The Taproom
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- This topic has 6,719 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 8 months ago by Barliman.
February 26, 2008 at 10:09 am #1519
If you consider alignement the same way it is done in D&D… evil can be chaotic or lawful.. I doubt orcs or trolls who are chaotic , have a fancy for uniforms though they may respect it from the hierarchy… but as for humans, evil humans but who have been under strict hierarchy for decades if not centuries, I do think uniform does count. It is the case for Haradrim, it is the case for easterling, in their “own fashion” of endor-outlandish. As for men from Nurn and Gorgoroth, (even if they are not so numerous) , we could assume some of these people have an organisation….
Though it is true that Tolkien always depicted “evil” civilizations as brutish, unorganized, chaotic, and not very fashionable…(dunlendings for example, or even Brodda the Easterling’s Household during the first age)
When it comes to Mithril though, we clearly see , in the figurine range, that top hierarchy evil personnalities do wear splendid armor or uniform : Sauron himself, the nine nazgul (in the LR11-19 range), the witch-king special “One-year membership” MS, Gothmog, the Admiral of Umbar, angrenost guards (both in the Isengard range or in the unreleased MW347 range) and also in the “early range” of the army of the witch-king, with their triangular helms, actually I don’t know if these figurines have been mentionned before in this thread but there is an entire range of soldiers for the witch king army, but it is back to M40-M60 or so… even earlier maybe.Oh and by the way don’t forget to vote on the official mailboard, I hope the Gandalf will win… Though I should ask Michael (if it does) if the figurine could really be entitled ‘The Flight of Gandalf’… it is supposed de depict a scene and thus have a title instead of a mere “description” of gandalf riding gwaihir.
February 26, 2008 at 11:04 am #1520I’ve already voted for young Gandalf, Master Elf.
As for the very old Mithril guys, I’m afraid that the ‘Army of the Witchking’ figures are too far in the distant past to be a practical proposition for a present-day wargame army. They’re also Dol Guldur era rather than Minas Morgul era, which is what I’m looking for, and – to be honest – I’m not especially keen on them anyway (with all due apologies and vast amounts of respect to The Man).
February 26, 2008 at 8:57 pm #1524Huooommmm … I just heard a new rumour … hom … The new MX-metal-thing might see the light before those other knights that will follow….. huoomm … suchwise being the first one bearing that (admittedly somewhat torn) standard … hom … the shape of it is new among Mithril-standards having been released so far …. rhuoommmm …
Huommrhuoommm …. Master Barliman, is this tab of mine now being payed for by providing this rumour here first? ….February 26, 2008 at 9:32 pm #1527Good points on the uniforms…leaves me pondering. I think I need a refill….
February 29, 2008 at 5:25 pm #1544Huoommrhuoommm …. right, I recognize it … huomm … tabroohommm it’s called … it has become more and more difficult to find this place here among all those other rooms … huom … I mean difficult to step into the right door … hom … anyway …. huomm … I realize the Man in the Dark here, so I’m right at this place … So why I called in is about Master Caster’s idea of having oarsmen for a boat … huommm … or ship … or vessel …. I like it very much …. hom.
So let those of us who are interested in building a corsair vessel support him ….. huoom.
Oh by the by where’s Master Barliman? …. huomm … I do hope he’s well …. rhuoommm.February 29, 2008 at 5:44 pm #1545I’m here. I just haven’t got any news to report at the moment, so I thought I’d just sit easy for a while.
February 29, 2008 at 10:30 pm #1546If any of you has not yet voted for this month GF figurine, it’s time for it
currently it is a draw … and well, I’d really like to see a Gandalf on eagle back
March 1, 2008 at 9:08 am #1549Huuoommmm … I placed my vote days ago, Master Gildor …. rhuoomm.
Well, Master Barliman, as business isn’t brisk around here I suggest to take a walk to the Mathom House …. huoommm … I placed some new pics over there …. hom … for a while …
no time for a bowl of that clear clean water today …. I have to be busy …. rhuoommmmm.March 1, 2008 at 12:13 pm #1550Well I’ve been a bit busy trying to paint some Corsairs and get them finished before we go on holiday next weekend so I haven’t had too much time to stop by.
Well master Elf, you must be knuckle-biting by now with the way the race is going. It just goes to show however that no matter how the first round ends the second round can be a whole lot different.
