The White Rider

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  • #458

      I don’t think this scene needs much explaining, I have wanted to do it for so long, but minor problems kept delaying it.

      [imgz url=][/imgz]

      Gandalf the White is not quite as White as he could be courtesy of an ink wash, however it is done now :rolleyes:

      The stairway made for Entish legs was a bit awkward to fit in given my base restrictions but I think it turned out ok.

      [imgz url=][/imgz]

      Gandalf’s hat and grey cloak are scratch from Magic Sculpt, and I added the ‘tree’ more as a bit of artistic licence. Legolas needs a bow string added as well.

      [imgz url=][/imgz]

      I hope you enjoy – it’s good to be back now that we are reconnected to the internet :D, amazing how much you miss the bl**dy thing when you haven’t got it.



        I don’t think this scene needs much explaining, I have wanted to do it for so long, but minor problems kept delaying it.

        [imgz url=][/imgz]

        Gandalf the White is not quite as White as he could be courtesy of an ink wash, however it is done now :rolleyes:

        The stairway made for Entish legs was a bit awkward to fit in given my base restrictions but I think it turned out ok.

        [imgz url=][/imgz]

        Gandalf’s hat and grey cloak are scratch from Magic Sculpt, and I added the ‘tree’ more as a bit of artistic licence. Legolas needs a bow string added as well.

        [imgz url=][/imgz]

        I hope you enjoy – it’s good to be back now that we are reconnected to the internet :D, amazing how much you miss the bl**dy thing when you haven’t got it.



          This diorama shows again the high quality of Mr. David Daines!
          And this is the reason, why he was absence for four months, or were it five months . . . ;)
          The landscape is fantastic David, wow, and also a good choice who appeares in it . . .


            Many thanks I feel I have achieved something having finally ‘nailed’ this project after many moons ;)


              ….this is new one of your’s magnificent ideas…how to make greate diorama using greate figures Master David… I hope one day I will be able to make dioremas like you and Christoph… and my mithril “small” shelf will be replaced with big one :)..Right now I’m concentrate myself to fill in my collection and soon I will go back to my original hoby…making dioramas… anyway this is beautiful combination of mithril( Chris’s) art and David artistic expression :) :) :) :) :) :) compliments….again…and again…and again…


                Never thpught this scene could be done with mithrils miniatures. Great that is.

                As usual I shall say Master David, I’m astonished with such realistic environment (almost as perfect as Grand Ma’s garden !).

                I ‘m really found of you trees !

                Maybe a training for all off us could be planned?


                  …. I like David’s dioramas…. Milo…. take a look at other topics of David’s work…. !


                    Huoommm … there even are some pics which show a tree in his Prancing Pony diorama … huom … though I don’t know why …

                      Milo wrote:
                      Never thpught this scene could be done with mithrils miniatures. Great that is.

                      As usual I shall say Master David, I’m astonished with such realistic environment (almost as perfect as Grand Ma’s garden !).

                      I ‘m really found of you trees !

                      Maybe a training for all off us could be planned?

                      Thank you for your comments, in this case Milo the little tree is the ‘real-deal’, a twig picked up and used. The rocks are plaster casts. I do have a load of plastic trees from Woodland Scenics but haven’t used them yet, as well as some stuff called Sea-Foam, which can be used to make some nice trees along with wire and masonry (textured) paint. Again I haven’t tried this but hope to do so.

                      More on the way when I get a free moment ;)


                        That is just great David! Ever since I’ve been a member here, I’ve really enjoyed looking at your dioramas. They are all very well done…



                          OriginalAragorn wrote:
                          That is just great David! Ever since I’ve been a member here, I’ve really enjoyed looking at your dioramas. They are all very well done…



                          Thanks George, and congratulations on your news as posted in the Pony ;)



                            Excellent diorama! You seem to always out do yourself each time!:D

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