The Taproom
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › The Taproom
- This topic has 6,719 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 8 months ago by Barliman.
March 4, 2008 at 8:32 pm #1596
Huoommm … why not have converted oarsmen rowing the eagle with some Gandalf being carried as once Bilbo was (M140) … rguoomm … not necessarily a dwarf has to be put in between the eagle holding that Hobbit … rhuoommm …hom … any orc might do …
Sorry I’m just kidding …. rhuoommm …March 4, 2008 at 9:33 pm #1597I think that you have entirely the right approach to the MX business, Master Tree. It would be hard enough finding three people who could agree on everything they wanted in a figure, let alone 15 or even (gasp) 40. Going it alone is the best solution by far – at least you get exactly what you want that way. And it explains why you can never afford to pay your bar tab. So have this one on me…after all, it’s mostly water.
March 4, 2008 at 11:50 pm #1598that’s the problem… MS is a community choice for the concept and theme, and design is done by Chris Tubb himself.
MX the design is shared between Chris tubb and the sponsor. Chris is paid to do and satisfy all wishes submitted , be it to the smallest details… When the imagination and idea comes from one source that is possible, but compiling more than 2 or 3 peoples into a single representation of an idea (even if more than 10 of them agree on the idea itself) is nearly impossible to achieve…
Still I am frigid towards MX because, IF someone (thanksfully so far it has not been the case) only did cast 30 figurines… for himself, without 100 others, then these figurines would be nearly impossible to get, and due to the price the sponsor has paid I am quite sure that these would sold on ebay for at least as much as an early Xmas figurine… and I am against “artificial rarity”.. rarity must be something deserved.. not created artificially well it can, but not SUCH a degree of rarity…
I would never submit a 30 casting idea… because I would not want others to do so and not have a chance to get my hands on one of these… Since indeed, I would do anything to get one for my collection…I hope you see my point, it’s a bit late and my spirit (and english) may be a bit blurry
March 5, 2008 at 12:33 am #1600Do we have an exact release date for Imrahil? I’m away for the next two weeks from saturday and would hate to miss the opportunity 😮
I know Mithril’s announced release dates and actual release dates vary, but do you have an idea perhaps Master Ent?
March 5, 2008 at 12:44 am #1601I suspect, Master Gildor, that many of the MX issues could be resolved with communication between “shareholders.” Communication, married to a strong concept, would keep things on a pretty even keel.
The problem comes with ambiguity.
If, say, a group of “shareholders” wanted an MX of Gandalf escaping on Gwaihir, then you could jointly decide on:
– An action shot. The eagle’s wings are out, soaring, and Gandalf is holding on tight.
– A bigger eagle than before. Mithril’s great eagles are a bit small, right now.
– Gandalf is looking forward.The rest of the details would be self explanatory, and wouldn’t be grounds for much disagreement.
However, if you wanted something like:
Ar-Pharzon The Golden
You would be automatically courting disagreements, if there were shareholders.
– What is the king wearing? “Scale mail?” one of those weird Numenorean helmets? Or perhaps the winged crown?
– Is the king receiving Sauron’s submission? Or is he raising his sword inspiring his troops before the fleet leaves for the Undying Lands. Or is he urging his troops on as they conquer Umbar
– Is the king young, or older?And so on and so forth.
So, I’m thinking with the right concept, defined in advance, you could have a shareholder model for the MX project. With the wrong project… you are having problems.
March 5, 2008 at 5:48 am #1602Hey, I really started something.
Thank you Gavin for your support. I’m sure a MX with 30 shareholders can be organised. I didn’t say it is a piece of cake. On the other hand, is it really worth the hassle?Gildor you say “rarity must be something deserved.. not created artificially well it can, but not SUCH a degree of rarity…” What about the unreleased warbands with aprox 40 test castings?
Or, a lot rarer unreleased MS Galadriel with as far as I know 15 test castings???? Did these figures earn their rarity?Everything is theorie until someone gives it a try;)
Maybe Master Ddaines way is the best. I supply the eagle. Who supplies Gandalf?
March 5, 2008 at 10:17 am #1603Gildor Inglorion wrote:well that’s all too true barliman… Fact is that people submit – what should otherwise be considered common – figurines because the regulard range is too… slow to be released and satisfy people. So if people have some figurines they’d like to see released, they use the GF system to accelerate the process of release… but in the end, that’s not really satisfying for anybody… Either the diorama maker who needs variants, the army make who’d require several types of a same “theme”, and the collector, who will anyway buy a figurine for his collection to keep it complete though he does not like it.Let’s look at the lossoth example : some people would gladly like a full range of lossoth, the same way some wanted a range of corsairs. It happens that the corsairs were soon to be released (which was unknown at the time of the vote) and so, it could have been a regular release. So people tend to suggest and vote for things they’d like to see released, no matter if it is special or not….
