(I know I don’t post a lot recently but I would like to relay some news that could be interesting to some of you)
As some of you know, an old and now-extinct trading collectible card games (CCG) was created by ICE yeeears ago to go along with the MERP expanded tolkien universe. I won’t go into details you can refer to this other thread to have more info on that : http://mmp.faerylands.eu/viewtopic.php?id=226
this CCG still has a strong community of fans who make it live with associations, communities and events and championships each year. Some die hard fans even created advanced and extended sets of rules and new cards, complete unofficial extension with rules and pictures, to play over “virtual and online” ccg engines (gccg)
Some very enthusiasts people, three years ago decided to make a project to make those “dreamcards” come true and physical, outside the virtual universe. thuse the first Dreamcards physical sets were born, entitled DC FF (Dream Cards First Folks), which includes two addon sets of cards , one on the thematics of Elven Lords as avatars, the other as Dwarven house lords (Seven houses of dwarves) Those cards were wonderful but edited in a limited quantity based on participation of interested people.
I got one of those sets they are beautiful and same quality as the original cards released by ICE.
Three years later, those same guys now release a new set of cards based on the “Necromancer” theme. which comprises more than 455 cards (one of each rare, three of each uncommon + lots of rares) for the price of 100€ (price submit to change depending on number of participants) they also offer to REPRINT the first dreamcards sets for those who missed it and would want to get it.
This project is not meant for commercial purpose it is made by fans for fans and the price is only there to cover editing and publishing costs. Re-sale is forbidden and they have no value except personal and collecting ones.
If some of you are interested I can forward you the official mail of participation to you so you can register to the guys who manage this project
If you want some more info you can always post here or write to me