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Well- I had to noticed, that our dear Master Milo has got a Real Estate at the spanish coast at the Atlantic ocean: the Costa de la Luz.
[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/32__dsc4296.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/32__dsc4296.jpg[/imgz]
As mentioned somewhere else: I had the opportunity to visit Master Erchamion.
For holiday reasons I visited some places in Andalucia known for their magnificent moorish architecture.
(looking for some inspiration for further Harad-related dioramas . . . don´t tell my wife the real reason!)
Coincidental Master erchamion do live in one of those places: Granada! The most amazing town in the world! (as everybody will agree who visited Granada as well!)
So- we met the “better parts” of ours, exchange some presents and spent a very nice evening indeed in the shape of La Alhambra![imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/32_dscn1129.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/32_dscn1129.jpg[/imgz]
Well- I don´t know what ball that is under my shirt . . .
Anyway- I still wonder about this modern “thing” which is called “smartphone” which gives some funny translations of spanish sentences . . .[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/32_dscn1107_2.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/32_dscn1107_2.jpg[/imgz]
Master erchamion showed me some very well done painting examples of favourite mithril figures BUT also amazing historical figures in 25mm . . . WOW!
There was a magnet hidden in their bases which stops cruel accidents while transporting these treasures![imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/32_p1110030.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/32_p1110030.jpg[/imgz]
It was a real pleasure to met Master erchamion and his gentle familiy and we both are sure about the fact, that we will repeat this in the future . . .
That looks quiet ambitious! The shading is fine also the choice of colours. And the photographs as well! Very well done Master Artsignasi.
As a sidenote:
The last time I posted pictures inside this “section” I was been tought that this was the wrong way . . .
I recognized many times that fellows do post pictures here furtheron and I was a sort of “confused”everytime.
So it is Master Gildor´s turn to bring some clearness into this topic.Ahhhh- Master Artsignasi is around. First thank you for posing a picture here what not every member did- and second: Benvenuti a la casa!!
(this is italian. Therefore Girona is Catalan it must be: bienvenidos a casa!!!!! 😎 )The Irish don´t know what to do either.
They seem to be confused for themselfes. Maybe the reason is consuming the wrong whiskEy!FoI simply get a sharp knife and have no problems at all . . .
[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/32_nt_151001.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/32_nt_151001.jpg[/imgz]
A sharp look, Master Caster.
Investigated inside my mithril-folders I found following pictures:[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/32_m073_haradan_auf_kamel.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/32_m073_haradan_auf_kamel.jpg[/imgz]
Quiete obviously the “ebay-picture” in a much clearer look.
[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/32_m73_m82.jpeg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/32_m73_m82.jpeg[/imgz]
The bunch of figures of “Far Harad”. You see, that the shield is fixed at the figure, as it is on my edition of that M73. It is NOT separated.
[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/32_bild_8_camel.png]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/32_bild_8_camel.png[/imgz]
The last picture shows the old advertisment sheet from the irish company. Interesting to see, that the shield is missing!!!!!
It is also more than possible, that the source of the “ebay-picture” is that old advertisment photo . . . interesting that is.I can tell you, Master Caster.
The right picture is defenetly by Mr. Tubb himself because of its grey background and the lightning from the left side.
I can say that clearly because I collected once photographs from him because of exactly that reason.
A look inside my folder confirmes that.
The left one seems to be a ebay-picture. The little camera icon at the right bottom was used by that company some time ago . . .Ahhhhh
the right decision NOT to buy that figure!
(as a side note: not take part in that painting contest . . . )and why is the bow that thick?
@ Master mindx: I am not interesting in that particular design and therefore I don´t want that figure.
For my taste, the figure has got nothing particulary.
As far as the “new 3D-printer-thing is concerned I have to say, that my Easterling Champion, which is already ready for receiving some paint- is brilliant.
But as Master Thingol pointed out- no more special detail than the regular formed figures.My eys are even better, Master Tree- therefore I didn´t order that miniature at all.
(a simple number inside the depths of the mithril range)
Also the reason why I won´t take part into that painting competition.Well- I have a spare “Glorfindel and the Witch king” and maybe also “Bert the Troll”.
Take a further look if there were “orcish soldiers” too . . . which coud be . . .Well, still looking for my mojo, too.
This new figure certainly will NOT help to find it.
But: this Easterlibg Champion figure- which found its way to my workbench of a very gentle person will try its best . . .I would like to wish everybody here a peaceful New Year!
PM sent . . .
That seems to be a very good idea, Master E. Though there could be some special events waiting for you in 2017 . . . 😎
A Merry Christmas from me too. To everybody here.
May I provide a photograph from the last newsletter . . .
[imgz url=http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/32_b849f093-f9fa-445d-9dc3-95d442099f32.jpg]http://mmp.faerylands.eu/uploads/thumbs/32_b849f093-f9fa-445d-9dc3-95d442099f32.jpg[/imgz]
Can´t imagine, that a dagger can situate this way . . . but who cares. A nice figure anyway.
Well, first thank you for the compliment, Master Barliman.
I hadn´t the opportunity to carry bottles with me, because of that flying-thingy . . .
BUT: I can confirm the quality!!!!!!!! Very surely! -