Reply To: A Wandering Elf in need *recruiting open*

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Prancing Pony A Wandering Elf in need *recruiting open* Reply To: A Wandering Elf in need *recruiting open*


    The list is from Nov 2005 by Axel Schudak … I just saved the hard-copy, so I’m reprinting:

    Adunaphel LR13
    Akhorahil LR14
    Allater LR4
    Amroth 208
    Anarion 274
    Anborn 383
    Aragorn 113,124,139,281,343,423,434,LR32,LT2,ME2,LO4
    Argeleb 354
    Arhendrhiril 64
    Arwen 139,343,LR40,CH1
    Artus CH 95
    Azog 164
    Balin 343,MS453
    Balrog 300
    Bard 132,235,CH96
    Barliman 387,LR31,CH99
    Beleg 221
    Beorn 85,86,233
    Beregond CH02
    Bergil 196
    Beruthiel MS438
    Bilbo 62,104,140,144,227,341,362,MS441,MS453,LR22,LO17
    Bill Ferny 118, LR33
    Bill the Pony 393,LR34
    Blancho 58b,353
    Boromir 128,283,434,LO9
    Brandir 243
    Brodda 241
    Burzash MX436
    Celeborn 137,211,399,LO28
    Celebrimbor 225
    Cirdan 273,MS440,LR8
    Cirion 258
    Dain 164,366
    Damrod 380
    Deagol 83
    Denethor 195
    Dernhelm -> Eowyn
    Dori 140
    Dwalin MS453
    Dwaw LR15
    Elendil 271,435
    Elladan LR38
    Elrohir 339,LR39
    Elrond 1,143,226,230,270,338,LR6,LR37,CH98,LO16
    Eomer 262,419,LO21
    Eorl 258
    Eowyn 279,316,LO19 (+CH)
    Erkenbrand LT7
    (?) Fangorn 185
    Faramir 200,377,LO26,CH04
    Fatty Bolger LR27
    Fatty Lumpkin LR29
    Fimbrethil 188
    Findulas 240
    Forlong the old 424
    Fram MX421
    Freddy Bolgar 351
    Frodo 113,123,287,327,332,373,374,375,376,LR23,LO2,LO30
    Gaffer LR27
    Galadriel 2,136,205,400,LR9,MA1,LO10
    Gallion 66
    Gamling LT5
    Gandalf 52,125,176,228,289,299,350,360,361,362,LR1,LT1,CH94,LO1,LO20
    * not complete: MS 290 not considered
    Ghan-Buri-Ghan 248
    Gil-Galad 269,435,LR10
    Gildor Inglorion 373,LR25,LO25

    hmmm … this is where I want to stop for today. Of course I can type the rest of the list … but Gildor, is it of any use for you? … you mind that it has not been updated since Nov. 05.
    I just want to let me know … of course I’m aware that this simply is a working sheet … somehow I don’t know how to help you withyour brilliant work for the new MMP … so tell me please, if I should type the rest of the alphabetical order from 05 … I’d like to help wherever I can …