Anyhow, good luck.
March 2, 2008 at 5:08 pm #1556huoommmrhuoommmmm …. I’m a bit undecided for some days …. keeps me thinking of the MX.
On the one hand this should be an MX (that means to be rare). So 100 castings will be sold by Mithril. …. huoommm … Master Edman suggested to cast 200 of them figures … rhuoomm ….
as I look at the members here I can count 20 … the Gold-Fellowship believes to be about 250 …
huoommm … on the other hand I would like to keep that MX as it is … rhuoomm … some kind of rarity …. please comment about this …. thank youMarch 2, 2008 at 5:24 pm #1557well breaking the rules of the MX and creating more than 100 of each would create an “antecedent”…
Actually, if I remember well, you are free to choose the amount of figurines released (but you have to pay for the additional cost)… You would certainly have the whole GF interested in this anyway BUT, if an MX becomes a MS (except that only one person chooses it, and pays for it) then there is a conflict with MX and MS…
maybe a good solution would be to cast two batches, depending on how fast the first batch runs out. And only break the mould after that. If 100 figurines are sold out in less than a week, then cast a second AND LAST batch and THEN destroy the mould once and for all. This would assure quite a rarity closely related to the demand. These items are to become rare yes, but even the 1988 or 1989 christmas figurines which are now unfindable and very expensive, were cast in more than 150 copies…. Releasing 150 (+ the regular 30 for yourself) instead of 100 would also be a solution, but maybe 200 is a bit too much in a single batch.March 2, 2008 at 5:24 pm #1558I suspect if you cast 100 figures and sell them for 32 euros, you will sell them out really quickly. Everyone wants a rarity, and the MX figures are usually awesome.
I suspect there are 250 members of the Gold Fellowship and most of them probably buy the figures. Eventually. Most don’t participate – its the same 20 or 30 people voting and suggesting. You’d probably shift more if the price point was lower. You’d also likely get more contributors to the forum and the voting if the price point is lower.
So if you made, say, 200 MX figures, then you can have a lower price point and more will sell. They just won’t sell as fast.
My brain’s a bit muddled this morning, but I suspect in the longer term, cheaper Fellowship/MX miniatures are the way to go. Make them double the price of their M equivalents.
But all this is purely academic unless Mithril finds a way of increasing its visibility and access to its products.
March 2, 2008 at 5:28 pm #1559if MX “project” prices would lower from 2560€ to half the price, that would become indeed far much more reasonnable… But Mithril has to be sure the figurines are selling…. Hopefully, unlike when the MX project was created, the community of collectors and people interested in mithril “rarities” has grown up (if we look at the number of GF members) so changing the quantities per batch may be a solution… that’s why my idea of 100+100 to check if it is selling… may be a good one and that will also serve as a “marketing analysis” for future MX, to create directly 200 figs, or keep on the 100 basis.
March 2, 2008 at 6:07 pm #1560huommm .. thank you … I would just like to give insight of sales strategy … of the old ‘Frumgar’ there still are some to be sold down under … we, the team, decided to have an extra-100 Frumgars casted for about 2,50 GBP/per figure … they didn’t sell in those numbers ….
That means there will not be 200 MX-Imrahils. But I know that those 100 will be sold out within a week, methinks. Sorry… I’ll be back later on …March 2, 2008 at 7:35 pm #1561Huuoommmm … back again … after having had supper … rhuoommmm …
I tend to accept Master Gildor’s thoughts about this matter … as they’re close to mine.
MX cannot become an MS … rhouuoommm … in terms of metal-things or castings … hom.
So there will be 100 Imrahils being sold by Mithril … once they’re casted.March 2, 2008 at 8:21 pm #1562Withour getting involved in all the convoluted maths (I have difficulty counting up the handful of coiny things in the till), that seems the simplest and most realistic solution to me.
March 3, 2008 at 5:38 am #1563Hello Master Ent,
Based upon the Frumgar experience, I would advise the 100 sold by Mithril plus the 30 to the sponsor(s). Although Gildor’s idea would be nice, I doubt Mithril would make a first batch, and then start a second one later, at the option of the sponsor. they want to know up front what the production total will be so that they can advise buyers of the availability of the piece.