Maybe We should suggest to Mithril that future M series be announced quite some time before (providing TE accepts it) and that would help us choose wether or not to suggest something in the GF system…
Or maybe extend GF power to vote which future release we would like to see released, among a list of choices Mithril would give us. That would be a good idea.
I doubt there are any GW spies around here that would inform GW about what Mithril plans to do in order to counter Mithril and create problems with TE licensing… that would really be … childish and unproductive , as for sure all of you will agree.
Maybe this “vote” could only be accessed via the GF boards so that it is not public and require some seriousness as well as not to risk a leak towards GW.Dear Gildor,
I like the idea very much of GF-voting what the next “normal” M-release will be :rolleyes: . This idea should be presented Lars. This could help people (like you and sometimes myself
)not to be frustrated about how the GF works at the moment. Me too thinks, the GF would be better a place for characterfull suggestions, but all characters I suggested never ever got much support. So I was surprised, that people voted for Hillmen/Arnor knight scene and not for my beloved Earnur’s confrontation of the witch King or Rumil and Orophin.
I surely would like to see more regular M be produced, which would help Mithril getting more customers buying their figures- not many want to finish a complete Mithril collection and/or buy expensive (even rare) figures.Another solution: normal M- range contains more typical figures e.g. warriors or some civilians and the GF- thing is changed to coting for which character figure is produced for the M-range, like the Corsair admiral for the corsairs or Imrahil for the D.A. knights ( I don’t know if this would be a good idea).
Concerning GW spies: Me thinks, that the problem is solved by the fact that TE has to prove all the releases Mithril plans an so no more debate will be there
estelP.S.: Do not be frustrated abotu the newest future release, I think Chris will design a masterpiece of Rhudaur’s or Arnor’s last stand:)
March 5, 2008 at 10:35 am #1604I was waiting for someone to talk about the MW
and I had prepared an answer
the MW are prototypes and when Chris decided ‘on his own behalf’ to sell them, he chose an arbitrary price, but they had never been meant to be releases, these were test casting… A prototype always earn its rarity from the simple fact it is… a prototype…
Releasing officially a figurine with the desire to have only 30 of them… is completly different… Though in the end the rarity is the same for the collector, the cause of the rarity is totally different. For the MW, it could not be helped or foreseen as these were prototypes, as for MX, once the casting number has been decided, one can assume and perfectly know the average price/rarity this figurine could reach almost immediatly due to collectors craving for them. That’s what I call artificial.
In order to keep from this way of thinking, Chris Tubb decided to make a “buy it now” system with fixed price, in order to be fair towards everybody… I doubt this fairness could be shared in a bigger scale, when it comes to community projects. Some would want to have their investment back by doing auctions on ebay with scaling prices, one or two figurines at a time.. others would want to be fair and make a static price until there are no more to be sold…
But it is a community money that is shared… and what should we do then? Unless we, ourselves, fix rules we must all agree upon before launching a project, about how sharing the sponsoring, and sharing the benefits, and methods of saling would be done, once and for all…In my database I have separated the “rarity” and the “availability” these are two criteria which can be linked or not.
The “unfindable” rarity for a “prototype” availabilty, is justified. The “extremely rare” for a “discontinued” (such as M16) can be justified but I have never seen a single “discontinued” figurine (even the M16) reach an “unfindable” rarity.
I have put “availabilities” tagged for “Limited” “Promotional/Gift”, “Prototypes” and together with the rarity tag, it can explain the average price which in the end, can be acceptable. MW are prototypes, they are now unfindable, and the price for them… is no more what it used to be when Chris was selling them but has reached HIGHER prices due to people like Dominique Beuret…. (drizztdourden) . Same for the MX when they were sold out. but in term of availability, MX are to be considered “Limited”… the fact it is limited to 1000, 100, or 40… is not taken into account, it was officially released in limited quantity. Salute Event, LOTRO figurine, or early christmas figurines are “promotional” because though their quantity may be huge, they never were sold, officially (well until now… they are selling Salute 2007 it seems now)…. and the MW,MS423A Galadriel, ME2, 54mm Saruman, “Theobald’s Dwar” is “prototype” because they were never released eitheir sold, or used for promotional ends (except maybe the ME2 but it is not very clear)Also as a purist in collector, I dont like to “convert” minis they have to be original, so though ddaines project would be cool, it would not be original and not have the same value for me.
