Halbarad II
Forum Replies Created
the riding lady whould make a fine Arwen
if you find a fitting, elegant horse.
The cat looks like a wizard/witch familiar from Ral Partha
I found this:
but do not know the manufacturer
If anyone is interested, there’s a mumak in France.
I also will join the folks here and have a drink!
Cheers!I don’t know if the subject is here mentioned or known already…
Today I got a M146 figure of the mounted Ringwraith.
– It is 2 seperate figures! Horse and Rider.My ones I have (and bought in the shops years ago,
when mithrils were still available in regular selling)
are single pieces, horse and rider cast as one figure.
As M146 is described here in the list.The shape of the separate miniatures are almost the same as the single piece,
save the horse has a sculpted saddle and blanket in addition
and the folds of the clothes of the rider are sligtly different.Does anybody knows about this or has a figure of the separate Nazgul too?
came back from Wilderland the other day.
Does anybody know the shot called “Brain” ?
A shot glass filled with
3 parts
clear yellowish apple schnapps
Put 2 parts Advocaat (egg nogg) or Irish cream liqueur into the apple schnapps
last one splash Grenadine syrup as ‘blood’looks scary but is very tasty!
Don’t drink it slowly, drink in one go!
Don’t let you be pulled down by this, dear Gildor!
Your site and research work here is still awesome !Lets watch if the price will really be paid, or the figure shows up again…!
In any case a nice christmas wonder for the company, no doubt about that !
I cannot believe it…… !
I’m just stumbling in also, out of the dark and cold night!”
Brrr! Snow is falling here again, winter isn’t over yet!
Can I have a mug of mulled wine, please? I’m freezing!first he/she has to find a buyer spending the money for such prices…
did you mention this crazy auctions? – unbelieveable
Barliman wrote:Postage is always the killer buying anything from the US these days – highest P&P costs on the planet! Also, the set is far from complete – about half the figures are missing:-Why do you write it is not complete?
Do you not see all pictures of this auction?
the box contains 29 minis (30 if you count the horse also)
and all figures are there. There are two layers of foam.…some sligthly bend spears, but looks fine to me,
I wonder.“nothing special? !!! “
Are you serious?
Sorry, but in my opinion that is quite unfair to say.
The horse is beautifully sculpted, and the rider fits perfectly in all the Rohan line.There is a good man in our rows waiting (and many others surely also, including me) over 2 years! for this release,
and then it is rated “nothing special” OMGIs that the result of the long waiting time?
how oddbut why has the Dunharrow deadman no shoes or boots?
All other clothes seem to be conserved, but no shoes…
Maybe it is a big undead Hobbit? 😆“For the world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air”
M16 for less than 5 GBP!!!!
OMG!Congrats to the buyer! 😆
lets hope the next mounted figure will not take over 2 years to be produced…
Hi folks
Sorry I didn’t follow the talking recently,
but I’d like to know if anybody knows something about Elfhelm mounted?
He won the voting in April 2015 !!!, but there is no trace of him, is there?
Many figures winning after him already are produced and for sale, so I just wonder about that… so finally Master Mithril Elrond has encountered PJ movie Fell beast/dragon thing.
cool Picture!