Also, although there may be some 250 GF members (which I believe means there have been 250 total since the begining of the GF, and some have registered more than once, not that there are currently that many, even counting those who don’t vote or participate in the forums) there are still several dozens of Frumgars left to be sold out of 200 (not including the 30 numbered ones), and it has been well over a year since he was commissioned. This is even though Frumgar is being sold not just to GF members, but through an ebay store and is available to anyone worldwide!
In the case of an MX, of course, the sponsor can commission as many as they want, but I believe that it is rarity which makes an MX special.
March 3, 2008 at 9:04 am #1564To talk about something else…
Well it seems that my eagle idea is flying away… and my “concept” of what a vignette month should be, is not shared at all with all members. Indeed vignettes are expensive, but they are rare among the MS choices to be made.
I must admit I am a bit disapointed (though nothing is lost yet)
The first vignettes released early during the first GF months had the true spirit of a vignette (Sauron vs Elendil/Isildur , the death of Boromir, the death of Thorin) Even in the MV series, the Death of Theoden, the Coming of Prince Imrahil… or former ones… all of them were true vignettes, with personnalities inside them.
But it seems that some think vignettes as “multiple figurines” or just a fighting scene not depicting events. I always thought that Vignettes should be events put into shape to capture an instant. And usually, this instand must be a strong one to deserve a vignette of its own (rather than a diorama made by collectors amateurs or professionals) something that deserves more than simple assembling of figurines but rather a whole as a sculpture.I may be mistaken, but for those of us, if there are any, who love vignettes… they are too scarce , I think, to suggest a vignette which is just a juxtaposition of two or more single figurines, most of all, anonymous ones. Indeed, anybody has rights to submit mounted, single figurines too. But when it comes to suggesting vignettes I think it would be cool to have them, real vignettes with “names among them”
March 3, 2008 at 11:34 am #1565Gildor Inglorion wrote:To talk about something else…Well it seems that my eagle idea is flying away… and my “concept” of what a vignette month should be, is not shared at all with all members. Indeed vignettes are expensive, but they are rare among the MS choices to be made.
I must admit I am a bit disapointed (though nothing is lost yet)
The first vignettes released early during the first GF months had the true spirit of a vignette (Sauron vs Elendil/Isildur , the death of Boromir, the death of Thorin) Even in the MV series, the Death of Theoden, the Coming of Prince Imrahil… or former ones… all of them were true vignettes, with personnalities inside them.
But it seems that some think vignettes as “multiple figurines” or just a fighting scene not depicting events. I always thought that Vignettes should be events put into shape to capture an instant. And usually, this instand must be a strong one to deserve a vignette of its own (rather than a diorama made by collectors amateurs or professionals) something that deserves more than simple assembling of figurines but rather a whole as a sculpture.I may be mistaken, but for those of us, if there are any, who love vignettes… they are too scarce , I think, to suggest a vignette which is just a juxtaposition of two or more single figurines, most of all, anonymous ones. Indeed, anybody has rights to submit mounted, single figurines too. But when it comes to suggesting vignettes I think it would be cool to have them, real vignettes with “names among them”
Mae govannen mellon Gildor,
I think you are perfectly right: GF figures or vignettes
should be something very special, BUT also something one can pay- I like the Sauron vignette very much, but it was hard to pay such a high price for this:/. Me too does not like the idea of GF figures which could be easily “normal” M- figures. BUT: who decides about that? :rolleyes:
estelMarch 3, 2008 at 1:40 pm #1566I know my point of view cannot be shared by many alas. Maybe I’ll submit a MX one day… It happens that I have a budget allocated especially for Mithril still Sauron vignette was expensive far much thant anticipated (I don’t think any of us could know what price such a vignette could reach at the time of its vote… Since then people are -and this is very normal- quite afraid figurines may reach a big price…
Oh by the way I don’t always submit expensive ideasCirdan was my idea too and well, it was just a single figurine.
What saddens me the most is… vignette or single or any kind of GF release… is when the “theme” is not “special”. For example, the corsair Admiral, it is a cool figurine indeed, but it could have been casted along with the corsairs of Umbar regular M series… Now if you want the whole corsairs fleet, you have to be a member of the GF….. which is a bit odd. and though the corsair admiral is very well sculpted…. I admit I did not vote for it because I did not see its relevance among GF “specials”…. same for lossoth hunter, female ranger or troll drummeror trhanduil’s standard bearer…
but once again, everbody is free and the general vote proved me wrong on my “way of thinking” -
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