Reply To: A Wandering Elf in need *recruiting open*
MMP › Mithril in Middle-Earth › The Prancing Pony › A Wandering Elf in need *recruiting open* › Reply To: A Wandering Elf in need *recruiting open*
Appendice 1 : Current Redundancy List :
Unless some major characters are to be released by Mithril, who have not yet been released at all so far, the list of names is not to be updated, only the occurences of these names. In case You notice some major character missing from this list, please add it at the very bottom of the list in bold. This list is not very up to date, so it will require modifications (I overlooked the MC-MCD references but could you please add them?) All modifications must be done in red..but as you can see it is quite well filled already.
Frodo&Sam : M113,M123,MB237,M287,M327,M332,MV373,MV374,MV375,MV376,M393,MB396,LR23,LO2,LO3,LO30, MC10, MC35, MCD2
Galadriel : M1,M136,M205,M400,M423b,LR9,LO10,MA1,Chr1992, MC10, MC16, MCD8
Elrond : M2,M143,M230,MB236,M270,M338,LR6,LR37,LO16,Chr1998, MC4, MCD1
The Witch King : M3,MB279,MS299,MS458,MS495,LR11,LO29,MSA1
Barrow Wight King (or lord) : M24,M255,M256,M257,MV376,LR30, MC28, MCD10
Theoden : M27,M260,MB279,MV361,MV419,LT6,LO22,Chr1997, MC22
Gandalf : M52,M125,M176,M228,MB236,MB237,M289,MS299,M350,MV360,MV361,MV362,LT1,LR1,LO1,LO20,Chr1994,MC2 , MC11, MCD1, MCD6
Tom Bombadil : M53,MS297,MV375,LR29,LO13
Goldberry : M54,M321,MV375,LR28,LO14, MC34
Barliman Butterbur (Innkeeper of Bree) : M55,M387,LR31,Chr1999
Marcho & Blanco : M58,M353
Smaug : M62,MB346,MB422
Thranduil : M63,M234,MB236,MS462, MC8, MCD5
Legolas : M64,M126,MB237,M282,LT3,LO4, MC14
Radagast : M84,LR3,Chr2003
Beorn : M85,M86,M233,MB236,MS455, MC7
Bilbo : M104,M140,M144,M227,MB236,M341,MV362,MS441,MS453,LR22,LO17, MC1, MC37, MCD3, MCD4
Aragorn (Strider) : M113,M124,M139,MB237,M281,MS298,M343,MS423,MS434,MS459,MS470,LT2,LR32,LO4,ME2,Chr1988, MC12, MCD7
Bill Ferny : M118,LR33
Gimli : M127,MB237,M282,LT4,LO5, MC14
Boromir : M128,MB237,M283,MS434,LO9, MC13, MCD7
Merry&Pippin : M129,M183,M184,M185,M196,MB237,MB279,M290,MV419,LR24,LO7,LO8, MC15, MC1, MCD2
Master of Esgaroth : M131
Bard Bowman : M132,M235,MB236,Chr1996, MC9, MCD5
Celeborn : M137,M211,M399,LO28
Saruman : M138,M175,MV360,LR2,LO11,LO20, MC17, MCD6, MCD9
Arwen : M139,MS298,M343,LR40,Chr1991
The Great Goblin : M141,M231,MB236, MC5, MCD11
Glorfindel : M142,MS495,LR36, MC6
Gollum : M144;M232,MB236,M383,MB396,LO17, MC1, MC40, MCD3
Nazgul (undefined ones) : M146,M147,M329,M349,MV374,LR20,LR35,LO12, MC25, MC26, MCD10
Thorin : M155,M229,MB236,M363,MS453, MC3, MC36, MCD3
Thrain : M156
Dain&Azog : M164,M366
Grima Wormtongue : M181,MV331,LO23, MC18, MCD9
Denethor : M195, MC20
Bergil : M196
Faramir : M200,M377,MS454,LO26,Chr2004, MC39
Ioreth : M202
Amroth : M208
Nimrodel : M209
Turin : M215,M220,M238,M244
Niennor/Niniel : M216,M245
Gwindor : M224,M240
Isildur :MS226,M272,MV359,LR7,LO18,Chr1989,Chr1993
Ghan-Buri-Ghan : M248
Eorl : MS258,MS460
Fram : MX421
Frumgar : MX456
Eomer : M262,MV419,MS470,LO21, MC23
Hama : M266, LT11
Gil-Galad : M269,MS435,LR10
Elendil : M271,MS435
Cirdan : M273,MS440,LR8
Eowyn : MB279,M316,MV420,MS454,LO19,Chr2000
Gwaihir : M301
Elrohir : M339,LR39
Farmer Maggot : M348,LR26
Fatty Bolger : M351,LR27
Lobelia&Lotho : M352
Balin : M364,MS453, MC38
Gloïn : M365,MS453
Gildor Inglorion : MV373,LR25,LO25
Imrahil : MV420,Chr2002
Bill the Poney : M393,LR34
Elladan : LR38
Treebeard: M185, MC19
Mouth of Sauron: M145, MC24
I think I’m done. Let me know if there are any errors.