What surprises me the most is that I suggest the flight of Gandalf as a MS… but it seems some people here would like it done anyway, as a MX project shared between the members of the MMP … But well, some members of the MMP were against the flight of Ganfalf or it would have won this month’s vote, so how would they accept sharing the price of a MX they do not want?
and if they would still want it then why do a MX? we only need to resubmit it next open month vote and it may eventually win this time (if we consider that besides MMP, not a lot of people are voting, or have been voting , lately)
(not to mention that it would cost FAR MUCH less than doing a MX, to buy Mithril several GF account for a single person, to influencate the votes in his favor… which, I would not do so myself as I consider it unfair… but clearly less expensive after all, you don’t need to buy the requirements for this account , it would be erased in one year… but who cares? it would have served its purpose : adding voices for voting…)well I for one, would wait until next open month, resubmit my Gandalf with quite some details when i submit the idea… and wait to see how the vote ends up, THEN and only then would I decide or not about MX project…
March 5, 2008 at 10:50 am #1605as a side note, Estel : I for one, voted for your Earnur
(but I admit that people must have enough witch king’s’ for the time being in the mithril range… there are far too many. But the decision wasn’t ours to release a Witch King for LoTRO, for Salute Event AND for MS special “one year subscription” figurine…
March 5, 2008 at 12:02 pm #1606At the risk of being shouted down, this debate is becoming so wordy and long that it seems to me it would be better if it was transferred to one of the many other rooms Nob has prepared. Other customers can’t even get to the bar!
March 5, 2008 at 12:35 pm #1607I totally agree Master innkeeper
March 5, 2008 at 12:52 pm #1609Good man Master Barkeep. Let’s end this and wait for the next open month to vote.
Free scrumpy for all! He shout’s searching in his bag..(Hmm where is the rest of the dwarfen gold)March 5, 2008 at 12:56 pm #1610Ahemm, found the right size eagle and the fitting M to convert….
But now we really have to end this and wait until the oarsmen are ready:rolleyes:March 5, 2008 at 1:48 pm #1613Huoooommmm …. so do I … hom. This had to be said, Master Barliman … huommm …. and thanks for that drink … hom I really appreciated that as it doesn’t seem to be one of your habits to give a drink for free …. rhuoommmm …. so I’ll be back later as I first have to look at that side room …. hom
March 5, 2008 at 3:03 pm #1617Huoommmm … alas … Master Ddaines … I nearly forgot. Because of that Imrahil. No, there’ll be no risk being away the next two weeks … huommm … the master figure arrived at the factory yesterday … hom .. that means the mould-maker can start his work by now … rhuoomm.
I also read in that newsletter that the MX is thought of to be released in March … huoommm … I think not until the end of March, or even April …. huommmm … as we all know that sometimes there are certain delays in the Mithril production …homMarch 8, 2008 at 12:34 am #1647Huuoommmm …. what is this … ?
a tabroom …. alas … rhuoommm … nobody cares any more …. rhuoomm … all being absent in those many side rooms and it’s just me … rhuoommm .. being here awaiting that bowl of water the barkeep promised me for free … sic!
so meanwhile I’m considering if those half-rotten and worn warg-skin doormats should be placed elsewhere … rhuoommm … nope … leave it to the room and the barkeep … huoommm … I did care much about those filthy …March 8, 2008 at 6:36 am #1648There’s nowt wrong with the rugs, so you let them be. And of course you’re not here alone. The Ranger is still lurking in one of the corners somewhere. But if you need me just holler – I’m in and out these days, but I’m always in one room or another. It takes a lot of dashing about with trays, but I’m not getting any thinner. I think I must have put your bowl down in one of the parlours – I’ll go and look for it.
March 8, 2008 at 9:28 am #1649Huuoommmm …. stop, Master Barliman … don’t haste, please … rhuomm … of course I’m aware of the ranger … hom … but, well, to be honest, methinks that the matter of not becoming thinner might be caused by the fact that the ways you have to take cross the kitchen … huooom.
rhuooommm … in case you find that bowl somewhere, would you top it up, please? ….. huom.
But don’t haste … I’m patient and enjoying the silence in this taproom ….. rhuoommmmm.March 8, 2008 at 4:07 pm #1652Well I am off now for a couple of weeks, basking in the Sun (hopefully). Keep the home fires burning Barli, and a stool at the bar.
The Corsairs are painted and pictures sent, will they win? Who knows, but it’s been a damn fine incentive to paint them – the fastest I have ever painted a series; that normally takes about 10 – 15 years to do 😆
See y’all in a couple of weeks.
p.s. Thanks for the info regarding Imrahil Master Ent it comforts me to know, unless Mithril do the unexpected and release on schedule.
March 9, 2008 at 4:21 pm #1658Huoommmm …. enjoy those weeks off, Master Ddaines.
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