Mithril Painter’s League 01

MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Art Gallery of Mayor Samwise Mithril Painter’s League 01

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  • #33169

      Well- I am planning to join this company. I still have a look around for the right figure.
      Maybe this could be the start for myself to give that painting-less time an enT . . .

      And yes: it is surely Master Angus painted this Dol Guldur illustration. I can confirm that!


        Please count me in with [mith]LT5[/mith] Gamling the Old.


          Great news, David, Turambar and Arthadan!! Glad to see you all joining.
          Orc — [mith]m84[/mith] Radagast conversion
          Milo — [mith]m91[/mith] Woodmen Elder
          Gerold — [mith]m27[/mith] Theoden, King of the Mark
          Maenas — [mith]m89[/mith] Beorning lord
          Ddaines — [mith]MB300[/mith] The Balrog of Moria
          Turambar —
          Arthadan — [mith]LT5[/mith] Gamling the Old

          Don’t forget to put a pic of the starting point! even if you are going to strip it.
          Because it’s just a way of proofing from where we all started and where we are all going. And its obviously another way of sharing ^^


            Ah- I finally found a miniature: it is Broggha [mith]Chr2009[/mith].
            Well- I hope I did not miss the main idea- not really a long beard, but I hope he will be allowed . . .
            This is he only figure in my attic which comes near . . .
            Otherwise you have to tell me . . .


              That one is just perfect Turambar ;) I haven’t got any one of those christmas, mainly because until someone over here alert me of them not being 54mm anymore I didn’t “care” about them at all so this will be a nice opportunity for me to see one of them a little more closely.

              1. Orc — [mith]m84[/mith] Radagast conversion
              2. Milo — [mith]m91[/mith] Woodmen Elder
              3. Gerold — [mith]m27[/mith] Theoden, King of the Mark
              4. Maenas — [mith]m89[/mith] Beorning lord
              5. Ddaines — [mith]MB300[/mith] The Balrog of Moria
              6. Turambar — [mith]CHR2009[/mith] Broggha Hillmen Chieftain
              7. Arthadan — [mith]LT5[/mith] Gamling the Old


                As for the Christmas figures, Maenas, there by now are 8 figures in 32mm size and I think all of them are excellent figures. I especially like those of the last 5 years. (Though none of those is “canonical” as some would say :lol:)
                As for this painting “competition” here, I think it’s a good idea and I’m always having a look at the development. I have to confess that I won’t take part in it as on the one hand I am lacking necessary painting-skills and on the other hand I cannot haste painting a figure in a fixed period of time.
                I hope that every participant is able to take pictures accordingly because that would be essential for judging upon the results.


                  here you are the current state of mine:



                    Your color scheme is promissing.

                    And you are ahead of me : [imgz url=][/imgz]


                      @Arthadan: are you going to strip and start over again or will you continue your work? those colours look nice ^^

                      : I am almost at same stage ;) I will try to advance on the mini this week.

                      : As a wise tree you already know that things took their time so, no worries, come and have a look, and if you sometime feel like you would like to participate don’t hesitate and do so, this is not strict in any manner, this is only to cheer up our community with some images of our beloved miniatures and to share a bit of our work with each other.


                        I will join: this is my current view.
                        I have stripped off the primer for the metal-effect which is already done . . .

                        [imgz url=][/imgz]


                          No, not stripping my miniature. I did that at the begining and the picture shows my current progress.

                          Very nice choice of miniatures all of them!


                            Here is my start position (well, I already painted the white of his eyes)

                            [imgz url=][/imgz]


                              I loose my miniature… can you help me to find my Radagast?????… not Brown yet!!!! :D:D:D

                              [imgz url=][/imgz]


                                Wow, your work-surface is infinitely tidier than mine! I’m impressed.


                                  I have made some work this weekend ;) hope you like it! I also tried a new technique that I learnt at Cmon and from some books that consists in priming the miniature and then giving it a lighter colour from the top with a spray or an airbrush. That way you can better see which areas would get more light, or use it as a reference for future work.

                                  [imgz url=][/imgz]

                                  And this is the work I had done this last weekend:
                                  [imgz url=][/imgz]


                                    Looks very good indeed to me.


                                      I agree with barliman. Very good work and lightening.
                                      About the beard, I wonder where it ends?


                                        Master Barliman….I never find place to put more things on my table..this is why I have two working tables :D:
                                        Great Master Maenas! Thanks you to sharing your techniques with us!!:D

                                        Here my progress:
                                        I want to give to Radagast cane the appearance of old branch.. .for other side I have doubts …sculpt or not a hood?

                                        [imgz url=][/imgz]
                                        [imgz url=][/imgz]


                                          Looking great the Beorning and Radagast conversion!

                                          Master Maenas, don’t forget to paint the inside of the bear skin in a light color! if you look at the edges of this bear skin
                                          you’ll see what I mean.

                                          Master Orc, I’d sand out the strip on Radagast back and fill with putty the vent to make it look more like a tunic and less like a raincoat.

                                          Also, I think a hood would be a good idea. Maybe it’s easier to sculpt a raised hood though. Here you are a reference pic.


                                            @Milo: It looks like it continues to the knee… xD

                                            @ Arthadan: Oh! I can see what you say ^^’ I wanted a rather greasy and used look and I forgot completely that the back sides of pelts are usually a clear colour… Maybe I rework it giving it a little more brightness…

                                            : I also think that a hood would be nice!! That background gives it a nice presence ;) I would say, at least from what I can see in the pic, that the upper part of the staff, does not follow the line of the rest of it… I mean, it looks vertical whereas the rest of the staff looks somewhat inclined to the left.
                                            If you decide to sculpt that hood, I would do what Arthadan says about the rear cape strap and filling the separation of it, on the contrary if you decide to not sculpt a hood I would rather let that strap were it is.

                                            @To all: feel free to comment! this is starting to move ;)

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                                          MMP Mithril in Middle-Earth The Art Gallery of Mayor Samwise Mithril Painter’s League 01