril thing) is a ghost warrior, and there’s some really great work on the tattered armour and clothing that’s a joy to paint.
So how have you all been? I have to apologise in advance for not reading the preceding 24 pages of goings-on at the Pony – I may when I get the chance. I hope you’re all well, and touch wood will be around a bit from now on.
August 9, 2008 at 10:18 pm #2815Ah but I never said I did not like the orcs, the orcs are great!!!
I just said I prefer PAINTING knights than orcs
just painting
but for collection and scuplting purpose, orcs are really cool
and Galadriel in armor.. is… excuse me … an abherration
August 10, 2008 at 12:34 am #2816I don’t mind orcs, per se, but you paint a dozen of them and…you’ve now got a dozen of the enemy horde to upset our heroes. You are painting extras, and only you know how much work went into them, and likely, you’ll forget.
Speaking of ugly, I see Squire Morley may (or may not) have finally completed his GW contract with the release of a rather horrid Elrond figure. Makes one appreciate the Mithril Elronds, especially the LR 37 model.
August 10, 2008 at 5:42 am #2817First and foremost, welcome to the long-absent Axe-man. Where have you been? But never mind that, have a flagon of the resident Ent’s favourite flavoured water – he swears by it, but denies that it’s ale (because it’s too short a word, I suspect). It’s good to see you back!
As for the Dreaded Morley, Master Gavin, his contract with GW ran out about two years ago when he and they parted company. I’m assured by those that know, that what we’re still seeing are the last dregs of his abominable output (GW work so far ahead it would make a Time Lord’s head spin). I wonder, though, who will have designed their next load of Elf releases (yep, there’s more to come)? At least they can’t be any worse.
What, Master Axe, finished that flagon already? Very hasty! I’ll have to charge for the next one – that’ll slow you down.
August 10, 2008 at 6:41 am #2818[belch] Great schtuff Barliiiiiii [hic], yoush schtill know howsh to brew the good shtuff [stagger] and are cleeeaarly schtill in good form [wink, non-suggestive
] Have been not scho well, but wif a liddle more of thish, I’ll be fwine [falls onto back, smiling at ceiling
August 10, 2008 at 7:31 am #2819I had the mural painted on the ceiling just for people like you. Do you like it? I think the elephants are a bit blurred, but I only had Nob’s head to work with (it took three dunks in the scrumpy to get all the paint out of his hair).
August 10, 2008 at 9:06 am #2820Huoooommmmrguooommmm …. welcome back again, Master Axe99, welcome indeed …. huom.
I witnessed that you enjoyed that honey-coloured clear clean watery liquid … huoomm … though you should be careful about swallowing that brew too hastiliy in such amounts … hom … you’ve already noticed that it might hamper your way of communication … rhuuoommm … suchwise it does … hom ….
anyway, welcome again, good old Master Axe99 ….Huoommm …. Master Barliman, may I have a word with you about my deposit of flagons, please? … rhuoommmhom …
As for painting …. huoomm … alas … there are few restrictions to me, the matter is that I cannot always spend that much time on it …. rhuoommmm … unfortunately …. huom
August 10, 2008 at 10:50 am #2822Welcome back Axe99!
Another Lost Traveller found his way home!August 10, 2008 at 11:53 am #2825Welcome back Axe – a ‘Lost Traveller’ found!! It shouldn’t take long for someone from your neck of the woods to drink this place dry playing ‘catch-up’
Back to the other debate – painting. I’ve alway loved the orcs (even though many seem to be bald
), but I find as with any figures big, small, medium, the more detail, the more I get bored after the initial enthusiasm and I suppose orcs do have a lot of raggedy bits of clothing and equipment – I’m still wondering if I shall live long enough to paint the Time Machine orcs from the old Warband set
, but I think a dry-brush and good use of the inks can speed up the time it takes.
August 10, 2008 at 4:30 pm #2831Since I’m still 90 percent enamels, I can’t take advantage of inks, though I’ve seen some pretty impressive results by others.
Er, and sorry about the ‘borrowed’ flagon, Master Tree. I’ve told Nob to refill it – if you’re lucky he’ll do it from the barrel in the cellar.
August 10, 2008 at 4:42 pm #2833Now we must think of a good title for Master Axe99.
August 10, 2008 at 9:27 pm #2835That’s good advice Theobald, my head is ringing today – Barley, you should put a health warning on that stuff! I’ll go a _little_ bit easier next time – although that’s certainly an enticing challenge Dave
. Good to see you all again, and touch wood I shouldn’t disappear like that in the future – had environmental issues with work which made me quite crook for quite some time – I haven’t been m’self for well over a year, but am in a different location now and slowly building the health back up. A few more of Barley’s brews and I’ll be fine
. Am looking forward to getting a bit of time to check out the threads with members work in them to see what you’ve all been up to – any highlights I should look out for?
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