Reply To: the new gallery module is in place!!

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Art Gallery of Mayor Samwise the new gallery module is in place!! Reply To: the new gallery module is in place!!

MMP Elder

    Well, that’s done now! the gallery is done, empty but coded.

    I will begin filling it with your pictures, (not all of them but those you think would be best for a “vitrine” of MMP for all people visiting our sites to SEE pictures but not wanting to parse a forum….

    I will most certainly post the uniques submitted by Theobald… Most dioramas created by ddaines, and other well nice painted figurines that you may want to display here…

    The gallery is not intended to replace the galleries of the reference database.. it is rather a “member gallery” like the ones hosted by Mithril official websites.

    If you want to have your own “gallery” please let me know and send me at least 6 pics of figurines you have painted yourself, in good quality at my email ( … I will then create your gallery, and put it in place. I won’t publish pictures unless you give me authorization for it indeed. (that’s why I already ask ddaines and Theobald, can I post your uniques theobald, and your dioramas ddaines? )

    As I repeat, the purpose of this gallery is to make people come visit our community with still another aspect…. we have the mithril sarch engine, we have the community mailboard, and now the gallery… maybe one day… I’ll manage to create the trading engine… but honestly I have no time nor idea for that at the moment… so I’ll rather focus on filling all the database with all references and pictures… that’s far much more important!